Trump legal going ons

elghund's Avatar
right that's what was said Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Anyone who sends money to any politician is one dumb fuck.

Anyone who sends money to any politician is one dumb fuck.

elg….. Originally Posted by elghund
Super Trump is not a politician

why they want to kill Super Trump
elghund's Avatar
Super Trump is not a politician

why they want to kill Super Trump Originally Posted by JONBALLS
You can grovel at the feet of your man crush all you want.

Anyone who worships a politician is a fool, as they work for us…they are not idols. They are employees.

You can grovel at the feet of your man crush all you want.

Anyone who worships a politician is a fool, as they work for us…they are not idols. They are employees.

elg….. Originally Posted by elghund
if you guys didn't have projection

there would be nothing at all

plus with a little help we are not in the same room

your side drives all of his first time donations

if your TDS cant handle it then

just leave him be

you'd prob be in a lot better shape and

not so emotional
plus your way too stupid to realize

the Marxists drive the support

all the underhanded shit you all are pulling

on that man is coming

all the normies way if you get your way

really has very little to do with Super Trump

the mans a vessel , thankfully a bullet taking kick

ass vessell
rooster's Avatar
Yer gaslighting...of fuggin hysterical

Not at all boring!

rinse repeat
I love how the only argument for Kamala the democrats have is their trump derangement syndrome still. All they remember is that he isn't nice to people, Blah blah blah.

Brasil your head is in the sand, And woody that's about as 3rd rate of an article. Anyone could list all the stupid stuff that Old Joe or Kamala has done for that matter for her whole life and come up with a nice rap sheet as well. And they've had their lives protected from media most o their life. Imagine if the whole world knew their whole life before politics like they do Trump.

How do you feel about your candidate being a whore that slept around until she finally made the connections she needed to. It's very well documented. Originally Posted by heavenlysparrow
Of all the dumb posts in Sandbox history, this surely is a strong competitor for the dumbest.

Trump is clearly not the victim of some madness of TDS. He is the author of the derangement. You think it is just the "Libs" that are "deranged?" The true conservatives also think Trump is deranged. Half of his cabinet members have declined to indorse him. Most of is former Chiefs of Staff and his National Security Advisors and his Chairmen of the Joint Chief of the Military have denounced him. Is there anyone more conservative or more hated by the "Libs" than Dick Cheney? Yet even he has said he should never be near the Oval Office again and has endorsed Harris.

Accusing Harris of being a "whore" is pretty deranged.

And referring to her blackness by the way.

Harris was born in Oakland in 1964 to a Jamaican father and an Indian mother. They were both accomplished academics, with Donald Harris, an economist, and Shyamala Gopalan, who died in 2009, a cancer researcher.

The Jamaican father by the way was the baby of another Indian and an Irish. Don't remember which was mom and which was dad. But as far as historical blackness goes. I don't think Indian counts as black. And that's the only dark skinned race in her blood line. Originally Posted by heavenlysparrow
Kamala's Jamaican father was black.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Kamala's Jamaican father was black. Originally Posted by brasil
and a slave owner of
Dick Cheney? The one that made millions while he was at Halliburton as CEO? Ya know, the kinda folks the Dems despise cause they don’t pay their fair share of taxes? Now that’s an individual you want on your side. He used his position to gain more power than any other VP in the history of our country and used it for his own personal gain. He’s just pissed off cause Trump destroyed his daughter’s political career (not that the dumb bitch needed any help, she did quite well destroying her political career all on her own. And her sister still isn’t speaking to her due to ole Liz throwing her under the bus for being gay to get the “straight” votes she needed to get elected her first run). She lost by how many points in Wyoming in her re-election? Over 50 I believe it was? She got lambasted cause Trump endorsed her opponent.

Not to mention Cheney is the one that pushed the narrative of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq…that were never found. Then once his military destroyed Iraq, he ensured Halliburton received all the big contracts to rebuild that country.

Dick Cheney is hardly a highly regarded endorsement…for any candidate. Republican or Democrat.
No wars under Super Trump

why they need him gone

noone was messin
rooster's Avatar
Please see post #667 above...

Brasil, your post proves my point, and your ability to change what I said, just like a good dem. thank you.

I never said Trump was a victim of anything.

I said TDS is what you all have and is your only argument against him over Kamala.

But, you twisted my words to make it sound like I said he's a victim, and then regurgitate some MSNBC info crap.

Good démocrate, you want a cookie, or more likely a handout.

Accusing Harris of being a "whore" is pretty deranged. Originally Posted by brasil

But it seems to be the way the Elephant in Chief and those whose follow, sweeping up his droppings, roll.