"Je Suis Nigeria"?

  • shanm
  • 03-28-2015, 11:05 PM

By the way, this thread certainly seems to have touched a nerve with you recently. Originally Posted by Old-T
Don't take it personally. His ass was handed to him recently in a couple of other threads and he is just lashing out in pain and anger. It'll take some time but he'll get over it.
You lyingly claimed Watie was the only Cherokee to fight for the Confederacy, Old-THUMPER.

Furthermore, you lying jackass, you still haven't produced a single substantive post to support your "hate blacks, Japanese and Native Americans" lies, Old-THUMPER.

Just stupid, lib-retarded cock-suckers like you, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion.

You've wasted 52 opportunities to explain why you lied and misrepresented Dr. Rothschild's position on syphilis like you are now lying and misrepresenting Mr. Lamb's position regarding the Crusades, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp.

You can't fix what you haven't mastered, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion. BTW, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion, if you can pull yourself away from your poultry fetish long enough to learn something, Rothschild and Lamb are Stumpy the Inbred Chimp's misrepresented authorities. Furthermore, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion: Originally Posted by I B Hankering
lustylad's Avatar
By the way, this thread certainly seems to have touched a nerve with you recently. Originally Posted by Old-T
I jumped in at halftime. What's the score? Is little eva counting his brain cells again?

Don't take it personally. His ass was handed to him recently in a couple of other threads and he is just lashing out in pain and anger. It'll take some time but he'll get over it. Originally Posted by shanm

That's it? I take back my last post. Now your ARE disappointing me, shammyturd.

And speaking of other threads - did you find any "offended American Muslims" yet?

  • shanm
  • 03-28-2015, 11:28 PM
That's it? I take back my last post. Now your ARE disappointing me, shammyturd. Originally Posted by lustylad
We will talk once you get past this latest butt-hurt meltdown.

Take your time. No rush. Just remember that none of us will be here for you.
lustylad's Avatar
We will talk once you get past this latest butt-hurt meltdown. Originally Posted by shanm

Meltdown? You mean you're still recovering since your post #691? How was tonight's anger management support group meeting? Did you find any "offended American Muslims" yet?
I B Hankering's Avatar
I hate to say goodbye, Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
"Account Disabled"! Look at who it was who walked away: the "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion! Good show, lustylad!

Sorry little boy. You can make all the slave references you want, you are not helping your cause at all. There are few Cherokee in Nigeria (remember the title of the thread?), the fact that a confederate general had slaves is no surprise, and the fact that you are pro slavery is no surprise.

And the Trail of Tears was still an atrocity, even though you refuse to acknowledge it. Some envious, greedy Southerners wanting the lands others were rightfully on had no qualms forcing them from their lands at gun point. But to you it was the rightful expansion of Dixieland.

You must be really perplexed: native Americans fighting for the confederacy. Does your support of the confederacy outweigh your hatred for native Americans? That must be a tough choice for you.
Originally Posted by Old-T
By WKing for the Cherokee, Old-THUMPER, you've been caught WKing for slave-owning Confederates, Old-THUMPER. You're a wormy little hypocrite, Old-THUMPER. Squirm, Old-THUMPER, squirm like the wormy little troll you are.

Don't take it personally. His ass was handed to him recently in a couple of other threads and he is just lashing out in pain and anger. It'll take some time but he'll get over it. Originally Posted by shanm
Cite where that ever happened, shamman.

53 Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You still haven't explained why you lied and misrepresented Dr. Rothschild's position on syphilis like you are now lying and misrepresenting Mr. Lamb's position regarding the Crusades, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp.
lustylad's Avatar
"Account Disabled"! Look at who it was who walked away: the "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion! Good show, lustylad! Originally Posted by I B Hankering

No more undercunt? Did he crash and burn? Daayyuumm!

To quote Austin Powers - "Didn't see that one coming!"

"Groovy, baby!"

cptjohnstone's Avatar
Sorry little boy. You can make all the slave references you want, you are not helping your cause at all. There are few Cherokee in Nigeria (remember the title of the thread?), the fact that a confederate general had slaves is no surprise, and the fact that you are pro slavery is no surprise.

