Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

  • Tiny
  • 10-31-2019, 11:52 AM
. White House national security official testifying in impeachment inquiry to step down soon

Tim Morrison, the top Russia and Europe adviser on President Donald Trump's National Security Council, is expected to provide one of the most revelatory testimonies to date in the House Democrat led impeachment inquiry on Thursday, one day after it became clear he will soon be leaving his job. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Morrison's testimony could have been damning. Instead it was a positive for Trump. Morrison has no first hand knowledge of conversations between Ambassador Sondland and either President Trump or Ukrainian officials. He was just repeating to William Taylor what Sondland told him. And, regarding a quid pro quo for military aid, he said, "I hoped that Ambassador Sondland's strategy was exclusively his own and would not be considered by leaders in the Administration and Congress, who understood the strategic importance of Ukraine to our national security." In other words, he's saying this "drug deal", in the words of John Bolton, might have been cooked up by Sondland without involvement by the President.

If Sondland doesn't change his story and if nothing along the lines of tapes comes out, my guess is Republican Senators will have good justification for not voting for Trump's removal from office.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-31-2019, 12:07 PM
Morrison's testimony could have been damning. Instead it was a positive for Trump. Morrison has no first hand knowledge of conversations between Ambassador Sondland and either President Trump or Ukrainian officials. He was just repeating to William Taylor what Sondland told him. And, regarding a quid pro quo for military aid, he said, "I hoped that Ambassador Sondland's strategy was exclusively his own and would not be considered by leaders in the Administration and Congress, who understood the strategic importance of Ukraine to our national security." In other words, he's saying this "drug deal", in the words of John Bolton, might have been cooked up by Sondland without involvement by the President.

If Sondland doesn't change his story and if nothing along the lines of tapes comes out, my guess is Republican Senators will have good justification for not voting for Trump's removal from office. Originally Posted by Tiny
They are not voting for impeachment if he murders someone on Times Square. Trump could murder his whole family and The Republican Senators would not vote to impeach him...hell if he did that a few Democrats may vote to acquit!

Do you think Sondland cooked this up on his own? No Rudy, No Trump influence?

  • Tiny
  • 10-31-2019, 12:19 PM
They are not voting for impeachment if he murders someone on Times Square. Trump could murder his whole family and The Republican Senators would not vote to impeach him...hell if he did that a few Democrats may vote to acquit!

Do you think Sondland cooked this up on his own? No Rudy, No Trump influence? Originally Posted by WTF
Rudy's fingerprints are all over it. As to Trump's influence, see this, what Michael Cohen said:

It wouldn't be surprising if something like that happened. It also wouldn't be surprising if this were Giuliani's baby and Trump didn't have the good sense to abort it until the third trimester.
lustylad's Avatar
Do you think I can fly fast enough to get away?

Originally Posted by WTF
Smart money is on the oz monkeys.

matchingmole's Avatar
Whisky_1's Avatar
Would you care to cite Slick Willie, hildebeest's or Odumbo's service record. jackass.

Trump just took out ISIS's number one and number two and silenced the ISIS spokesman to boot! No one was fuckin' abandoned except when your mother left you in a dumpster back in the day.

BTW, jackass, Turkey is an ally as well.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Now you just being rude. I wish I had a dollar for every time someone allegedly killed this ISIS vampire. Yes, Turkey is a NATO member. However, Turkey is also an ally of convenience much like the Islamic Kingdom Saudi Arabia. Moreover, being a member of NATO or an partner to the US does not make these nations any less culpable for their crimes against humanity. Furthermore, there is a significant difference between being a mere draft dodger and a traitor but in 45's case you win on both counts. It's like watching the world burn while Putin's traitorous bitch teabags him on pay per view. As a 45 enabler this is your dumpster fire. Own it!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Now you just being rude. Yes, Turkey is a NATO member. However, Turkey is also an ally of convenience much like Islamic Kingdom Saudi Arabia. Moreover, being a member of NATO or an partner to the US does not make these nations any less culpable for their crimes against humanity. Furthermore, their is a significantly difference between being a mere draft dodger and a traitor but in 45's case you win on both counts. It's like watching the world burn while Putin's traitorous bitch teabags him on pay per view. As a 45 enabler this is your dumpster fire. Own it! Originally Posted by Whisky_1

You and your ilk would be Putin's traitorous bitches doing Putin's bidding. Turkey was a resolute ally during the Korean conflict fighting against communism. FYI, Trump was physically disqualified from the draft for medical cause while Slick Willie lied, lied, lied and lied his way out of the draft.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

FYI, Trump was physically disqualified from the draft for medical cause while Slick Willie lied, lied, lied and lied his way out of the draft.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
That is not totally true. Prior to 1968 Trump had a college deferment. In 1968 he received a "1Y" classification -- temporary medical deferment due to bone spurs in both heels. This changed in 1972 when the "1Y" draft status disappeared and Trump was reclassified "4F". At that point in time, the draft was basically dead with few getting drafted.

Trump's story is rather similar to mine. College deferment until 1968. Drafted in late 1968 though. I had bone spurs in both feet from the time I was a young teenager. I assume I still have them since they do not disappear over time. When inflamed, they are very painful, but such inflammations were rare and widely spaced between. There is speculation that Trump faked the seriousness of his "injury" and had a kind family doctor back him up. I won't go there.

