NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

O'Mike's Avatar
Is there a decent Quarterback coming out in next years draft that we could pick up with the #1 or #2 pick???
BigLouie's Avatar
Is there a decent Quarterback coming out in next years draft that we could pick up with the #1 or #2 pick??? Originally Posted by O'Mike
There may be but I doubt BoB takes one. He seems to feel he can take anyone and coach them up. How else can you explain passing on 4 QBs to stay with what we have
boardman's Avatar
Christian Hackenburg was BoB' guy at Penn St. He's was once considered to be a 2016 first rounder as a Junior but his play has suffered since BoB left. PSU sucks so this season hasn't started well for him but he is considered to have all the tools and the prototypical pro-style QB. He's got a hot girlfriend too...

If Hackenburg's play improves enough for him to still be considered a first rounder next draft I would imagine BoB will take a long hard look at him considering he already knows him.
Blackbuddy05's Avatar
Is there a decent Quarterback coming out in next years draft that we could pick up with the #1 or #2 pick??? Originally Posted by O'Mike
Won't matter if the o-line can't do better.
BigLouie's Avatar
Rock Smith's failures in the middle rounds has doomed this team
DarthMaul's Avatar
Clear the team haa no O line so they can't run Originally Posted by BigLouie
Won't matter if the o-line can't do better. Originally Posted by Blackbuddy05
That was the key to 80% of the game. The other issue was no pass rush.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
0-2 baby!

After looking at the schedule I see maybe 6 games they could win...if they can get the running game going and get some decent quarterback play.
boardman's Avatar
The only unit that showed improvement was special teams.
Mumphrey actually returned some punts.

O-line was horrific but only Brooks and Jones were in their natural positions. No one could have run behind that line. The RB's managed to do that exceptionally well. Not running that is.

Mallett has absolutely no touch. He still looks more poised than Hoyer but the accuracy was all over the place. The receivers dropped way too many catchable passes but some of those just didn't need to be thrown as hard as they were. Mallett doesn't throw a perfect spiral when he's forcing the ball. That wobble makes the ball harder to catch. Other passes were overthrown, thrown to the wrong spot(not sure if that's on Mallett or the receiver) or he skipped them off the ground.
With that said, Mallett seems to do better when he's reacting on three step drops instead of trying to find the open guy on 5 or seven step drops but even then he's throwing the ball too hard on the slant. That's an indication that the guy may be covered and he's still trying to force it. There has to be a secondary receiver in those patterns. Mallett is making the decision to force the ball on the slant before he ever takes the snap instead of reading what the defense is giving him. He may be overthinking some of his throws because of an inability to just go through his progressions. Mallett is under a tremendous amount of pressure. I'm not sure that is the reason for his play but it needs to be said.

D-line was handled well by the Panthers O-line but how in the hell do you double team Watt and Clowney at the same time and not give up a sack to Crick or the other OLB or at least keep Newton from running up the fucking middle? Watt and Clowney still managed to get some pressure and alter some passes but someone else has to be free. They weren't spying Newton with a LB and there is no one left to take out the ILBs so the fucker shouldn't have run for 70 yards. Total breakdown by the front seven against the pass. They did handle the handoff runs for the most part though but those were fairly predictable.

The secondary is still in shambles. Kevin Johnson needs to be starting at nickle if not outside. Might be better to move Jackson to nickle and move Johnson outside. There is something wrong with Joseph. Not sure if it's that he's lost a step or something's in his head.

It sure would be nice to have Swag back there busting someone's ass. The safeties they have aren't covering shit and they damn sure ain't hitting nobody. At least Swag would put a lick on someone. That INT Moore got was a gift and even then he couldn't hold on to it. Demps bit way too hard on the play fake and got taken completely out of the play on that long TD pass. The front seven seemed to be handling the run and Demps was at least 15 yards deep. He had no business coming in that hard and leaving a streaking receiver who otherwise had decent coverage but just needed over the top help.
I feel bad for BOB, way too many issues to resolve with this sorry sack of a team. OL is in shambles. QB play is indeed horrible, no threats on offense. Very little pass rush, horrible DB's.

Hopefully with this many player issues, or lack of player issues, this will get Rick Smith fired!!!
I can't think of 1 player other than the 1st round pick Johnson over the last 2 drafts that is a contributor. Like the General says "Pathetic"!!!!
Can't believe I'm about to say this, in fact I just threw up a little in my mouth, Dopey's little brother looks pretty fucking good!!! Well, better than anything the Texans have on the roster.
  • D.G.
  • 09-21-2015, 01:11 PM
They double and triple team Watt , not with an RB though, to take hime out . Then they doubled Clowney a few ti es. We know wklfork aint sacki g nobody. So where the hell is cushing demps and that other linebackwr ? No pressure or not knowing hoe to keep Newton in the pocket .
  • D.G.
  • 09-21-2015, 01:20 PM
I do not knlw what to say about the offense except Grimes was okay . We know mallet throws hard but the receivers have to catch some of those balls . Early on we would of at least had a few more 1st downs and the defense would not of been so tired . I have no idea why his other balls looked like he was throwing at the ground . Thqt damn o line . I have nothing to say about it .
boardman's Avatar
One thing I forgot to mention earlier is Clowney's play.
He got 19 more snaps this week over last week. He's not getting blocked out of plays and he's setting the edge, turning plays that come his way back inside and chasing "away" plays down from behind. That's exactly what we should be hoping to see from him at this point. Solid fundamental play at that position. It was obvious by the double teams that Carolina had game planned for him.
NFL tackles eat one dimensional pass rushers up though. Now he needs to develop alternative rushing styles like an underneath move and some hand techniques to move to the next level. No reason he can't do that.
Clowney scored a 3.5 on Pro football focus. Highest score of any Texan's defensive player and a damn good score for any defensive player.
The Clowney scoreboard shows 0 career sacks, millions wasted. Hopefully he turns it around but doesn't appear mean enough to me.

Texans are a 7 point favorite over Jizzstain's Bucs. Wow.
jstone420's Avatar
The AFC south is weak