NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

BigLouie's Avatar
Some things are become more clear. BoB might be out of his league in the pros. His history is mainly college. He had one very short stint in the pros. Now that he has been around a year the league is figuring him out and the team is getting hammered. Twice within the last 4 weeks the team has started out totally unprepared and was blow out. 42 points the first half against Atlanta and now 41 points against Miami. Jacksonville who is not that great lead them 14-10 after 3 quarters. If you are only able to score 10 points against the Jags in 3 quarters your team in not very good. BoB does not appear to have the knowledge to be a good NFL head coach.

Last year BoB and Rick Smith did not like any of the QBs so they passed on the first 4 and took one who had not played for 1,000 days before his last year in college. 'Filo who they took with the first pick of the second round can barely beat out a street free agent and could be cut next year. They passed on Derrick Carr who looked damn good today and is getting better with each game.

Right now the team has no QB. Hoyer is about what he was with the Browns. Sure he performs well when the team is behind 40 points and the other team is playing prevent and letting him complete plays to eat up time but at the start of the game he is not very good. Will the team draft a QB next year? That's a real good question.

The team has no speed in the secondary. When the Miami players caught the ball the Texans DBs could not make up ground to tackle.

Although a number of you did not care for Foster he was the most complete back. Good runner, good blocker, good receiver. If Blue is suppose to be his replacement how come he can't even get in the game. Have you noticed he is not even playing.

I know everyone is going to be rants about Mallett both here and on the radio but he is the least of the team problems. People should be ranting about what a piss poor job BoB and Rick Smith have done with this team.

The worse thing about this situation is that Bob McNair is not the sort of person to fire Rick Smith and BoB. Les Alexander, oh he would fire both at the end of the season, Les would have fired Rick two years ago but McNair likes to give people chances, way too many chances. If at least Rick is not fired at the end of the year there is really little hope for the team. Just more busted picks.

As for the rest of the year. I see no more than a 5-11 of 6-10 at best, could even be 4-12.
DarthMaul's Avatar
As for the rest of the year. I see no more than a 5-11 of 6-10 at best, could even be 4-12. Originally Posted by BigLouie
And if they do, do they finally pick a QB?
Fishpie's Avatar
Some things are become more clear. BoB might be out of his league in the pros. His history is mainly college. He had one very short stint in the pros. Now that he has been around a year the league is figuring him out and the team is getting hammered. Twice within the last 4 weeks the team has started out totally unprepared and was blow out. 42 points the first half against Atlanta and now 41 points against Miami. Jacksonville who is not that great lead them 14-10 after 3 quarters. If you are only able to score 10 points against the Jags in 3 quarters your team in not very good. BoB does not appear to have the knowledge to be a good NFL head coach. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Starting with the Kubiak era, the Texans have been a second half team.

Although a number of you did not care for Foster he was the most complete back. Good runner, good blocker, good receiver. If Blue is suppose to be his replacement how come he can't even get in the game. Have you noticed he is not even playing. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Good runner? No. He's sprints 3-4 yards then heads for the ground before anyone hits him. If he sees an opening he'll take the extra yards. If he's short on wind he runs out of bounds.

Good blocker? No. He's a bump and go let's make this a screen pass kind of guy.

Good receiver? Fuck no. He has horrible catching fundamentals. He's so damn cocky on the field that's why he fumbles the ball at some of the stupidest moments.

This shit right here would get you punished hard in practice.

As for the rest of the year. I see no more than a 5-11 of 6-10 at best, could even be 4-12. Originally Posted by BigLouie
4 wins is pretty optimistic.
And if they do, do they finally pick a QB? Originally Posted by DarthMaul
I hope there will be one worth picking!
BigLouie's Avatar
And if they do, do they finally pick a QB? Originally Posted by DarthMaul

I would lean toward no. The problem is that none next year are as good as the ones last year
I would lean toward no. Originally Posted by BigLouie
If the Texans have a top 5 pick next year (which appears to be a real possibility), "I would lean toward" yes, that they will take the best QB available.
Wakeup's Avatar
Six first round draft picks starting on defense...and we get down 42-0 and 41-0...guys, I think we're just one or two more first round defensive player draft picks before we have a really good seriously...really...
oilfieldscum's Avatar
And if they do, do they finally pick a QB? Originally Posted by DarthMaul
I hope there will be one worth picking! Originally Posted by bigtex

I would lean toward no. The problem is that none next year are as good as the ones last year Originally Posted by BigLouie
If the Texans have a top 5 pick next year (which appears to be a real possibility), "I would lean toward" yes, that they will take the best QB available. Originally Posted by bigtex
It's pretty dam obvious they need a quarterback whether they get one by the draft or a trade. Hell they would have been better off keeping the Fitz.

