The Mueller report

I B Hankering's Avatar
Hope Hicks transcript page 68
The Freedom caucus wasted no time entering deep state horse shit into the record.

Ms. Hicks. I do not.
Mr. Collins. I have -- probably will have more. At this
time I'm going to pause, and I'm going to yield to the gentleman
from Texas, Mr. Gohmert.
Mr. Gohmert. Thank you.
Before you accepted employment with the Trump White House,
Ms. Hicks, did you have any idea that the Clinton campaign had
helped fund opposition research getting false information from
Russians that would be used against Donald Trump?
Ms. Hicks. No, sir.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
LexusLover's Avatar
I went back to a post-in-time to begin the "legal foundation" established for the criminal prosecution of a POTUS for exercising his or her discretion in terminating the "at-will" employment of an appointee and/or accepting their requested resignation for any reason from insubordination down to not wearing his or her hair to the liking of the POTUS.

Of course I recognize the potential ignorance of someone who suffers in a state in which "right-to-work" laws prevail and unions haven't stamped out the "at-will" employment status by threatening to oust legislators.

SocialLiberalAntiTrumpers cannot survive in a free-employment environment in which employees are accepted and retain based upon merit and productivity as opposed to membership in an organization .... or feigned ethnicity or the daily gender selection. Some call it "affirmative action"!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I went back to a post-in-time to begin the "legal foundation" established for the criminal prosecution of a POTUS for exercising his or her discretion in terminating the "at-will" employment of an appointee and/or accepting their requested resignation for any reason from insubordination down to not wearing his or her hair to the liking of the POTUS.

Of course I recognize the potential ignorance of someone who suffers in a state in which "right-to-work" laws prevail and unions haven't stamped out the "at-will" employment status by threatening to oust legislators. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Why is legal foundation in quotes?

I thought we were trying to oust the cheif cheif executive.

Are you including the Commander in Cheif as a legislator?

You and your supporters need to come to a consensus about what, why, and where a present president can be impeached. You blah, blah about the only way trump can be impeached and others claiming it’s all political and a president can be impeached anytime for anything.
With that said, you might want to rake your own shit into at least one pile. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
All I here is impeach Trump. Well if they don't need a reason whats stopping them?
lustylad's Avatar
With that said, you might want to rake your own shit into at least one pile. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
We tried. There's no room. Your pile is too big!

We tried. There's no room. Your pile is too big!

Originally Posted by lustylad
It amazes me that there still is so many people that can't see what a total fabrication this Russian Collusion fairy tale is. They don't even know why they hate Trump all they know is the Media says so. This is how stupid these fucking people are.
Jaxson66's Avatar
There is a minority of so called Merikans who would rather read the art of the steal than read four pages of the Mueller report. They ignore their eyes and ears and believe the only truth is what a fat lying bastard declares as truth. The devotion of those fanatics has far surpassed their loyalty to their country.

The Freedom caucus is filled with confederates and Russian sympathizers who have sworn their loyalty to the Trump party. Make no mistake the old Republican Party has lost all their influence to a fat lying bastard.

volume ll page 4

On May 17,2017,the Acting Attorney General for the Russia investigation appointed a Special Counsel to conduct the investigation and related matters. The President reacted to news that a Special Counsel had been appointed by telling advisors that it was "the end of his presidency" and demanding that Sessions resign. Sessions submitted his resignation, but the President ultimately did not accept it. The President told aides that the Special Counsel had conflicts ofinterest and suggested that the Special Counsel therefore could not serve. The President' s advisors told him the asserted conflicts were meritless and had already been considered by the Department o f Justice.

On June 14, 2017, the media reported that the Special Counsel's Office was investigating whether the President had obstructed justice. Press reports called this "a major turning point" in the investigation: while Corney had told the President he was not under investigation, following Corney's firing, the President now was under investigation. The President reacted to this news with a series of tweets criticizing the Department of Justice and the Special Counsel's investigation. On June 17, 2017, the President called McGahn at home and directed him to call the Acting Attorney General and say that the Special Counsel had conflicts of interest and must be removed. McGahn did not carry out the direction, however, deciding that he would resign rather than trigger what he regarded as a potential Saturday Night Massacre.
  • oeb11
  • 06-22-2019, 09:59 AM
Fine and Dandy - J66.

With all your "Evidence" why do Schiff, Nadler, and Pelosi not proceed with the much bally-hooed 'Impeachment" ??
Show the "evidence" - McCarthyites- and vote on that "evidence" in the House.

DPST's are just playing Games trying to string out accusations until 2020
If the Evidence is there - please advance it in the House to an Impchment vote

But -NO- DPST's are terrified of bringing their "evidence" in the light of day - reminds me of roaches scurrying from the light.
rexdutchman's Avatar
I have said this oh about 50 times ,,,,,,If they had anything to Impeach the most hated Potus they would have done it 2 years ago sooo they have nooooothingggg
There is a minority of so called Merikans who would rather read the art of the steal than read four pages of the Mueller report. They ignore their eyes and ears and believe the only truth is what a fat lying bastard declares as truth. The devotion of those fanatics has far surpassed their loyalty to their country.

