TRUMP 2020 U.S.A.

No need to apoligize! I wouldnt accept it!

Then why did you whine in the first place?

Wrong about the left wanting to defund the police. Some people have spoken of that but I would not say the " left" supports it. Biden doesn't and he represent the mainstream liberal element.

Just that your gang of knuckleheads elected Chump for two reasons: end of choice for women, and his pro Israel stance. ( The Holy Rollers are anxious for the end of the world. I am too if it means getting Chump removed)

You might want to look at your hero's stance on abortion before 2016. Also look at his stance on sex with underage girls too, although in you eyes that give him more "cred".

BTW, have you noticed that the whole goddam US Army is against Chump? Pretty soon the whole US military will be calling for his head.

And there you will be along with your pitiful group of fanatics cheering for Chum while great clouds of blue green smog choke you to death. You will still be railing against those goddam tree huggers until your last wheezing bloody breath.
Turnaround is not a word I would use with Trump. I don't think he sees a need to turn things around. What I think is going to happen is external forces will do it for him. The Dems are going to shoot themselves in the foot again. For example - take defunding the police - the radical left of the Democratic party wants in done however, the moderates do not. They want other police reforms. Biden is stuck in a balancing act. The optics alone of defunding the police sends a message that creates a great deal of nervousness to middle America. The Trump campaign is going to use this till election day. Trump is going to restart his rallies in 2 weeks and you will see a great deal of focus on this issue. And when Biden has to start talking about it - he's going to fumble the ball. And team Trump is going to take it and run it into the end zone.

Biden faces balancing act as activists call to 'defund the police'

Biden came out today stating he does not support defunding the police. So Trump gains no ground on this issue.

Trump's approval rating is now -13.6%. 41.1% approve, 54.7% disapprove. Down 3.3% IN ONE WEEK!! Biden's approval rating is above 50%, a level Hillary Clinton never reached.

Trump got almost 63 million votes in 2016. I'm sure he will hit that total in 2020. Unfortunately, I expect turnout in 2020 to be at a much higher percentage than 2016. Clinton won the popular vote by 2% in 2016. Biden leads by 6-7% right now. Whether that translates in an electoral vote victory is to be determined. Trump is not in position to pick up any states Clinton won in 2016. Michigan looks good for a Biden victory. The way Trump is pissing off senior voters, Florida might fall to Biden. Election over.

I'm interested as to your opinion on what Trump can do to turn things around. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Turnaround is not a word I would use with Trump. I don't think he sees a need to turn things around. What I think is going to happen is external forces will do it for him. The Dems are going to shoot themselves in the foot again. For example - take defunding the police - the radical left of the Democratic party wants in done however, the moderates do not. They want other police reforms. Biden is stuck in a balancing act. The optics alone of defunding the police sends a message that creates a great deal of nervousness to middle America. The Trump campaign is going to use this till election day. Trump is going to restart his rallies in 2 weeks and you will see a great deal of focus on this issue. And when Biden has to start talking about it - he's going to fumble the ball. And team Trump is going to take it and run it into the end zone.

Biden faces balancing act as activists call to 'defund the police' Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
So that's where you are pinning your hopes? On a single issue of defunding the police. That's weak! Especially since Biden is on record that he does not support defunding the police.

Trump's approval rating is now -13.8%, 41.0%, according to FiveThirtyEight. Another drop since yesterday.

Trump supporters attend Trump rallies. You can count on one hand the number of uncommitted voters attending his rallies. He will stand in front of about 20,000 rabid fans and lie and misstate the truth, call Biden "Sleepy Joe" and the crowd will love it.

And once the fact checkers start checking his statements and point out his mis-statements, Trump's approval rating will continue to fall. The voting populace have caught on to his act and are tired of it.

The shame of it all is that if Trump had just done his job as POTUS and not found it necessary to use twitter as he does, not ridiculed his opponents, not lied or misstated the truth, taken blame when it was right to take blame, and just act PRESIDENTIAL, he would probably be in solid shape for reelection.
Oh no. I'm still going with the economy. It's going to come back. Stock market is really rallying now. And I think Trump will be able to lead us out of this mess.

