Assholes's Speech

gfejunkie's Avatar
Gfe, WTF does having a polical view have to with fucking sucking,be hot,skills,or anything to do with the hobby? Can you have a conversation with a hobbiest or provider without bringing up politics? Are saying that a provider that you want to see and has great reviews you wouldn't see due to her polical views? The same question goes to providers. If the answer is yes, them let me remind you that the hobby isn't the dating game. If your answer is yes then get of the hobby it's not for you. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
No. I was telling you who the real "scary people" are.

Looks like Trump Derangement Syndrome can be fatal around here. The afflicted should seek help before it's too late. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Apparently it causes brain damage before it becomes fatal.
lustylad's Avatar
No, Hillary and her "baggage" are the scary people...

And, so it begins... Originally Posted by gfejunkie
What's so SCARY about a sexting pervert and (now) a convicted (forbidden topic) who was once an up-and-cumming Democrat attack dog? LOL!

Now that the dims have flip-flopped again and made Comey a hero, maybe they will finally shift the blame for hildebeest's loss to Carlos Danger!

gfejunkie's Avatar
While we're on the subject of Comey, the mainstream media is going to have to get better writers or better "anonymous sources" or something. They're running out of ideas for FAKE NEWS.

You can't make this shit up, people! Unless, of course, you're the dumb-ass, hostile, lamestream media...


Can you imagine this 7 foot high giant hiding in the fuckin' curtains???

You libtards just keep believing in your New York Times and your Washington Posts and your Time and Newsweek magazines. I'll just keep LMAO!!!

At them and you. Sheeple!
lustylad's Avatar
Speaking of White House curtains, here is another crazy Comey story from a conservative media source. WTF? Is it April Fools Day?

"After an exhaustive inquiry by The American Spectator’s team of award-winning investigative journalists this magazine can now report that in February of this year former FBI Director James B. Comey was captured on surveillance cameras in the White House blowing his nose on White House curtains. The nose blowing took place in the Oval Office after President Donald J. Trump excused himself for several minutes to take a call from his wife Melania. Mr. Comey was alone. A picture of President Andrew Jackson was clearly visible in the background.

Whether Mr. Comey’s act involved the destruction of government property is at this point in time still unknown, though he has a powerful nose and the curtains are fragile. As for now, the surveillance tapes have been handed over to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who will make a determination as to possible criminality of Mr. Comey’s actions. Destruction of government property is punishable by a much as three years in prison and a fine.

Among The Spectator’s sources were three current and former U. S. officials who cannot be identified because of their prior commitments."
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
No, Hillary and her "baggage" are the scary people...
. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
You really think busting on Hillary really bothers Dems at this point? LOL Wake up, sonny. Its 2017. Trump is a disaster and all of you can't run far enough away from reality.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
BTW, all of your right wing ludicrous posts won't change reality.

I'll watch how everything plays out. Maybe Trump is innocent. But, boy does he seem guilty!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Trump is innocent. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Now, that is the closest thing to reality I've seen from you.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Hey lustyturd, Is Obama going to jail for "wiretapping" Trump?

You do have a transcript, right? The one that came from Obama's wiretap of the Trump campaign?

Ooopsie! Did I just spill the beans? Did I just say Obama wiretapped the political opposition's campaign headquarters?

Oh, fuck! Silly me. Isn't that how Watergate started? We're not supposed to do those things, are we? I mean, wiretapping and surveillance of your opponent's campaign? Who would stoop so low? As an ex-President used to say "That's not who we are!"

Tsk, tsk, tsk... oh well, at least now we're looking at a REAL scandal!

Originally Posted by lustylad
Obama is worried now, right? Maybe he should stop vacationing!
FirePhoenix's Avatar
I like how nobody brought the issue of would you see a provider or hobbiest based on their polical view. Sidestepping the issues with no real facts is the only playing cards some people have. Is the sandbox becoming the new coed?
There was a thread in coed about that a few months back. And the people who responded said - 1. that's not what they see a provider for and 2. they are interested in the sex - they are not there to talk politics.

My experience is - it does not matter. Now if the person is a fanatic who just rails against the system and starts talking and is really ugly in his language and won't shut up - that's a different story. He would be escorted out the door. But I have never had that happen.

I will say that I have had clients book me and say - I like what you posted or they say - I like Trump too but that's the extent of it. Then we get into the fun stuff.

I like how nobody brought the issue of would you see a provider or hobbiest based on their polical view. Sidestepping the issues with no real facts is the only playing cards some people have. Is the sandbox becoming the new coed? Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
There was a thread in coed about that a few months back. And the people who responded said - 1. that's not what they see a provider for and 2. they are interested in the sex - they are not there to talk politics.

My experience is - it does not matter. Now if the person is a fanatic who just rails against the system and starts talking and is really ugly in his language and won't shut up - that's a different story. He would be escorted out the door. But I have never had that happen.

I will say that I have had clients book me and say - I like what you posted or they say - I like Trump too but that's the extent of it. Then we get into the fun stuff. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I would say to your last paragraph, you don't see anyone under 45 and don't see African Americans, according to your ads. So you've kinda taken away a lot of people who would be anti-Trump. That's your right but it's kinda hard to have a person say anything against your posts. And most guys wouldn't book with you and then say things that could ruin the mood. Those opposed would just not book.
Yes,my ad says over 45 but my African American clients would disagree with you on that second part. I've never advertised against seeing A.A.
You are just making things up now because you don't like Trump.
And I do have clients that are left leaning too.
My point is that is should not make a difference.

You sound like Milly....hmmmm,you're new. Interesting.

I would say to your last paragraph, you don't see anyone under 45 and don't see African Americans, according to your ads. So you've kinda taken away a lot of people who would be anti-Trump. That's your right but it's kinda hard to have a person say anything against your posts. And most guys wouldn't book with you and then say things that could ruin the mood. Those opposed would just not book. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Come on man - this is your very first post in ECCIE???
Darling, you need to grow a brain.

I would say to your last paragraph, you don't see anyone under 45 and don't see African Americans, according to your ads. So you've kinda taken away a lot of people who would be anti-Trump. That's your right but it's kinda hard to have a person say anything against your posts. And most guys wouldn't book with you and then say things that could ruin the mood. Those opposed would just not book. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Come on man - this is your very first post in ECCIE???
Darling, you need to grow a brain. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Yes this is my first post. Maybe ask a mod, my account has just been approved so I wasn't able to post anything until now.

Maybe you should find out the facts before accusing people of stuff. Plenty of people join this site. I joined. Came to this section and wanted to comment on some posts from earlier yesterday but couldn't. I can now and will. Thanks and you're welcome.
So let me get this straight- you want me to check MY facts - when a couple of paragraphs up you just made up stuff that I called you out on?

Yes this is my first post. Maybe ask a mod, my account has just been approved so I wasn't able to post anything until now.

Maybe you should find out the facts before accusing people of stuff. Plenty of people join this site. I joined. Came to this section and wanted to comment on some posts from earlier yesterday but couldn't. I can now and will. Thanks and you're welcome. Originally Posted by Austin Dude