And the Trail of Tears was still an atrocity, even though you refuse to acknowledge it. Some envious, greedy Southerners wanting the lands others were rightfully on had no qualms forcing them from their lands at gun point. But to you it was the rightful expansion of Dixieland.

You must be really perplexed: native Americans fighting for the confederacy. Does your support of the confederacy outweigh your hatred for native Americans? That must be a tough choice for you. Originally Posted by Old-T
they fought for both

http://www.okcivilwar.org/sites/twin-mounds, about 10 miles from my house
  • shanm
  • 03-29-2015, 11:14 AM

Cite where that ever happened, shamman.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

No. I don't dance when you tell me to chicken dick. Go fuck yourself.

"Account Disabled"! Look at who it was who walked away: the "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion! Good show, lustylad! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Nice going. Did you go bitch and moan to the mods again?

[COLOR="Black"] You still haven't explained why you lied and misrepresented Dr. Rothschild's position on syphilis like you are now lying and misrepresenting Mr. Lamb's position regarding the Crusades, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Jesus fucking christ you are the biggest retard I have ever seen
I B Hankering's Avatar
No. I don't dance when you tell me to chicken dick. Go fuck yourself.

Nice going. Did you go bitch and moan to the mods again?

Jesus fucking christ you are the biggest retard I have ever seen
Originally Posted by shanm
The real reason behind your shameful deflection, shamman, is that you've had your cock-sucking ass handed to you every time (e.g., image below); hence, you cannot cite where you ever won one of these exchanges.

they fought for both

http://www.okcivilwar.org/sites/twin-mounds, about 10 miles from my house Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Indeed they did, but the real issue here is Old-THUMPER's ridiculously stupid stance that people in bygone eras should be held accountable to moral codes that did not exist in their time, and his stupid and inexplicable notion that only white southerners living in the South between 1861 and 1865 are solely responsible for all of the evils ever associated with slavery and the slave trade. Old-THUMPER believes those people he so abhors, living during the American Civil War era and place as they did, should have had the prescience to live by a moral code that his 21st century ass chooses to impose on their era. Hence, Old-THUMPER now finds himself in a hypocritical dilemma by WKing for the Cherokee who lived according to the moral code of their era; not his!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-29-2015, 04:48 PM
they fought for both

http://www.okcivilwar.org/sites/twin-mounds, about 10 miles from my house Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
You are absolutely correct, of course.

Throughout all this I have stated that one cannot look at an individual--Gen Watie in this case--and generalize about all Cherokee people. It is IB who wants to tar all Cherokee as slave holders and evil people, part of his very bigoted world view.

As to slavery in general, you can go back many months, maybe well over a year, to find where IB started his lunacy--but quite honestly it probably is not worth the trouble. I acknowledged multiple times that there were good southerners and bad southerners, good northerners and bad northerners when it came to slavery. Sadly, IB's world view is that southern slave holders have no guilt (you can essentially see that in his post here), while it was the evil northerners (and evil Cherokees now) who are responsible for slavery.

That is the fundamental mental and moral difference he and I have. I think some things are morally wrong: torture, murder, slavery being a few. IB thinks they are not intrinsically wrong so long as it is a white christian southerner doing it. He could end this feud with a simple acknowledgement that lynching, whipping, torturing, and separating families as property was morally wrong by the few southerners who did it (not all southerners obviously). But given many opportunities he has not acknowledged any such thing. I don't remember him ever acknowledging that a southern christian white man ever did anything wrong (unless he was gay of course). Until he does I will keep throwing it in his face whenever appropriate.

In the same way he has never admitted that the anti-Native American actions by the US and Europeans was wrong. I am not an advocate for reparations in most cases, but I do believe an admission by all of us that the Trail of Tears, the butchering of the men at Acoma, the forced march of the Navajo people--they were all wrong and should not have happened.

We cannot undo what was done, but to pretend it was good and just instead of immoral and wrong, well that is as much an insult to those who suffered/died as the Westboro baptist "church" idiots are an insult to the US casualties today.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You are absolutely correct, of course.