It's just that the optics of Biden on police reform when he has a history of supporting punitive criminal justice bills is going to be horrible. They are already showing the tapes of him making speeches on this back in 1994. It's really bad. Anyway, Biden is a very poor messanger when it comes to police reform. So that is going to be a plus for Trump.

I think more people want stability then police reform and that's the message Trump will put forth. He will focus on jobs and he'll keep saying Law and Order from now on. He'll highlight that the cities that were a failure on crimainal reform where run by Democratic leaders. Specifically, Minneapolis. And now that they will be defunding the police department, people will no longer be safe in cities such as that. Business have already left and will not be returning.
Unemployment in that city is about to go up.
People tend to support those that will keep them safe and employed. They are the ones who never say anything - just go to work,come home and take care of their kids and family.
The silent majority.

Is it going to be a winning stratagy - we'll see. It will be interesting to see the next approval numbers come out.

And,of course, who knows what will happen with the coronavirus.

So that's where you are pinning your hopes? On a single issue of defunding the police. That's weak! Especially since Biden is on record that he does not support defunding the police.

Trump's approval rating is now -13.8%, 41.0%, according to FiveThirtyEight. Another drop since yesterday.

Trump supporters attend Trump rallies. You can count on one hand the number of uncommitted voters attending his rallies. He will stand in front of about 20,000 rabid fans and lie and misstate the truth, call Biden "Sleepy Joe" and the crowd will love it.

And once the fact checkers start checking his statements and point out his mis-statements, Trump's approval rating will continue to fall. The voting populace have caught on to his act and are tired of it.

The shame of it all is that if Trump had just done his job as POTUS and not found it necessary to use twitter as he does, not ridiculed his opponents, not lied or misstated the truth, taken blame when it was right to take blame, and just act PRESIDENTIAL, he would probably be in solid shape for reelection. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Have you seen the latest thing that Chump posted on Twitter?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Oh no. I'm still going with the economy. It's going to come back. Stock market is really rallying now. And I think Trump will be able to lead us out of this mess.

It's just that the optics of Biden on police reform when he has a history of supporting punitive criminal justice bills is going to be horrible. They are already showing the tapes of him making speeches on this back in 1994. It's really bad. Anyway, Biden is a very poor messanger when it comes to police reform. So that is going to be a plus for Trump.

I think more people want stability then police reform and that's the message Trump will put forth. He will focus on jobs and he'll keep saying Law and Order from now on. He'll highlight that the cities that were a failure on crimainal reform where run by Democratic leaders. Specifically, Minneapolis. And now that they will be defunding the police department, people will no longer be safe in cities such as that. Business have already left and will not be returning.
Unemployment in that city is about to go up.
People tend to support those that will keep them safe and employed. They are the ones who never say anything - just go to work,come home and take care of their kids and family.
The silent majority.

Is it going to be a winning stratagy - we'll see. It will be interesting to see the next approval numbers come out.

And,of course, who knows what will happen with the coronavirus. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
And I continue to point out the economy was going gang-busters in November 2018 when Republicans lost 40 House seats and 7 governor's seats. The economy? Wait until the end of July when the 2nd quarter GDP is announced. Wait until next month to see if the unemployment rate has decreased to any great extent.

Trump's recent clearing of Lafayette Park using smoke cannisters and pepper balls for a photo op did more to hurt his approval rating than possibly anything else in his years in office. His support among African Americans, which had increased somewhat, will fall through the floor in my opinion. Lack of AA turnout in 2016 helped Trump to victory. Watch out in 2020!

Defunding a police force is much different than dismantling a police force.

"Dismantling implies abolition of the current structure. Defunding refers to shaving the budget.

Behind both is the idea of shifting resources from a paramilitary police force to education and social services with the aim of reducing socioeconomic disparities."