The Freedom caucus is filled with confederates and Russian sympathizers who have sworn their loyalty to the Trump party. Make no mistake the old Republican Party has lost all their influence to a fat lying bastard.

volume ll page 4

On May 17,2017,the Acting Attorney General for the Russia investigation appointed a Special Counsel to conduct the investigation and related matters. The President reacted to news that a Special Counsel had been appointed by telling advisors that it was "the end of his presidency" and demanding that Sessions resign. Sessions submitted his resignation, but the President ultimately did not accept it. The President told aides that the Special Counsel had conflicts ofinterest and suggested that the Special Counsel therefore could not serve. The President' s advisors told him the asserted conflicts were meritless and had already been considered by the Department o f Justice.

On June 14, 2017, the media reported that the Special Counsel's Office was investigating whether the President had obstructed justice. Press reports called this "a major turning point" in the investigation: while Corney had told the President he was not under investigation, following Corney's firing, the President now was under investigation. The President reacted to this news with a series of tweets criticizing the Department of Justice and the Special Counsel's investigation. On June 17, 2017, the President called McGahn at home and directed him to call the Acting Attorney General and say that the Special Counsel had conflicts of interest and must be removed. McGahn did not carry out the direction, however, deciding that he would resign rather than trigger what he regarded as a potential Saturday Night Massacre. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
A Comic book makes more sense than the Mueller report.
I B Hankering's Avatar
There is a minority of so called Merikans who would rather read the art of the steal than read four pages of the Mueller report. They ignore their eyes and ears and believe the only truth is what a fat lying bastard declares as truth. The devotion of those fanatics has far surpassed their loyalty to their country.

The Freedom caucus is filled with confederates and Russian sympathizers who have sworn their loyalty to the Trump party. Make no mistake the old Republican Party has lost all their influence to a fat lying bastard.

volume ll page 4

On May 17,2017,the Acting Attorney General for the Russia investigation appointed a Special Counsel to conduct the investigation and related matters. The President reacted to news that a Special Counsel had been appointed by telling advisors that it was "the end of his presidency" and demanding that Sessions resign. Sessions submitted his resignation, but the President ultimately did not accept it. The President told aides that the Special Counsel had conflicts ofinterest and suggested that the Special Counsel therefore could not serve. The President' s advisors told him the asserted conflicts were meritless and had already been considered by the Department o f Justice.

On June 14, 2017, the media reported that the Special Counsel's Office was investigating whether the President had obstructed justice. Press reports called this "a major turning point" in the investigation: while Corney had told the President he was not under investigation, following Corney's firing, the President now was under investigation. The President reacted to this news with a series of tweets criticizing the Department of Justice and the Special Counsel's investigation. On June 17, 2017, the President called McGahn at home and directed him to call the Acting Attorney General and say that the Special Counsel had conflicts of interest and must be removed. McGahn did not carry out the direction, however, deciding that he would resign rather than trigger what he regarded as a potential Saturday Night Massacre.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Mueller wasn't the only one who wrote a report. You really should expand your reading list from authors of fiction to authors of fact.
lustylad's Avatar
^^^ Hey jaxboy, you're obviously an expert in federal statute interpretation and the law, so how about giving us all the benefit of your keen analysis of 18 USC Section 1512(c)(2) and how it applies to Trump? Originally Posted by lustylad
Still waiting for your keen insightful legal analysis, jaxboy!!

We can't move forward on impeachment without your road map. So tell us. In your own words. How did trumpy's conduct meet all of the standards necessary to charge him with obstruction of justice under 18 USC Section 1512(c)(2)?

If you are incapable of explaining it, then we'll take that as your admission there is no objective case for impeachment.

Thanks in advance!
eccieuser9500's Avatar

Is the POTUS above the law?

. . . term "corruptly" in section 1512(c)(2) as requiring proof of a criminal state of mind on the part of the defendant.

I've said all along the evidence is there. McGahn is the key. Then again, I'm also on record here as saying the DOJ is in his majesty's pocket.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Fine and Dandy - J66.

With all your "Evidence" why do Schiff, Nadler, and Pelosi not proceed with the much bally-hooed 'Impeachment" ??
Show the "evidence" - McCarthyites- and vote on that "evidence" in the House.

DPST's are just playing Games trying to string out accusations until 2020
If the Evidence is there - please advance it in the House to an Impchment vote

But -NO- DPST's are terrified of bringing their "evidence" in the light of day - reminds me of roaches scurrying from the light. Originally Posted by oeb11
I read the Hope Hicks transcript and all through the hearing trump’s lawyers had a constant stream of objections to testimony, the fat lying bastards Barr and trump are the ones who are suppressing evidence.

I have no fucking idea what a DPST is supposed to be...but I’m positive they aren’t being the chicken shits about introducing evidence.
Jaxson66's Avatar
A Comic book makes more sense than the Mueller report. Originally Posted by Levianon17
For you I’m sure it does..