Throughout all this I have stated that one cannot look at an individual--Gen Watie in this case--and generalize about all Cherokee people. It is IB who wants to tar all Cherokee as slave holders and evil people, part of his very bigoted world view.

As to slavery in general, you can go back many months, maybe well over a year, to find where IB started his lunacy--but quite honestly it probably is not worth the trouble. I acknowledged multiple times that there were good southerners and bad southerners, good northerners and bad northerners when it came to slavery. Sadly, IB's world view is that southern slave holders have no guilt (you can essentially see that in his post here), while it was the evil northerners (and evil Cherokees now) who are responsible for slavery.

That is the fundamental mental and moral difference he and I have. I think some things are morally wrong: torture, murder, slavery being a few. IB thinks they are not intrinsically wrong so long as it is a white christian southerner doing it. He could end this feud with a simple acknowledgement that lynching, whipping, torturing, and separating families as property was morally wrong by the few southerners who did it (not all southerners obviously). But given many opportunities he has not acknowledged any such thing. I don't remember him ever acknowledging that a southern christian white man ever did anything wrong (unless he was gay of course). Until he does I will keep throwing it in his face whenever appropriate.

In the same way he has never admitted that the anti-Native American actions by the US and Europeans was wrong. I am not an advocate for reparations in most cases, but I do believe an admission by all of us that the Trail of Tears, the butchering of the men at Acoma, the forced march of the Navajo people--they were all wrong and should not have happened.

We cannot undo what was done, but to pretend it was good and just instead of immoral and wrong, well that is as much an insult to those who suffered/died as the Westboro baptist "church" idiots are an insult to the US casualties today.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Thusly has Old-THUMPER restated his ridiculously stupid stance that people in bygone eras should be held accountable to moral codes that did not exist in their time. BTW, Old-THUMPER, the majority of the tribe followed Watie.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-29-2015, 05:10 PM
Thusly has Old-THUMPER restated his ridiculously stupid stance that people in bygone eras should be held accountable to moral codes that did not exist in their time. BTW, Old-THUMPER, the majority of the tribe followed Watie. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Why look at that! IB was just twiddling his thumbs waiting for me to post. You really don't have a life.

And yes, I am saying slavery was evil and wrong even in bygone eras. Of course it was practiced, but it was morally reprehensible. You, on the other hand, continue to see nothing wrong with what was done to human beings strictly for greed in the name of the "enlightened" Europeans who were the confederate plantation owners.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Why look at that! IB was just twiddling his thumbs waiting for me to post. You really don't have a life.

And yes, I am saying slavery was evil and wrong even in bygone eras. Of course it was practiced, but it was morally reprehensible. You, on the other hand, continue to see nothing wrong with what was done to human beings strictly for greed in the name of the "enlightened" Europeans who were the confederate plantation owners.
Originally Posted by Old-T
The Cherokee weren't "European" plantation owners, Old-THUMPER, and Native Americans embraced slavery before any Europeans set foot on this continent, Old-THUMPER. Yet, your vitriolic, hypocritical denigration is reserved solely for "European" southerners who lived in the American South between 1861 and 1865. BTW, Old-TUMPER, don't let your out-sized ego lead you to imagine anyone was waiting on you to do anything, Old-THUMPER.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-29-2015, 06:02 PM
Of course you were waiting on me! Look at how quickly you respond to my posts (while on the contrary they are many of your useless posts on here I don't reply to at all).

Too bad you can't read, stupid bigoted IB. Just a few posts up I AGAIN stated that slave owners were morally wrong. ALL slave owners. Northerners, traitorous Confederates, Cherokees, Africans, Arabs, etc. ALL. Comprehend that little three letter word?

But you do not. You continue to support torture, servitude, murder, etc., ESPECIALLY when done by the confederate states. You know how to end this, but you won't. You can't bring yourself to admit the confederate was wrong about anything, and you would cut your tongue out before saying I was right even in something as blatantly obvious as this.

So be happy as a slave apologist. That's what you are.