NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

junglemonkey's Avatar
You know Matt Thomas from 790 jokes about never hearing Kal McNair speak. Kal McNair was shown at least 4 times and didn't say not one god damned word. I've never even seen his lips move since our existence in 2002. Either daddy told him to keep ears open and mouth shut while daddy runs the show or that guy is a mute. I guess we will find out when Bobby Mac steps down and Kal Mac takes over.
boardman's Avatar
Yeah no shit on Foster's brother. They were working with rubber bands and JJ is flipping tires!!!!

I am still pissed that Foster didn't get this issue taken care of in the off season, same fucking groin. He could have easily had the surgery in the off season and been 100% at the start of camp. Here we are in Houston fucking Texas with doctors out the ass that could have looked at babymakers groin and said you're fucked get this fixed. Babymaker was too busy fucking around dropping loads, and pulling rubber bands too go to the doctor??? Rick fucking Smith didn't think to send him to the doctor? Bullshit man!!! Originally Posted by Daddio

Yet you maintain he is a "great back". On one hand you tell us how great he is and how fucked the Texans are without him but on the other hand you tell us all the stupid shit he does. Remember the year he went vegetarian? You do remember that it was shit like that that kept him from being drafted at all? Yet your expectation is for him to carry the load season after season?

Do you understand the difference now between an UFA and great first round backs like say, Emmitt Smith or Walter Payton? Adrian Peterson, even after his legal problems, has the potential to go down in history as a great back. Dude came back a year after blowing out a knee to be MVP. That's why he was a first round pick and Foster was a UFA.

Years ago I played in a golf tournament, you know one of those where you get hooked up with some body supposedly important. My foursome(at Blackhorse) included a guy that scouted for the Cowboys. We got to talking about Emmitt. He said there are guys every season that rolls around who have Emmitt's talent. What set's the great players apart from the rest of the talent is the commitment to the game through training, fitness, nutrition and learning their position. That's called professionalism. Some guys get it, some think they get it and others won't ever get it. Jamarcus Russell is a prime example of someone with all the talent in the world and no sense of what professionalism means. Foster is somewhere in the middle and that's why he's nothing more than a journeyman back at this point. The league is full of journeyman backs.
BigLouie's Avatar
You don't know what you are talking about. Foster was not drafted out of college because he had a serious attitude issue. He freely admits his attitude was so bad he would not have drafted himself. It was never about talent. He is the second leading rusher in Tennessee history
I am season ticket holder and have two extra pair of tickets for game on August 15th to see these teams play for first pre-season game. This listing is for two tickets next to each other along with the parking pass. Text me if want as I am in Austin but will be in Houston the day before the game and we can complete transaction then in public area. You have up till 1pm to meet me near Galleria or can meet up at game to complete transaction. Thanks.
Yes I don't like Philosofosters attitude. He thinks he is smart guy. I think. He is a smart ass. Foster was the only proven threat the Texans had rolling into this season. They will miss him. You are fucking stupid if you can't see that. He was a lot more than a system back like you claim. Keep blowing your gas out of your ass or mouth it's hard to tell the difference what hole it's coming from. Name all these great backs that are better than Foster? Oh I already did that!! Foster also had a significant knee injury at Tennesee which kept him from being drafted. Keep typing, you look more and more like an idiot like your cornhole companion BT.
You are fucking stupid if you can't see that...Keep typing, you look more and more like an idiot like your cornhole companion BT. Originally Posted by Daddio
So ... anyone who disagrees with Dopey Dude Daddio's extreme hatred for all things connected (in any way) to the Houston Texans is either stupid and/or an Idiot.

Since football season has finally arrived, it will not be long before Dopey Dude Daddio will be out on his 13th floor ledge again!
I couldn't help but wonder if Dopey Dude was once again out on the 13th floor ledge last night, following the 49ers defensive goal line stand?