I think the changes need to start in the front office and yes the coach too. The new coach will bring in a quarterback.
BigLouie's Avatar
Brian Smith with the Chron is Tweeting tonight and has a column that BoB wanted to cut Mallet before the team took the field in Miami but was over-ruled by Smith. I am guessing because they did not have another QB with them. Said BoB wanted to cut him today but still over-ruled. The team painted themselves into a corner. They tried to "stash" Tom Savage in IR for the year and now can't bring them back and I am not sure they have another QB who can be backup if they cut Mallett.

Everyone better hope that the Texans DO NOT win this shitty division. If they do win with a crap record of 6-10 they will not pick in the upper part of the draft. The NFL has this rule that if you are in the playoffs your position is the draft is based on that so the best the Texans could draft would be something like 25th so lets hope they don't win the division.

And I wonder if Rick Smith will try to save him ass by firing BoB at the end of the year of if McNair will allow BoB to pick someone as Rick's replacement.

Either way I think the team is going to get worse this season.
You may get your wish, ESPN going to fire a bunch of folks tomorrow in the name of budget cuts. Originally Posted by O'Mike
If they'd only fire those two loud mouths, Stephen A and his little pal, Skip. I'd throw a fuckin' ticker tape parade....
BigLouie's Avatar
Mallett released today
Good Riddance Ryan Mallet, you fucking sucked as a Texan!!!

I first became concerned with this douche of a QB, last year when he tried to play with a sore tit injury. He put himself above the team in a critical game that could have kept us alive for a playoff spot. We needed very little offense to win that game. Very selfish then and continued to act like a fucking child with his pouting and late bullshit. I hope no other team picks him up and he moves on to his real career choice of mopping up jizz off the porno store floors.

Next on the chopping block is Rick Fucking Smith!! To have any credibility for B'OB Rick must go. 10 Years as GM and this is our team?? Don't let the door knob hit you on the ass on the way out Rick!!!! Fuck you!!!! We will see if Bob McNuttless the owner actually has his balls or if they have fallen off completely!!

Now as the new GM, I would cut everybody!! JJo, see ya!!, Kareem Jackson, bye bye, Cush sorry mother fucker but jogging after Jarvis Landry won't do it!! Su a Filo go get Rick Smith's car you fucking valet, Rahim Moore you no play making mother fucker adios, Vince Wilfork go find your BBQ in another town mfer you pulled an Ed Reed on our dumbass GM and did the money grab!!

This should free up plenty of cap room to land several free agents that are fast.

Go Dynamo, fuck the Texans!!!
Your city should consider letting this shit franchise go.....stop the madness and let them pack their bags and leave for L.A. or London or Amarillo.....

The Oilers tortured you fine people of H-town for decades, winning nothing. No Super Bowl appearances....absolutely nothing (or does that AFL crown Blanda brought y'all a few years ago still resonate?) Let's face it...the best thing to happen to that franchise during its time was the greatness of Earl Campbell and Bum Phillips, God rest his soul. Otherwise....what? Billy White Shoes? Pastorini? How about that epic playoff meltdown in Buffalo early 90's? (ouch....sorry about that. Damn...that's an ice cream headache NFL moment, right?)

All right....let's flash forward....headlines: the city decides to vacate the bad taste of the Big Blue uniforms and Oiler name to start fresh anew when awarded a new team to replace the one that bolted for TN. And it's been a total cluster since day one (poor David Carr....never had a chance, poor kid). Deny if you wish....but please name the joy, the happiness (anything) the Texans has brought to the city. Finally getting a world class stadium to replace the 8th Wonder? Okay....I guess so.....

Oh! By the way....which "victory" exactly is the guy in the Hyundai commercial crowing about as he sits in his driveway, honking at his elderly neighbor? lol....c'mon, there must be one worthy of such celebration, right?

Lok, I know y'all love football in Houston but seriously....when is enough enough? Boycott the games...send a message to the rich're tired of the crappy product and it's time to move on. Or contract the franchise, send JJ to Dallas (yeah!)....and just use Reliant for concerts, tractor pulls and high school football championships or sumpin like dat.....

(Okay, disclaimer.....this was all tongue-n-cheek so don't get in a twist, k, guys? As a Cowboy fan I feel your pain, truly....just thought I'd pop in and let y'all know it could be worse....a LOT worse. You could wake up from this nightmare and find yourself living in Cleveland and you're a lifelong Browns fan).
O'Mike's Avatar
Are they really thinking about bringing back TJ Yates??

Is Blue going to be the starter at RB now?
BigLouie's Avatar
Yates already signed. My guess is that Polk is starter