Iran Cheated On Odumbo Before The Ink On The Treaty Was Dry.

lustylad's Avatar
looks like Trump is willing to offer cash, after criticizing Obama for his middle of the night cash delivery to the Iranians.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Let's see... trump is offering a reward to the vessel's captain that will keep money (proceeds from the sale of the Adrian Darya 1's oil cargo) OUT of the hands of the terrorist-sponsoring Iranians. And you equate that to odumbo actively delivering billions in pallets of untraceable cash to Geneva under the cloak of night for transfer to Tehran to bribe the mullahs into releasing hostages they had no right to seize in the first place? Really?

And you miss the big picture. The Iranians promised a Gibraltar court the tanker's oil would NOT be sold to Syrian end-users in violation of EU sanctions. Yet here the ship is - lingering in Syrian waters near Tartus with its transponder turned off in order to offload its oil surreptitiously when no one can detect it. And you STILL trust these fuckers not to cheat on every agreement they sign - especially the nuclear deal???

How fucking gullible are YOU???

  • oeb11
  • 09-10-2019, 08:14 AM
I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale - Cheap!!!
themystic's Avatar
I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale - Cheap!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
I hope someone buys it from you so you can get off of welfare little man
lustylad's Avatar
I hope someone buys it from you so you can get off of welfare little man Originally Posted by themystic
He would have to be on welfare in order to get off it, Moscow Mystic. What are you on? Rat poisoning? Horse tranquilizer?

And while I can't vouch for oeb's physical stature, at least he doesn't think "little man" thoughts and make "little man" comments like you do constantly.
themystic's Avatar
He would have to be on welfare in order to get off it, Moscow Mystic. What are you on? Rat poisoning? Horse tranquilizer?

And while I can't vouch for oeb's physical stature, at least he doesn't think "little man" thoughts and make "little man" comments like you do constantly. Originally Posted by lustylad
Aw Lusty......that's really sweet of you to take up for little man. I didn't catch the Steeler game with New England. Was it as pathetic as the score indicates? Big Ben has destroyed that team with his racist behavior
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
He would have to be on welfare in order to get off it, Moscow Mystic. What are you on? Rat poisoning? Horse tranquilizer? Originally Posted by lustylad

he must be on corn on the cob!
adav8s28's Avatar
You've been the one claiming the Iranians were upright and honorable signatories

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Those are your words Corpy not mine. Your favorite scientist (Albright) who Bengy N. gave the stolen documents from Iran to analyze, published a report that Iran did not have "weapons grade" Uranium. Here is what he put in that report. The link was provided by Waco Kid.

5) Iran has not produced uranium hexafluoride enriched above 5 percent and its entire stock enriched up to 20 percent has been either downbleded or fed into the conversion process producing an oxide form. However, Iran possesses a significant quantity of near 20percent LEU oxide which can be reconverted back to hexalufluorideform;

You do know what the words "entire stock" means right? Clearly your favorite scientist who you quoted multiple times in this thread states that Iran does not have any "weapons grade uranium". Albright is your guy. You are the one who quoted him multiple times.
Those are your words Corpy not mine. Your favorite scientist (Albright) who Bengy N. gave the stolen documents from Iran to analyze, published a report that Iran did not have "weapons grade" Uranium. Here is what he put in that report. The link was provided by Waco Kid.

5) Iran has not produced uranium hexafluoride enriched above 5 percent and its entire stock enriched up to 20 percent has been either downbleded or fed into the conversion process producing an oxide form. However, Iran possesses a significant quantity of near 20percent LEU oxide which can be reconverted back to hexalufluorideform;

You do know what the words "entire stock" means right? Clearly your favorite scientist who you quoted multiple times in this thread states that Iran does not have any "weapons grade uranium". Albright is your guy. You are the one who quoted him multiple times. Originally Posted by adav8s28
And you are deliberately ignoring what's actually being said.

The entire theme of the thread from the OP on was basically.

Iran Cheated On Odumbo Before The Ink On The Treaty Was Dry.
The OP shows that Iran admitted to essentially lying and falsifying their entrance into the agreement by hiding assets and facilities.

Then the precious Albright article you keep hanging your hat on basically says that, yes, intelligence agencies underestimated Iran's capabilities and confirmed they entered the agreement with less than truth.

Those two items alone confirm IB's premise of them essentially cheating before it even became an agreement. They negotiated with lies and bad faith and Obama/Kerry fell for it hook line and sinker.

Your premise of them adhering to the overall agreement is bullshit also. As I posted earlier, you hang your hat on simply the nuclear enrichment as the agreement. We'll they were violating other parts all along with missile testing/etc, while most likely covertly building their enrichment program and facilities back up, and all of it was being ignored by the Obama administration.

Then the final straw which you ignore is that Iran is still in the agreement with other nations and is blatantly violating it as cudgel for leverage. How honorable of them.