If so, it will be the first of many 2015, Dopey Dude trips out on the ledge!
BigLouie's Avatar
After last night I would go with Tom Savage. Neither Hoyer or Mallett did anything great Savage was just as good. As he is only one with long term upside go with him and not waste a year with Hoyer or Mallett. And don't get all excited about Texans performance. Remember that the 49ers lost about half their team during the off season. Let's see how they do against Denver
  • D.G.
  • 08-16-2015, 11:24 AM
How can you not score from the one on six straight tries .
jstone420's Avatar
Hoyer will be the starting QB Savage is still not ready
bigtime1's Avatar
How can you not score from the one on six straight tries . Originally Posted by D.G.
I know, the Texans sure have a lot of work to do against a good goal line defense.
boardman's Avatar
You don't know what you are talking about. Foster was not drafted out of college because he had a serious attitude issue. He freely admits his attitude was so bad he would not have drafted himself. It was never about talent. He is the second leading rusher in Tennessee history Originally Posted by BigLouie

And you don't read so well.
His attitude is exactly what I was talking about in that last post...and tigers don't change their stripes. It's part of what keeps him from being a great back. From going vegetarian for a while to insisting on using his unknown and inexperienced brother as a trainer to that whole selling stock in himself thing he did last year. Just like in college, Arian thincks he is smarter than the thousands that came before him and he's bound and determined to do things his way instead of the proven way. Great if it works, but...

For all his innovative training techniques Abdul Foster hasn't been able to keep his own damn brother from having soft tissue after soft tissue injury. Yet Arian continually credits him for his success. Looks to me like he has his priorities set to prop up his brother. In the long run that may be where the money will be at if he can be successful but that long term success is very much in question. If he can't get and stay healthy neither one of them will have anything to show for their "forward" thinking.

As for talent, I've said Foster has talent. Excellent vision, good cutting ability and good quickness and acceleration. Lots of backs have those abilities. Foster had the luxury of using his talent in a system that produced 1000 yard rushers out of many of those backs over the last 15 or so years including Justin fucking Forsett last year. Tebow! How many of you have Justin Forsett at the top of your FFL draft order this year?
You fucktards anointing Foster as a great back, go ahead and put your money where your mouth is if you think the system doesn't produce big rushers. Move Forsett higher in your draft over CJ Anderson. After gaining only 850 yards last year Anderson is #7 in draft value according to ESPN currently.
boardman's Avatar
How can you not score from the one on six straight tries . Originally Posted by D.G.
I know, the Texans sure have a lot of work to do against a good goal line defense. Originally Posted by bigtime1
I wouldn't read too much into that. It felt to me like they were experimenting with the play calling. Now if you want to say the O line was way less than dominant on the plays they did call I'd go along with that. They looked weak or confused, I'm not sure which. I'm guessing they learned what they needed to learn from those series and will work to correct it. That's what preseason is for.
boardman's Avatar
After last night I would go with Tom Savage. Neither Hoyer or Mallett did anything great Savage was just as good. As he is only one with long term upside go with him and not waste a year with Hoyer or Mallett. And don't get all excited about Texans performance. Remember that the 49ers lost about half their team during the off season. Let's see how they do against Denver Originally Posted by BigLouie
Mallett missed one pass???? 18 of 19 for 120 yard or something like that. Sure, he didn't throw a touchdown. They had plenty of opportunity for him to put one in the end zone. The PI call that got them three more tries was a really good pass that forced the DB to interfere because Mallett put the ball where no one but the receiver could have gotten to it. It would have been a TD without the PI.

I like Savage's pocket awareness and his quick release. I said that last year when he had to come in. There may come a point in the season when they go to him but he won't be the day one starter.
BigLouie's Avatar
Mallett missed one pass???? 18 of 19 for 120 yard or something like that. Sure, he didn't throw a touchdown. They had plenty of opportunity for him to put one in the end zone. The PI call that got them three more tries was a really good pass that forced the DB to interfere because Mallett put the ball where no one but the receiver could have gotten to it. It would have been a TD without the PI.

I like Savage's pocket awareness and his quick release. I said that last year when he had to come in. There may come a point in the season when they go to him but he won't be the day one starter. Originally Posted by boardman
I agree on Mallett but I just have a hunch that BoB is sold on Hoyer for some reason. He had one good pass that was more about the defense left one WR totally uncovered. The other passes did not look anything great but BoB seems to be ready to name him starter. I also thought Mallett look pretty good. And I agree about Savage. What I don't want to see is a year wasted on Hoyer and toward the end of the year Savage gets some starts and the team starts planning on Savage for the following year. Heck, go ahead and have him start now. Look at Titans and Jags They are going with their young guys right off the bat.

On Hoyer I think most of the league has him figured out. He may look ok in practice and in some preseason but he did the same with the Browns but then fell apart as the season went on. I think once the season starts the rest of the league will know how to handle Hoyer and it will be another year wasted as the teams figures out the QB position. That is what I am really worried about