NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

In the year when he threw for 4770 yards, He threw 15 picks. Keep defending Schaub all you want, it makes you look silly!!!

At no time did I bring up Schaub to defend Foster!!! No fucking way would I ever and I mean EVER say Schaub was worth a fuck!!! You did. Dopey's career, 130 TD's 86 picks. Pathetic, just like your argument.
At least I don't need to call you Fucking Stupid. You did it yourself. LMAO

You consistently let your irrational hate of certain players, coaches and GM's get in the way of rational thought. Originally Posted by boardman
Boardman nailed it!

From Dopey Dudes totally irrational perspective, it's really cool to be a hater!
BigLouie's Avatar
From talk radio host and some tweets a few thoughts about training camp. Louis Nix might not be on the team much longer. Can't get on the field, something is constantly wrong. There is an undrafted free agent who is killing it, can't remember the name. Nix is a wasted draft pick. Typical Rick Smith of trading up to get someone who never makes the team.

Passing on Bortles, Bridgewater, Carr and JimmyG last year because Smith and BoB didn't think any were worth a draft pick. They could not have been more wrong. Meanwhile Hoyer and Mallett are both performing just as what they are, life-long slightly below average back-ups.

A street free-agent is our second best WR? Really?

While the Texans defense is starting to look great the offense looks as if the defense is going to be on the field a very long time.
BigLouie's Avatar
does anyone know of an app that we can use to private chat between all of us during a game this season instead of coming here and posting?
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 08-11-2015, 05:21 PM
Is everyone ready for the Justin James Watt show starting tonight on Hard Knocks?��
Is everyone ready for the Justin James Watt show starting tonight on Hard Knocks?�� Originally Posted by Satin
You going someplace to go watch it bro...?
If everybody in the Texans organization had the stones that B'OB has, we would be a great football team!!!

Why the fuck was nobody else working as hard as JJ watt was???
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 08-12-2015, 12:48 AM
Yea I knew Justin would dominate the show. The dude is a ratings beast!

I knew Garçon started that fight! Texans rallied and whipped some ass...

Ok, so I never knew Big Vince had those kind of hoop skills. The big fella was ruling the court! That dude could start for my Lakers! 🏀
BigLouie's Avatar
Great first show about the Texans. It's all about JJ and Hopkins. The QB play is still a worry.
B'OB is trying to make it seem as tho the 2 QB's can play and are good. He is trying to work his magic!! Hopefully it will.

Big Vince did look good after he heated up. He does have a lot of inside muscle. LOL.
Hard knocks was everything I hoped it would be. Yes it was a JJ show, and yes there is a compelling reason for that. It was also an O'Brian show as well, and I liked Vraibel as well.
That 1000 pound tire flipping was fucking awesome. What did he say 65 times??? WTMF?????
TheDon's Avatar
It wasn't just JJ though, I think he was only on there for a total of 11 minutes, that tire shit was crazy though, I just youtubed the tire flip from regular in shape guys, most can only do it once. Wonder if Cush gave him some of the juice.
junglemonkey's Avatar
Well after Hard Knocks, I know not to hire Fosters brother as a trainer. Lol.
Yeah no shit on Foster's brother. They were working with rubber bands and JJ is flipping tires!!!!

I am still pissed that Foster didn't get this issue taken care of in the off season, same fucking groin. He could have easily had the surgery in the off season and been 100% at the start of camp. Here we are in Houston fucking Texas with doctors out the ass that could have looked at babymakers groin and said you're fucked get this fixed. Babymaker was too busy fucking around dropping loads, and pulling rubber bands too go to the doctor??? Rick fucking Smith didn't think to send him to the doctor? Bullshit man!!!