NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

BigLouie's Avatar
@ChronBrianSmith: Brian Hoyer 1-11, 7 yards, INT, 1.7 rating.
Texans QB of the future according to BoB
Oralist's Avatar
I'd rather watch LPGA golf than the Houston Keystone Cops. 35-0 and it's early in the 2nd half. Too painful to watch any more of it, so back on ECCIE.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 10-25-2015, 01:06 PM
Come on boys, don't be so negative, it's only 41-0, we're just fine.

Look at the bright side.....(get ready).....

BigLouie's Avatar
Your know that guy who was the Texan QB last year, Fritz, he is beating New England
kerwil62's Avatar
Now they're doing that shit they did against the Falcons. At least they're saving themselves from another blowout. SMH.....

Meanwhile, the a Colts are losing at home to the Saints. Just imagine if the Texans had come to play and actually win the game, they could've been tied for 1st with the Colts in the Division.
Oralist's Avatar
Yup. The division is theirs to take, but they play like they don't want it.
kerwil62's Avatar
Your know that guy who was the Texan QB last year, Fritz, he is beating New England Originally Posted by BigLouie
Well Brady killed those hopes. 30-23.

Patriots probably going back to the Bowl again.
Mallett misses the team charter to Miami?
Originally Posted by bigtex
And it's a home game!
jstone420's Avatar
Damn shame all That talent on defense
TheDon's Avatar
Damn shame all That talent on defense Originally Posted by jstone420
All that talent is just JJ Watt.
kerwil62's Avatar
Babymaker(Foster) has torn his achilles. Out for the rest of the season.

I could tell when he was holding his ankle and him being carted off that he would be done for the year.
BigLouie's Avatar
Foster had played his last game as a Texan.
Fishpie's Avatar
Fuck that coaching staff. I really don't want to put blame on Crenel and Co on the D side because they have a good track record. BoB is fucking things up though and McNair is trying to tell us to hold on while we sail through the shit storm he steered everyone in to. Not sure if I've ever said it on this board but I've always been anti-Foster. That dude has always been overrated. Only reason McNair kept him around after his side chick put him on blast was because he's a cash cow for the organization. Other wise he would've been sent packing to another farm.
The Texans are, hmmm, let me see if I can find the words....."not very good".