Selling murdered baby parts for profit and other connected things

Yssup Rider's Avatar
People who make laws to regulate a woman's vagina ought to have one.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How about mocking a bunch of men wanting to make the decision for her, and making political hay at the same time. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Sure. I have and I will. Pay attention.
Sure. I have and I will. Pay attention. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I'm waiting......
I believe that has been my consistent position from the start. You are making it sound like abortion is necessary for societal control. That's bullshit. I'd love for there to be no need for abortion. The idea that abortion is good for society is ridiculous.

I fully support a woman's right to choose. I hope she would choose life, but it's not my decision. Each abortion is a tragedy. It's a tragedy for the child, the mother, the father (sometimes), the family, and the community. Abortion is never a good decision. It may be the best of all the bad choices facing the mother, and she should have right to so choose, but it is not a good thing. Having the right to make that choice is a good thing. Having to make the decision is not. No woman looks forward to making that choice.

Quit treating it like a political sideshow and trying to find reasons to make abortion sound noble. That's the stupidity I was mocking. Not the woman's right to choose. I was mocking a bunch of men treating it like a benefit. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
When did I ever indicate it was necessary for 'societal control'? I support a woman's right to choose. What she chooses is her business. I don't personally support abortion, but it's not my body or my choice. Period. I'm not saying it's a benefit and I never have. Of course it's a terrible thing and perhaps if we had better sex education and birth control options available to everyone, there would be fewer abortions.
When did I ever indicate it was necessary for 'societal control'? I support a woman's right to choose. What she chooses is her business. I don't personally support abortion, but it's not my body or my choice. Period. I'm not saying it's a benefit and I never have. Of course it's a terrible thing and perhaps if we had better sex education and birth control options available to everyone, there would be fewer abortions. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So is that how you "sell" the idea that what you're doing down at the 'holes is a "community service " ? You taking all of those "ropey load" facials is preventing unwanted pregnancies ? So you are a PPH "subcontractor "doing "community outreach" through the 'holes ? :i nsane:
So is that how you "sell" the idea that what you're doing down at the 'holes is a "community service " ? You taking all of those "ropey load" facials is preventing unwanted pregnancies ? So you are a PPH "subcontractor "doing "community outreach" through the 'holes ? :i nsane: Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
And yet again, you've taken a subject that has no gay quotient and managed to inject swishy-walking into it. You are a fucking LOSER.
And yet again, you've taken a subject that has no gay quotient and managed to inject swishy-walking into it. You are a fucking LOSER. Originally Posted by WombRaider
There's a "gay quotient" to every thread you post your BS in woomby. Your posts make them so ! Wave that rainbow flag, ya fag ! Pobrecita pinche puta y maricona !
There's a "gay quotient" to every thread you post your BS in woomby. Your posts make them so ! Wave that rainbow flag, ya fag ! Pobrecita pinche puta y maricona ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You are gay.
You are gay. Originally Posted by WombRaider
More transference, denials and deflection from YOU woomby. It's the ONLY thing that you're consistent about.
More transference, denials and deflection from YOU woomby. It's the ONLY thing that you're consistent about. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
The only consistent thing is your professed knowledge of all things gloryhole and swishy. You are gay.
The only consistent thing is your professed knowledge of all things gloryhole and swishy. You are gay. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Deflect and transfer away swishy walker ! Only a fool like YOU would continue to deny their true nature while everyone else sees YOU for the lying fag that YOU are !
Deflect and transfer away swishy walker ! Only a fool like YOU would continue to deny their true nature while everyone else sees YOU for the lying fag that YOU are ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Everyone sees you as the one who can take any subject being discussed and turn it into conjecture on gloryholes. You are gay.
Everyone sees you as the one who can take any subject being discussed and turn it into conjecture on gloryholes. You are gay. Originally Posted by WombRaider
YOU are the sites resident fag, as evidenced by your posts here woomby. As I and others have repeatedly shown YOUR previous posts where YOU proclaim your gayness and swishy walking lifestyle ! Keep deflecting woomby. We all see YOUR lying liberal swishy walking ass for what YOU are !
YOU are the sites resident fag, as evidenced by your posts here woomby. As I and others have repeatedly shown YOUR previous posts where YOU proclaim your gayness and swishy walking lifestyle ! Keep deflecting woomby. We all see YOUR lying liberal swishy walking ass for what YOU are ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Damn gay rey look at all the posts on this page you are talking that fag shit. You are really into the life, why don't you guys get a room?
Damn gay rey look at all the posts on this page you are talking that fag shit. You are really into the life, why don't you guys get a room? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You're the one Wking for him EKIM ! Maybe you and woomby should get a room !