Trump made the right choice in pulling us out the bogus Obama administration cave in to Iran.
IB place too much stock on one interview. Middle Easterners talk with bravado as routine language. Most of the time it's not true. Saddam said he had WMD, but the only WMD he had was what Ronald Regan gave him to fight the Iranians! Also, look at the paper the article was printed on. It's an Israeli paper....a known terror state sanctioned by the west that routinely lies much like our president.

We had US and the World Atomic Energy Inspectors in Iran ensuring they are abiding by the treaty. These inspectors found no evidence of violation of the nuclear agreement. You need to educate yourself instead of facing prey to right wing extremist propaganda. Unfortunately, you seem to have the maturity of Trump having to resort to name calling. That is so childish. I bet you voted for Trump...didn't you? LOL
I B Hankering's Avatar
Those are your words Corpy not mine. Your favorite scientist (Albright) who Bengy N. gave the stolen documents from Iran to analyze, published a report that Iran did not have "weapons grade" Uranium. Here is what he put in that report. The link was provided by Waco Kid.

5) Iran has not produced uranium hexafluoride enriched above 5 percent and its entire stock enriched up to 20 percent has been either downbleded or fed into the conversion process producing an oxide form. However, Iran possesses a significant quantity of near 20percent LEU oxide which can be reconverted back to hexalufluorideform;

You do know what the words "entire stock" means right? Clearly your favorite scientist who you quoted multiple times in this thread states that Iran does not have any "weapons grade uranium". Albright is your guy. You are the one who quoted him multiple times.
Originally Posted by adav8s28
All of your fucking nonsense about "agreements" doesn't mean shit in the face of the fact that Odumbo never actually fucking conducted an inspection to set a baseline, nor did Odumbo ever have a fucking mechanism in place to insure compliance that didn't give the Iranians more than enough lee time to clean up sites before the inspectors arrived. Iran was cheating on Odumbo's POS agreement before ink was put to paper.

IB place too much stock on one interview. Middle Easterners talk with bravado as routine language. Most of the time it's not true. Saddam said he had WMD, but the only WMD he had was what Ronald Regan gave him to fight the Iranians! Also, look at the paper the article was printed on. It's an Israeli paper....a known terror state sanctioned by the west that routinely lies much like our president.

We had US and the World Atomic Energy Inspectors in Iran ensuring they are abiding by the treaty. These inspectors found no evidence of violation of the nuclear agreement. You need to educate yourself instead of facing prey to right wing extremist propaganda. Unfortunately, you seem to have the maturity of Trump having to resort to name calling. That is so childish. I bet you voted for Trump...didn't you? LOL
Originally Posted by txpilot3
So, you say you can't believe the Iranian scientist but you're more than willing to sop up as truth what the Iranian politicians said?

IAEA finds traces of radioactive material at Iran site flagged by Netanyahu

Inspectors from the UN’s nuclear agency have found traces of radioactive material at a building in Tehran that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu identified last year as a “secret atomic warehouse,” an Israeli television report said on Thursday.

Iran has denied that the site was a nuclear facility or served any secretive purpose.
But the IAEA inspectors, who last visited the site in March, have reached a “definitive conclusion” that “there were traces of radioactive material” there, Channel 13 said, and are currently preparing a report on the matter.
The TV report noted that “the storing of radioactive material in a secret facility without informing the IAEA is a breach of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons [NPT], to which Iran is a signatory.”

(Times of Israel)

This OP isn't about Reagan selling antiquated Chinese AK-47s to Iran, it's about Odumbo enabling Iran's nuclear weapons program. And you were a non-interventionist until Trump was elected.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Tell me IB, where is your law degree from? Racist much?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Tell me IB, where is your law degree from? Racist much? Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
Your hobby handle is you looking at yourself in the mirror, and it more than accounts for your ignorant use of that favorite, non-sentient, lib-retard paradigm in lieu of an intelligent and substantive argument: the "race card"!
Your hobby handle is you looking at yourself in the mirror, and it more than accounts for your ignorant use of that favorite, non-sentient, lib-retard paradigm in lieu of an intelligent and substantive argument: the "race card"! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
It's a valid question foolish little bigot of a man. For someone to call a Harvard Law School grad a dummy, you must be a rocket scientist or something? Produce credentials to prove you are or STFU.

BTW, I know for a fact you're not. Also, have you like...considered getting a life? Seems you have none?
Your hobby handle is you looking at yourself in the mirror, and it more than accounts for your ignorant use of that favorite, non-sentient, lib-retard paradigm in lieu of an intelligent and substantive argument: the "race card"! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Plus, let me tell you this little man. I am on record here as being completely up front with where I will be, when I will be there, ETC, ETC, ETC.

You are MORE than free to come debate me in person. will not work out well for you.

TRY ME, I relish the chance.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Those two items alone confirm IB's premise of them essentially cheating before it even became an agreement. They negotiated with lies and bad faith and Obama/Kerry fell for it hook line and sinker.
Originally Posted by eccielover

this includes the Eurpoeans who backed the argreement; they too fell for it hook, line and sinker and anchor!