Don't make the REAL AMERICANS angry

Redhot1960's Avatar
HoeHummer's Avatar
Is this the rally where Trump claimed there were four embassies targeted?

Same one where he taunteds an anti-war protester?

What a great fucking dude your president is, HedRot.

We never have to worry abouts your REAL AMERICANS sneaking up on us. Your stink is a natural early warning systems.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Is this the rally where Trump claimed there were four embassies targeted?

Same one where he taunteds an anti-war protester?

What a great fucking dude your president is, HedRot.

We never have to worry abouts your REAL AMERICANS sneaking up on us. Your stink is a natural early warning systems. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

if yous say so.

Redhot1960's Avatar
Redhot1960's Avatar
Is this the rally where Trump claimed there were four embassies targeted?

Same one where he taunteds an anti-war protester?

What a great fucking dude your president is, HedRot.

We never have to worry abouts your REAL AMERICANS sneaking up on us. Your stink is a natural early warning systems. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

The Ministry of Truth, Winston's place of work, contained, it was said, three thousand rooms above ground level, and corresponding ramifications below.

The Ministry of Truth concerned itself with Lies. Party ownership of the print media made it easy to manipulate public opinion, and the film and radio carried the process further.

The primary job of the Ministry of Truth was to supply the citizens of Oceania with newspapers, films, textbooks, telescreen programmes, plays, novels - with every conceivable kind of information, instruction, or entertainment, from a statue to a slogan, from a lyric poem to a biological treatise, and from a child's spelling-book to a Newspeak dictionary.

Winston worked in the RECORDS DEPARTMENT (a single branch of the Ministry of Truth) editing and writing for The Times. He dictated into a machine called a speakwrite. Winston would receive articles or news-items which for one reason or another it was thought necessary to alter, or, in Newspeak, rectify. If, for example, the Ministry of Plenty forecast a surplus, and in reality the result was grossly less, Winston's job was to change previous versions so the old version would agree with the new one. This process of continuous alteration was applied not only to newspapers, but to books, periodicals, pamphlets, posters, leaflets, films, sound-tracks, cartoons, photographs - to every kind of literature or documentation which might conceivably hold any political or ideological significance.
HoeHummer's Avatar
What do yous know abouts 1984, HedRot? Yous were still in “experimental testing” back then, weren’t you? Never quite worked out, did it?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What do yous know abouts 1984, HedRot? Yous were still in “experimental testing” back then, weren’t you? Never quite worked out, did it? Originally Posted by HoeHummer

if yous say so.

Redhot1960's Avatar
Redhot1960's Avatar
Redhot1960's Avatar
Redhot1960's Avatar
HoeHummer's Avatar
Putin is back at it, HedRot, meddling in your elections. Does that make Real Americans like yous angry?

LOLLING you, Sally!
Redhot1960's Avatar
Redhot1960's Avatar
Read this twice

libertydemandsmemory says:
January 16, 2020 at 6:59 am
Who protects the “Thief State”?

Pinos, Patriots in name only,
are FAKE Patriots who PRETEND to investigate the obvious crimes of traitors, seditionists, and coup d’étaters.

FAKE investigators will be the first to hang from gallows on Pennsylvania Avenue.

“Compromised” is a sympathy magnet used as an excuse to commit treason for personal gain.

those we pay to protect us and our Constitution BETRAY us as they knowingly and willingly join the evil gang that openly steals our tax money and natural resources and ravages our Liberty.

Without protectors, the boosh/kkklintun/obamimam treasonous triad has no power to lie, cheat, steal, false witness, and kill.

Without protectors,
they will be punished for their bank schemes, crimes against humanity, de-population racket, energy weapons, fake education, fake science, geo-engineering, human trafficking, land grabs, money laundering, natural resources theft, regime change, voter fraud, and wars-for-profit.

Who protects the “Thief State”?

AGs, Directors, IGs, “judges”, SCJs, and SPs –
classifiers, Committees in CONgress, FOIA deniers, redactors, and SESers –
bark-but-no-biters, bondobarrs, drip-drippers, and fixers –
limited hang-outs, slow-walkers, and stonewallers –
fake investigators, false-hope givers, and two-weekers –
they-are-not-ready-for-the-Truth gang of fraudsters.

“investigators” betray us when they intercept and hide Truth.

“investigators” betray oaths to protect our Constitution.

Why do we continue to count on the crooks –
who protect criminal institutions –
to protect us?

It is time to re-direct our focus and “cold anger” onto the Pino protectors of the “Thief State”.

It is time to name our FAKE allies.

Yes, it is hurtful to admit that our Pino “friends” are betraying us, but, in order to preserve our Constitution and our Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness, we must face the Truth that the next step in this Great Awakening is to demand accountability from the FAKE investigators and positive action from WTP.

Pinos form the veil that protects traitors, seditionists, and coup d’étaters –
allowing them to hide in plain sight.

Name the enemy.

Let us lift the veil.

We are the karma they fear.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Fucking embarrassing, HedRot!

Your masters in the Kremlin will be displeased s with yous.