In Minneapolis:

"The Council must follow the City Charter which requires the funding of “a police force of at least 0.0017 employees per resident, and provide for those employees’ compensation, for which purpose it may tax the taxable property in the City up to 0.3 percent of its value annually.”"

So the police force will remain fairly much intact. You are making a bigger deal out of this than it is. Or will be.
Sorry to disappoint you Chump supporters, but read this if you dare. You probably won't understand with your barely fourth grade reading skills

But here goes.
And again, way over the Chumpsters heads, but nonetheless true.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
And again, way over the Chumpsters heads, but nonetheless true. Originally Posted by stikiwikit
I have to disagree to some extent. The moment Trump was elected the stock market started soaring. Why? Companies, primaily large companies, knew Trump would put business profits over every other issue. Forget health care. Forget race relations. Forget fair immigration laws. Forget the environment. Trump got a tax law passed that gave a ton of money to corporations and they gave little back. And added a trillion dollars to the deficit. He used executive orders to remove environmental laws that negatively impacted business.

I have no proof but I wouldn't be surprised if Trump was totally against shutting down the country just to save lives but was talked out of it by others.

The economy will recover, whether Trump or Biden wins in November.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The latest Gallup poll on Trump's approval rating is out. I assume everyone remembers the last Gallup poll in early May had Trump with a positive approval rating. 49%- 48%. Trump certainly let everyone know about it.

The new poll has Trump at 39% approval rate, a monumental drop of 10 points in a single month!!!

As if that is not bad enough, his approval rate on the economy has gone from 63% approval in January to a current 48% approval. Lowest since November 2017!!!
Yes, he has some challenges ahead. I still think it will all come down to the economy. In a recent CNN poll the numbers mirror what you have except when it comes to the economy - Trump leads 51% to Bidens 46%. As the months go by and the economy gets healthier, those numbers will improve. Also, once Biden comes out of his basement and well, you know the rest...

Unless the coronavirus kills us all. I'm actually more concerned with the virus than I am with the economy. Folks are acting like it's over with and that's just not the case.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yes, he has some challenges ahead. I still think it will all come down to the economy. In a recent CNN poll the numbers mirror what you have except when it comes to the economy - Trump leads 51% to Bidens 46%. As the months go by and the economy gets healthier, those numbers will improve. Also, once Biden comes out of his basement and well, you know the rest...

Unless the coronavirus kills us all. I'm actually more concerned with the virus than I am with the economy. Folks are acting like it's over with and that's just not the case. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Yes, Trump's approval rating on the economy are 51%.A few months ago it was 65%. When GDP numbers are released the end of July and are the worst in history, what will happen?

You have to focus on the economy because even before the impact of the coronavirus, that is the only area in which Trump has had a modicum of success. And the rich were the major benefactors ot that success.

I do agree with you on the virus. Less people protecting themselves each day and the number of cases in the state are at the highest levels yet.
BJonesBaby's Avatar
Yes, he has some challenges ahead. I still think it will all come down to the economy. In a recent CNN poll the numbers mirror what you have except when it comes to the economy - Trump leads 51% to Bidens 46%. As the months go by and the economy gets healthier, those numbers will improve. Also, once Biden comes out of his basement and well, you know the rest...

Unless the coronavirus kills us all. I'm actually more concerned with the virus than I am with the economy. Folks are acting like it's over with and that's just not the case. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Trump himself is acting like the virus is gone. He can’t stay cooped up any more and will be in Dallas today spreading the good news - and coronavirus.

He is setting the kind of example that will kill even more Americans.

That is really something to be concerned about.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...He is setting the kind of example that will kill even more Americans.... Originally Posted by BJonesBaby

Eazy-peazy, lemon-sqeezy. Stay the hell home in your basement, bunker, commune or whatever. Will the world really care if you're skeered? I sure don't. We'll get along fine without you and your proudly displayed participation ribbon.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Yes, Trump's approval rating ... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX