Assholes's Speech

Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
A timeline of Donald Trump’s false wiretapping charge

President Donald Trump (and lustyturd!) have stuck to a false claim that former President Barack Obama wiretapped him. Here’s a timeline of Trump’s statement, the White House’s evolving responses and the evidence against it.

And of course here is the proud idiot lustyturd, showing what a Trump-sucking loser he is...

You do have a transcript, right? The one that came from Obama's wiretap of the Trump campaign?

Ooopsie! Did I just spill the beans? Did I just say Obama wiretapped the political opposition's campaign headquarters?

Oh, fuck! Silly me. Isn't that how Watergate started? We're not supposed to do those things, are we? I mean, wiretapping and surveillance of your opponent's campaign? Who would stoop so low? As an ex-President used to say "That's not who we are!"

Tsk, tsk, tsk... oh well, at least now we're looking at a REAL scandal!

Originally Posted by lustylad
lustyturd: Respected by no one, laughed at by the masses!
Really - do tell who these friends are so I can put them on my do not see list.

I've told you this before. That I'm friends with a person or two who've seen you before. Originally Posted by Milly23
Really - do tell who these friends are so I can put them on my do not see list. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
And why would I do that? Look like I've been saying. You didn't need to make it personal by mentioning my parents. It was uncalled for.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Are you trying to out me??? What the fuck dude?? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Milly merely suggested a general, not exact, location of your incall location, isn't that correct? There a numerous building in that complex and he did not give an exact address. You are absolutely overreacting.

If someone wrote a review and said Domain, south, near H&M, on a second floor... is that outing? No. You are a working girl, or at least you say you are... Deal with the fact that your location is easy knowledge around here.

Or leave the business.
lustylad's Avatar
A timeline of Donald Trump’s false wiretapping charge

President Donald Trump (and lustyturd!) have stuck to a false claim that former President Barack Obama wiretapped him. Here’s a timeline of Trump’s statement, the White House’s evolving responses and the evidence against it. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch

Nothing you have posted refutes any of the following facts, CappedCrunchyAss:

1. Trump associates and/or campaign officials were electronically surveilled prior to January 20, 2017.

2. This surveillance was carried out/compiled by US intelligence agencies working for the Obama administration.

3. Those US intelligence agencies sent reports summarizing the results of such eavesdropping to the Obama White House, where they were read by Susan Rice and others.

4. Such summaries were often written in a way making it easy to identify the Trump officials without unmasking them.

5. On multiple occasions, Susan Rice requested unmasking of the names of the Trump officials in those summaries.

6. It has been reported some of the requests for unmasking had nothing to do with Russia or ties between Russia and the Trump campaign.

7. It has also been reported that the intelligence provided to the Obama White House included information on meetings and policy discussions by Trump officials.

If you want to challenge any of the above facts, be my guest. Otherwise you can stop your puerile name-calling and hyperventilating, take a deep breath and ponder the broader significance of those facts.

And here's something I have already urged you to do in this thread - try to imagine if Donald Trump were to use the same intelligence agencies in the same fashion to gather information on his political opponents. Would that be a problem? Or is it beyond the imagination of a lib-retarded, hyper-partisan political hack like you?
gfejunkie's Avatar
Looks like Trump Derangement Syndrome can be fatal around here. The afflicted should seek help before it's too late.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Nothing you have posted refutes any of the following facts Originally Posted by lustylad

Thanks for quoting facts about legal wiretaps (not directed by Obama) that are part of the ongoing FBI investigation into possible criminal activity by Trump and his associates. This only makes you look like a ignorant Trump-dick-sucking loser.

Its been verified Obama did not direct wiretaps of Trump. That is the basis for this "scandal" the has made you look like a sucker.

But you are too dumb to even realize this! You eat up this shit and it's pretty funny!

Maybe you will be happier sticking to far right fringe chat rooms. You are getting your ass handed to you on a daily basis here.

But thanks for stopping by!

You do have a transcript, right? The one that came from Obama's wiretap of the Trump campaign?

Ooopsie! Did I just spill the beans? Did I just say Obama wiretapped the political opposition's campaign headquarters?

Oh, fuck! Silly me. Isn't that how Watergate started? We're not supposed to do those things, are we? I mean, wiretapping and surveillance of your opponent's campaign? Who would stoop so low? As an ex-President used to say "That's not who we are!"

Tsk, tsk, tsk... oh well, at least now we're looking at a REAL scandal!

Originally Posted by lustylad
"REAL Scandal"!!!! LOL
lustyturd, Trump's cock-holster!
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Advisers Urge Trump to Hire Outside Lawyer in Russia Inquiry

Mr. Trump’s aides and allies were said to be especially concerned by the revelation that James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director fired by Mr. Trump, has contemporaneous, detailed memos reconstructing conversations with the president.

This is getting serious!
gfejunkie's Avatar
No, THIS is getting serious...

Too bad, crunch.
gfejunkie's Avatar
This is getting serious! Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Lighten up, crunch. You libtards are so conflicted about Comey you can't figure out whether to cheer or boo (shit, wind your watch, etc...)

lustylad's Avatar
Its (sic) been verified Obama did not direct wiretaps of Trump. That is the basis for this "scandal" the (sic) has made you look like a sucker... Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Sorry to burst your bubble, crunchydick, but this is a scandal for many reasons. Months ago in this thread, I already addressed the issue of whether Obama "directed" the wiretaps. Try to keep up.

As you surely must know, no federal agency would go to the FISA court seeking a wiretap on behalf of the executive branch without Obama's knowledge and approval as POTUS. Originally Posted by lustylad
lustylad's Avatar
Thanks for quoting facts about legal wiretaps (not directed by Obama) that are part of the ongoing FBI investigation into possible criminal activity by Trump and his associates... Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
So you accept the 7 facts I just listed in my post #680? Good - we're making progress, crunchydick!

Now listen up... It is not legal for the intel agencies to exceed the scope of their FISA or other court warrants. Nor is it legal for the Obama White House to ask for the identities of US citizens caught up in the surveillance of foreign nationals without a valid national security justification. Nor is it legal to engage in "reverse targeting" (see my post #472) when conducting surveillance. Nor is it legal for anyone to leak the transcripts of eavesdropped conversations to the media. If you were genuinely concerned about "possible criminal activity" then you would welcome a full investigation of this.

The Russian collusion story is an investigation in search of a crime. Contrast that with the fact that we already KNOW a felony was committed in the wiretapping scandal.

Meanwhile, crunchydick is only concerned with covering it all up! Why? Because that's what hypocritical, lib-retarded, hyper-partisan political hacks do!

You are getting your ass handed to you on a daily basis here. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Insecure much? I see you still can't stop patting yourself on the back with every post, Baghdad Bob! How sad!

FirePhoenix's Avatar
Lusty, people like you are the only ones trying to cover up and justify all the hypocrisy. trump and the cult like followers Will say and believe that the sky is purple when it's always been know to be blue becuase trump said it was purple. The ideals that trumpers speak are exactly how members of any cult speak and behave like.

You and trumpers are very scary people.

Last of all-WTF does anyone polical views have to do on how well you can suck or fuck. How does anyone polical views have to do if they are hot,and highly skilled in what they do?. Polical views really don't have amything much to do in sex or the hobby.
gfejunkie's Avatar
You and trumpers are very scary people. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
No, Hillary and her "baggage" are the scary people...

And, so it begins...
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Gfe, WTF does having a polical view have to with fucking sucking,be hot,skills,or anything to do with the hobby? Can you have a conversation with a hobbiest or provider without bringing up politics? Are saying that a provider that you want to see and has great reviews you wouldn't see due to her polical views? The same question goes to providers. If the answer is yes, them let me remind you that the hobby isn't the dating game. If your answer is yes then get of the hobby it's not for you.