Dorthy_Monroe's last points issued: an objective assessment.

Do they know of your second career as Don Quixote? Originally Posted by TinMan
I would assume so.

So far, I've read only two cases of ladies' complaints against NYr: this one and THN's. If there are others, it would be nice to know specifics. Originally Posted by TinMan
Read the thread. He's not a popular guy. And much is known that may not be publicly discussed.

If not, then I think the calls for his head are premature. Originally Posted by TinMan
I disagree.

Wow you must be extremely bored to have dog in the fight and participate so much dont you? Originally Posted by VictoriaJolie
This logic is incorrect and foolish.

Made friends?That is an interesting statement for someone that has little to do in the industry but participate in it.. Originally Posted by VictoriaJolie
I do not participate NOW. I have in the past.

My friends aren't on this board or any actually i can discuss with them of my work and get their thoughs but none would be on the board to make a crusade of a mod it doesnt know or yet an industry too.You highly seem or pretend to know the ropes Originally Posted by VictoriaJolie
Your givens and assumptions are wrong.

You couldn't make a différence between un vin D'Alsace,un pouilly fume and un vin Sancerre Originally Posted by VictoriaJolie
Yes, I can.

I personally don't understand someone not in this business been entertained and draw drama on an escort site..Life sure must be misérable Originally Posted by VictoriaJolie
You needn't worry; my life is full and carefree.

As for the Nyr that couldn't respond..Well you may have all the time in your life to sip on a french white wine and draw drama..They are actually people that have a work Originally Posted by VictoriaJolie
I am retired from work period. I ate French food too.

There are too many to count,,,The whore mouthed off so much that even she couldn't keep a tally. If she had kept her mouth shut like MOST PROFESSIONAL WHORES, she would not be in this predicament. Originally Posted by TheCat'sMeow
Then NYr should have waited. He is impatient, stupid or both. Neither are good attributes for a "moderator".

Why the fuck does it matter if the mods are paid or not? Originally Posted by corona
All work rendered is paid for in one form or fashion. That is just the way of it.

davefree was intentionally ignored. He is tiresome and besides it's an alt handle.
corona's Avatar
All work rendered is paid for in one form or fashion. That is just the way of it. Originally Posted by armature
You keep mentioning that the mods are not paid here. How is that relevant to your assertion that NYr is a lousy mod?
You keep mentioning that the mods are not paid here. How is that relevant to your assertion that NYr is a lousy mod? Originally Posted by corona
OMG, go READ what I've posted, like a billion times! I've said, over and over I might add, that no labor is rendered for free. And where men "volunteer", where women, sex and legally fuzzy lines intersect, these men are suspect.

To wit:

It may not be a Great Matter or even a great matter to you. But I'd hazard to guess if, where ever the fuck it is you work, your manager or HR were partial to witch hunts, you'd think it a Great Matter. DM earns her living here. Many other women earn their livings here. Arbitrary, or arbitrary and viscous, management styles from a VOLUNTEER that EARNS NO CASH MONEY for participating can be devastating financially. The motives to serve confound me. The motives to serve and arbitrarily and viciously serve where women and sex are concerned do not confound. . Originally Posted by armature
Davefree, you are missing the point. The point is men that volunteer for a position of authority for no cash money do it for altruistic reasons or they do it for a different currency. I do not feel that NYr is altruistic. Rather I feel his currency thrives where women and sex intertwine, and it sickens me. There, I said it. But, really, I've been saying it all along. Originally Posted by armature
There are more, but I just searched on my handle and "sex".
corona's Avatar
OMG, go READ what I've posted, like a billion times! Originally Posted by armature
I know what you've said. I understand you believe it to be true, that doesn't mean it is.

What difference does it make what his motives are for being a mod? Are the female mods here on ECCIE just as suspect as the men, or do they get a pass because they have a vagina?

Also your assertions that 1. I'm meddling in Dorfy's business by posting here and 2. I'm not allowed to meddle because I'm a man are equally ridiculous.

Dorfy is banned. NYr is the only one who can reverse it, and it is doubtful he will. If he does or doesn't, I guarantee my posts play no role in his decision. Unless you have more instances of NYr being a shitty mod, this thread has run it's course.
I know what you've said. I understand you believe it to be true, that doesn't mean it is.

What difference does it make what his motives are for being a mod? Originally Posted by corona
ALL labor is compensated in one form or another. To deny that is ludicrous.

It is also no mean feat to postulate that men find their way to where women congregate. Think ladies' night.

It's also not even a step farther down the road to assume that men that volunteer for this work where sex, women, legality and vulnerability converge are suspect. Their motives are suspect. And when there is a long line of people bitching about one particular "volunteer", there is also reason to suspect they are cashing in their chips somewhere.

Some moderators are good guys. But they aren't altruistic. They are in the deal for easy access to women that are readily and sexually available.

Some moderators are not good guys. And they too aren't altruistic. Some bully women into deeply discounted or free sex. Some just bully women because they are too big of pussies to pull the trigger on coercion. News flash, some men don't like women. They want to fuck them, but they don't like them. Some men "like" but don't respect women. They want to fuck them, but they don't respect them. And some men neither like nor respect women. They want to fuck them, but they neither respect nor like women.

At the end of the long day that has been this thread, it is an easy assumption that men that do all this work for no cash money are getting paid in the currency of their choice.

Are the female mods here on ECCIE just as suspect as the men, or do they get a pass because they have a vagina? Originally Posted by corona
I would say no. Not that women are above bullying or abusing their power, but women are not so heavily motivated by sexual urges. That's not to say I do not think women don't bully other women, but the reasons are entirely different.

Also your assertions that 1. I'm meddling in Dorfy's business by posting here and 2. I'm not allowed to meddle because I'm a man are equally ridiculous. Originally Posted by corona
What I said is I do not care for men that meddle in women's business. I would also say that on the whole, men don't like men that meddle in women's business. That's why pimps are universally despised and are afforded no respect by anyone including men which are not in any way effected by pimps.

Dorfy is banned. NYr is the only one who can reverse it, and it is doubtful he will. Originally Posted by corona

If he does or doesn't, I guarantee my posts play no role in his decision. Unless you have more instances of NYr being a shitty mod, this thread has run it's course. Originally Posted by corona
This assumption is wrong. You are not privy to the goings ons and dealings of running the board. To think this much flack, especially when partnered with other people's encounters and opinions of NYr, is ineffective, you are mistaken. Name one company or organization that can afford to ignore this much dissension amongst the rank and file.
Boltfan's Avatar
Right there, that statement of Boltfan's is atypical when he gets asked specifics as to why he says what he says. When he has an agenda against someone, he throws out accusations, repeats hearsay and flat out makes stuff up saying it as fact to further it, but provides no links or any other concrete proof to what he is saying, looking for a reaction and for other people, who also do not need facts and get told what to think, to carry the torch for him so as to reinforce his opinion. When Boltfan throws out his opinions and states them as facts (usually they are accusations looking for a reaction and to further his agenda), a good word of advice is to ask him for the facts (links) that made him make that statement.

I will bet that unless a mod is in a member's pocket or one of the few providers who post frequently who is fucking him for free and he lets those particular people get away with blantant guideline violations or gets told privy info that is suppose to go on between mods, such as RTM notifications (something Boltfan is all too familiar with ), then a mod is not a real popular person amongst members of a whore board. Originally Posted by davidfree986
You know where to find them too, but choose to play dumb. Maybe it isn't play.
corona's Avatar
...Some moderators are good guys...
...Some moderators are not good guys... Originally Posted by armature
This I agree with. However you can't assume to know either of their motives for why they chose to be a moderator. Why mods moderate is off topic. Your assertion that NYr is a bad moderator therefore his motive must be nefarious is conjecture.

Not that women are above bullying or abusing their power, but women are not so heavily motivated by sexual urges. Originally Posted by armature
See, you are sexist. You assume all bad male moderators are so because they're male. Since you compared me to a pimp, do you believe any males posting in this thread that don't agree with you all exhibit pimp-like behavior?

...Name one company or organization that can afford to ignore this much dissension amongst the rank and file. Originally Posted by armature
A website that makes it's money on popups and banner ads; this isn't "corporate america".

Also, I certainly don't call one other Dallas mod and 2 mgmt type posters piping in this thread as "dissension among the rank and file." Again, more conjecture on your part. You're enraged, therefore all the other moderators must be.
TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
Then NYr should have waited. He is impatient, stupid or both. Neither are good attributes for a "moderator".. Originally Posted by armature
Wait for what?,,,If he saw an infraction or a disturbance, then he should act quickly.
You know where to find them too, but choose to play dumb. Maybe it isn't play. Originally Posted by Boltfan
its on purpose....he wants to seem like he doesn't have a dog in this fight....but we know him and his attitude.....he only whines when it affects him ....playing the victim.....
Wait for what?,,,If he saw an infraction or a disturbance, then he should act quickly. Originally Posted by TheCat'sMeow
I think your point could be illustrated better with a stupid meme....the ones you always post.........I know you hav a half million of them........scuze me my French toast is burning.......
Look, Corona, you are not stupid. It would benefit your understanding if you would accept that you joined in the conversion emotionally and passionately. You painted yourself into a corner when you allowed your distaste for DM to mar your view of an otherwise logical conversation. Even so I find you emotional, I will try to not allow my distaste for you to skew my response to you since it seems we are making progress. So, with those parameters in mind, I'll continue.

This I agree with. However you can't assume to know either of their motives for why they chose to be a moderator. Originally Posted by corona
I am a student of human nature. I am going to also assume you are too. I can easily postulate why moderators moderate. Men with busy careers don't "volunteer" for extra work on a very busy, politically, emotionally and financially charged board for free. At they very least they do it for easy access to readily and sexually available women. At the other end of the spectrum there are predators. There's been more than one moderator that has been shit canned for being snipping little shits as well as predators and everything in between. You know it, and I know it.

Why mods moderate is off topic. Your assertion that NYr is a bad moderator therefore his motive must be nefarious is conjecture. Originally Posted by corona
No, it is not. It is absolutely germane to the discussion. Motive goes to action. Again you know it, and I know it. We all know it.

See, you are sexist. You assume all bad male moderators are so because they're male. Since you compared me to a pimp, do you believe any males posting in this thread that don't agree with you all exhibit pimp-like behavior? Originally Posted by corona
You are willingly making false assumption because of your zeal and absolute desire for me to be wrong. You jumped in the thread; assumed we were trying to get DM unbanned; and made statements that backed you into a corner thus making your argumentative. It's human nature. All that said, I am not sexist. I was clear that I said that women are more than capable of bullying and being abusive. I said their reasons are different than men's reasons. I in no way implied that women were better or above being nefarious.

I did not compare you to a pimp. I said pimps are universally despised for being meddling in women's business. It makes them a low life in everyone's eyes - including other men who are not subject to pimp's/s' influences.

A website that makes it's money on popups and banner ads; this isn't "corporate america". Originally Posted by corona
I never said it was mainstream corporate America. It is however a going concern. I do not allow daylight between me and my money. I'm more than quite sure a pornographer is even more diligent.

Also, I certainly don't call one other Dallas mod and 2 mgmt type posters piping in this thread as "dissension among the rank and file." Originally Posted by corona
You do not see what you do not see. Literally and figuratively. Do not allow your dislike of me and your pride to make a fool of yourself.

Again, more conjecture on your part. You're enraged, therefore all the other moderators must be. Originally Posted by corona
I am utterly dispassionate on the subject. Do not think crazy making will work on me. I'm not subject to you in any way. I do not think all moderators are bad. I think all the moderators on here have non-altruistic motives. That is literally all I've said.

I can keep at this all day, or you know, as time permits. I already have you doubleing back on yourself; making wild claims; and talking about rage. Imagine what I can do if I try.

Wait for what?,,,If he saw an infraction or a disturbance, then he should act quickly. Originally Posted by TheCat'sMeow
Cuban is not a racial slur nor is it abusive.
corona's Avatar
...You painted yourself into a corner when you allowed your distaste for DM to mar your view of an otherwise logical conversation... Originally Posted by armature
More conjecture on your part.
I actually like DM. I liked her showcase, and her posts. She stands up for herself and doesn't back down. She also had a habit of pushing the envelope though, and it caught up to her. I think had it not been NYr with the latest points, it would've been another and quite soon.

I can easily postulate why moderators moderate...
...It is absolutely germane to the discussion. Motive goes to action. Originally Posted by armature
Postulate assumes you're correct.
Conjecture is an unproven theorem.

Your conjecture about why mods moderate is irrelevant. The topic "is NYr a bad mod" has nothing to do with why mods elect to moderate. You're making some sweeping generalizations about all moderators here on ECCIE.

You do not see what you do not see. Originally Posted by armature
Well. No shit. My only exposure to this issue is what is posted in this thread. I've stated repeatedly I'm not affiliated with the moderation or operation of this website. Any mgmt review of any mod actions are by design above our level. We'll never know the outcome.

...blah blah blah... Originally Posted by armature
More conjecture on your part.
I actually like DM. I liked her showcase, and her posts. Originally Posted by corona

If she doesn't like it, I bet there are plenty of other places where she can be a keyboard warrior slingin' her pussy. Originally Posted by corona
...sounds remarkably like you don't care for her. It's a slip, but I've come to the root of your attitude and why this Crusade is so important to you...

...I'd bet my modest hobby budget... Originally Posted by corona
You don't have much money. You resent the money the women make off of guys like you with "modest" hobby budgets. And, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you don't care for sexually liberated, financially independent women that...

...stands up for herself and doesn't back down. She also had a habit of pushing the envelope though... Originally Posted by corona
...despite what you say I think you've got a little anger built up for ole DM and her money making pussy.

I think had it not been NYr with the latest points, it would've been another and quite soon. Originally Posted by corona
A) NYr isn't supposed to talk about board business let alone brag about his conquests.

B) We've been saying all along all he had to do was wait a minute. So no news here. It's not even news that you're doubling back. Sad part is you're doubling back on what I've already said.

Postulate assumes you're correct. Originally Posted by corona
I am. Motive is one of the criterion for conviction. Opportunity and means are the other two. He had both.

Conjecture is an unproven theorem. Originally Posted by corona
This isn't 9th grade Geometry class. This is real world fucks for bucks which is people's livelihoods.

Your conjecture about why mods moderate is irrelevant. The topic "is NYr a bad mod" has nothing to do with why mods elect to moderate. Originally Posted by corona
I'm going to stop responding to you on this. It has everything to do with it and you know it. You're just being emotional and argumentative. I don't have time for that. I have carefree shit to do.

You're making some sweeping generalizations about all moderators here on ECCIE. Originally Posted by corona
For the last time, NONE of them do it for nothing. NO ONE does labor for nothing. NO ONE.

Well. No shit. My only exposure to this issue is what is posted in this thread. Originally Posted by corona
And you've been told repeatedly, by many people, that you are not seeing the whole picture. Pride is fucking with you.

I've stated repeatedly I'm not affiliated with the moderation or operation of this website. Any mgmt review of any mod actions are by design above our level. We'll never know the outcome. Originally Posted by corona
You're wrong.

Thanks for the bla, bla, bla quote thingie. I like knowing I'm getting to someone. It's my shit.
corona's Avatar
...sounds remarkably like you don't care for her. It's a slip, but I've come to the root of your attitude and why this Crusade is so important to you...

You don't have much money. You resent the money the women make off of guys like you with "modest" hobby budgets. And, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you don't care for sexually liberated, financially independent women that...

...despite what you say I think you've got a little anger built up for ole DM and her money making pussy. Originally Posted by armature
Hahahaha, you're way out on a limb now. I love the women of this site! I have plenty of money, no need to worry your retired little hooker head about. I have zero debt, own a home, and 4 vehicles. My hobby budget is modest because that's how I chose to prioritize it.

I'm all for personal responsibility. If you say it - own it - and the consequences. Dorfy had ~23 points before NYr gave her the latest. Anyone who uses this site solely for their income and then repeatedly breaks guidelines enough to earn a ban, and then complains about it is a moron.

...Motive is one of the criterion for conviction. Opportunity and means are the other two. He had both. Originally Posted by armature
this isn't a court either've been told repeatedly, by many people, that you are not seeing the whole picture. Pride is fucking with you. Originally Posted by armature
actually, just by you.

I like knowing I'm getting to someone. Originally Posted by armature
Trust me, you aren't
Hahahaha, you're way out on a limb now. I love the women of this site! I have plenty of money, no need to worry your retired little hooker head about. I have zero debt, own a home, and 4 vehicles. My hobby budget is modest because that's how I chose to prioritize it. Originally Posted by corona
I just killed a baby angle in heaven. Thank you. Thank you so much. And...I think your idea of plenty of money and my idea of plenty of money are two very different things. Let's go for two dead baby angles.

I'm all for personal responsibility. If you say it - own it - and the consequences. Dorfy had ~23 points before NYr gave her the latest. Anyone who uses this site solely for their income and then repeatedly breaks guidelines enough to earn a ban, and then complains about it is a moron. Originally Posted by corona
No man, your lying to yourself. Bad bitch better sling that pussy and warier got what she deserved is what you said. It's what we heard too.

Trust me, you aren't Originally Posted by corona
Trust me. I know when I have a live one. I've got shit to do now so later chulito, later. Show me how much you don't care. Or better yet, tell me/us again how rich you are again.

this isn't a court either Originally Posted by corona
No this is just a place where women come to sling pussy, your words not mine. And it's just a place where little men like NYr can affect that pussy slinging, your words not mine. And then there's men like you. Men that come here for the pussy, your word, to be sure. But you know, men that come here to talk shit about women too - those are my words. Wanna be a good guy? Lurk and spend your modest pussy budget. Otherwise...

So, that NYr. Where are we on THAT discussion? All his keyboard warriors seem to just proved YM's thesis that the points weren't legit.