NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

oilfieldscum's Avatar
Clowney's only good play so far

junglemonkey's Avatar
Well, looks like these motherfuckers didn't get in there with the ox. That ox is fucking dead.
Oralist's Avatar
When No Touch Mallet's bullet pass went through Foster's hands, I switched to the Astros. I had enough of the Keystone Cops. With no good QB and no good pass defense, it is going to be a painful season for the Texans and their fans.
I switched to the Astros.. Originally Posted by Oralist
I did the same!


it is going to be a painful season for the Texans and their fans. Originally Posted by Oralist
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 10-12-2015, 09:57 AM
BT, the 'Stros game yesterday was great! I've never seen so many people at a game and so jacked up! We had to destroy some Royals fans who were there being obnoxious....I hope they come back today.

Also, man your Coogs are doing well, so that's a positive right? Now the Texans on the other hand.....

OFS, yep that's probably the best (and only) really great play he's made. If you see how it unfolded he actually got lucky. 0 sacks anyone?
BigLouie's Avatar
Houston Teams Owners:

Astros - Owner played college baseball and pitched in college world series. In short order has team back in contention with bright future.

Rockets - Two NBA championships. Gives people money and resources to win but is quick to pull the trigger and replace them if job not done. Rockets made it to the final 4 last year.

Texans - No known experience in sports. Rumor has it he nit-picks the draft picks for squeaky clean picks. Keeps GM and coaches on even when evident they are not doing good job. No franchise QB, few winning years. Future looks bleak.
Wakeup's Avatar
BigLouie's Avatar
:facepalm: Originally Posted by Wakeup
I am guessing this is because the Cubs won
Wakeup's Avatar
Nope, it's because you keep posting incredibly stupid shit...
Fishpie's Avatar
Houston Teams Owners:

Astros - Owner played college baseball and pitched in college world series. In short order has team back in contention with bright future.

Texans - No known experience in sports. Rumor has it he nit-picks the draft picks for squeaky clean picks. Keeps GM and coaches on even when evident they are not doing good job. No franchise QB, few winning years. Future looks bleak. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Astros: Baseball is tradition and the new owner threw that out the window when he allowed them to go to the AL. Brewers could've gone right back. I haven't watch them since that move.

Texans: McNair is just an old school backwoods baptist who wants to show off his money. I'm pretty sure he knows Watt is a homo but is letting it slide because all the money and attention he brings to the team.
:facepalm: Originally Posted by Wakeup

Nope, it's because you keep posting incredibly stupid shit... Originally Posted by Wakeup
+1 (again)
Rick Smith's Resume of Failure!!!!

1Duane Brown23Atione Molden3bSteve Slaton4Xaiver Adibi5Frank Okam6Dominic Barber7Alex Brink

20091.Brian Cushing2.Conner Barwin3.Atione CaldwellCould have had Henry Melton4.Glover Quinn4bAnthony Hill5.James Casey6.Brice McCain7.Troy Noland

20101Kareem JacksonCould have had Dez Bryant or Demarius Thomas2Ben Tate3Earl Mitchell4Darrell Sharpton4bGarrett Grahm5Sherrick McManus6Shelby Smith6bTrindon Holiday7Doran Dickerson

20111.JJ Watt2.Brooks Reed2bBrandon Harris4Rashad Carmichael5Shiloh Keo5.TJ Yates7Derrick Newton7.Cheta Ozougwu

20121. Whitney Mercilus2. Devier Posey3.Brandon Brooks4.Ben Jones4bKeyshawn Martin4cJared Crick5Randy Bullock6Nick Mondeck

20131.DeAndre Hopkins2.DJ Sweargier3.Brennan Williams3bSam Montgomery4Trevardo Williams6.David Queesenbury6Allen Bonner6Chris Jones6Ryan Griffin This year was particularly recently pathetic!!

20141. Jadaveon Clowney2.Xaiver Su a Fil o3.CJ Fiedorwicz3bLouis Nix III4Tom Savage6.Jeoffrey Pagen6Alfred Blue6Jay Prosch7Andre Hal7Lonnie Ballentine

20151, Kevin Johnson2. Benardrick Mckinney3. Jalen Strong5. Kieth Mumphery6. Rashard Cliett6. Christian Covington7. Kenny Hilliard
8 Years and only one playmaker drafted(DeAndre Hopkins) JJ is definitely a playmaker but there are only so many plays you can make as a DE.

Pathetic failure in the mid rounds leaves us with a terrible roster and bad cap.

Chant it with me boys, Fire Rick, Fire Rick, Fire Rick!!!! C'mon McNuttless, I know you read this board, with all the money you have and all the ho's available in Houston you better be studying up on snatch cause you don't know shit about football. Maybe Silent Cal is reading this, Silver spoon born mfer, I hope he is as good as Jerry's Jones son at running a football team.

Fire Rick, Fire Rick, Fire Romeo, Fire Rick, slipped one in on you there see it!!!
Who's with me??? Fire Rick, Fire Rick, Fire Rick!!!

Crickets???? You lousy bunch of candy asses don't care??? If this was Philly or New York(Glad it's not by the way, way to many assholes up there) we would already have Rick's, Romeo's, B'OB's and Mallet's head on a pike!!!!!

Can't really say as I blame you, I barely give a fuck about the Texans too!!! When is the next Dynamo Snatchfest??? I am glad I am knee deep in pussy to occupy my time.

Later Pussy Farts, see you next season.
BigLouie's Avatar
Everyone wants Rick fired. It was very interesting the McNair said he thought Rick was doing a better job which seem to indicate he realized his picks were poor.