I think both Clinton and Trump did everything within their means to avoid military service.
Jaxson66's Avatar

You and your ilk would be Putin's traitorous bitches doing Putin's bidding. Turkey was a resolute ally during the Korean conflict fighting against communism. FYI, Trump was physically disqualified from the draft for medical cause while Slick Willie lied, lied, lied and lied his way out of the draft.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And you and the sewer rats best realize it isn’t the Clintons, Obama or the Biden’s facing impeachment or indictments. It’s the fat lying bastards Abuse of Power and the sycophants aiding in the cover up. That whataboutism bullshit ain’t going to cut it.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Dunford on Vindman: 'A professional, competent, patriotic and loyal officer'

Gen. Joseph Dunford, the retired chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman is "a professional, competent, patriotic and loyal officer," as Vindman has faced intense scrutiny over his testimony in the House impeachment inquiry into President Trump.

General bone spurs couldn’t carry Vindmans jock strap. All roads lead to Putin with that fat lying bastard.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Morrison's testimony could have been damning. Instead it was a positive for Trump. Morrison has no first hand knowledge of conversations between Ambassador Sondland and either President Trump or Ukrainian officials. He was just repeating to William Taylor what Sondland told him. And, regarding a quid pro quo for military aid, he said, "I hoped that Ambassador Sondland's strategy was exclusively his own and would not be considered by leaders in the Administration and Congress, who understood the strategic importance of Ukraine to our national security." In other words, he's saying this "drug deal", in the words of John Bolton, might have been cooked up by Sondland without involvement by the President.

If Sondland doesn't change his story and if nothing along the lines of tapes comes out, my guess is Republican Senators will have good justification for not voting for Trump's removal from office. Originally Posted by Tiny
Isn’t it possible for the Committee to get the actual transcript of the call being stored in that super secret computer? I find it hard to believe the intelligence committee would be denied that evidence, everyone on the committee has security clearances and anyone keeping up with the scandal knows it’s there.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Isn’t it possible for the Committee to get the actual transcript of the call being stored in that super secret computer? I find it hard to believe the intelligence committee would be denied that evidence, everyone on the committee has security clearances and anyone keeping up with the scandal knows it’s there. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

the intelligence community doesn't conduct foreign policy. the President does. they have no reason to see it. as far as the committee they've seen it. this is gonna be hard for you to believe but not one person who heard the actual call, has contradicted anything in the transcript publicly released.

this is even harder for a dull bulb to understand but that means there was no abuse of power, no quid pro quo and nothing illegal.

but keep yer hopes up, right up to Trump being sworn in for a second term

Chung Tran's Avatar
Trump had a college deferment. In 1968 he received a "1Y" classification -- temporary medical deferment due to bone spurs in both heels. This changed in 1972 when the "1Y" draft status disappeared and Trump was reclassified "4F". Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
but Trump was a Patriot even then..

"I got Bone Spurs, that jingle jangle jingle,
as I go lying merrily along
and they sing, 'oh aint you glad you're single'?
and that song aint so very far from wrong
Ivana Trump? Ivana Belle?
though I may have done some foolin' this is why I never fell

(repeat chorus)

oh Marla Maples? you made a dent
though I've done some Moonlight walking this is why I up and went

(repeat chorus)

oh Miss Melania? my Foreign "Boo"
though we've done a heap of dreamin' this is why it won't come true
I B Hankering's Avatar
That is not totally true. Prior to 1968 Trump had a college deferment. In 1968 he received a "1Y" classification -- temporary medical deferment due to bone spurs in both heels. This changed in 1972 when the "1Y" draft status disappeared and Trump was reclassified "4F". At that point in time, the draft was basically dead with few getting drafted.

Trump's story is rather similar to mine. College deferment until 1968. Drafted in late 1968 though. I had bone spurs in both feet from the time I was a young teenager. I assume I still have them since they do not disappear over time. When inflamed, they are very painful, but such inflammations were rare and widely spaced between. There is speculation that Trump faked the seriousness of his "injury" and had a kind family doctor back him up. I won't go there.

I think both Clinton and Trump did everything within their means to avoid military service.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The part highlighted in bold-red is all that is relevant. It's a matter of public record that Slick Willie lyingly committed to enroll in ROTC to avoid the draft and then didn't.

And you and the sewer rats best realize it isn’t the Clintons, Obama or the Biden’s facing impeachment or indictments. It’s the fat lying bastards Abuse of Power and the sycophants aiding in the cover up. That whataboutism bullshit ain’t going to cut it. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You're no longer allowed to have different, pathetic standards for dim-retards that are inferior to those that you demand of Republicans. You will have your miserable nose rubbed in dim-retard shit every fucking time you hypocritically try set a standard for Republicans that your party of jackasses doesn't measure up to.

Dunford on Vindman: 'A professional, competent, patriotic and loyal officer'

Gen. Joseph Dunford, the retired chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman is "a professional, competent, patriotic and loyal officer," as Vindman has faced intense scrutiny over his testimony in the House impeachment inquiry into President Trump.

General bone spurs couldn’t carry Vindmans jock strap. All roads lead to Putin with that fat lying bastard.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Vindman is a Ukrainian immigration who has delusions of grandeur believing that a petty bureaucrat such as himself has some kind of right to make foreign policy for the United States. Vindman wasn't "elected" to do a damn thing. His job is to take orders or resign if he can't do that.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Judge chides DOJ for trying to block star Mueller witness testimony

James Burnham, arguing for the Justice Department, replied that the dispute between the House Judiciary Committee and McGahn should not be resolved through litigation. He argued that the Constitution and more than two centuries of interactions between the White House and Congress hadn’t required courts to weigh in. And Jackson shouldn’t now, he said.

“So the House can never go to court?” Jackson asked.

“As a general proposition, that’s correct,” replied Burnham, a former White House aide under McGahn who is now serving in a senior position in the Justice Department’s civil division.
Darren Samuelsohn