For those who need proof of election fraud....

Comedians made fun of Trump because he was a walking joke and he was stupid. Injecting disinfectant was still my favorite. I mean how dumb and stupid must one be to actually say that shit out loud. Him and his followers - dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.

And before you claim he did not say it or it was out of context - here ya go,
"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me." Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I never read or heard Trump say anything about ingesting Bleach. But whatever the fuck you heard I am sure you misinterpreted it because you're just a dam Liberal. There is 47 years of Joe Biden saying some of the dumbest shit ever recorded by a politician. Joe Biden is the biggest liability this country has ever had. So you can dig whatever you want about Trump Biden has said and done worse.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Once again, you're being disingenuous. This is about irregularities that have to be investigated to determine whether or not it was intentional and favored one candidate over the other. This case is most definitely an irregularity. Is it intentional, yes. Did it favor one candidate over another...that requires an investigation which the democrat is in lockstep against. Why? We would still to determine the motive. Did he think was helping one candidate over another?

So let's get away from the fake narrative about voter fraud and the media favorite "wide spread" voter fraud. Nothing wide spread about targeting one or two counties in six states. It does allow a mouthpiece to go in front of a camera and say "there is no evidence of wide spread voter fraud". Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
And I keep asking you since you what "irregularities" do you think exist in the 2020 elections? The number of people voting exceeding registration is false. Every claim of voter irregularities has been explained in detail as to why they are false.

"Wide spread" to me means having to find irregularities that would change or dismiss 10,000 or so votes in Arizona, even if it is in only one county. That's a lot of votes whether it be in California, Texas, or Alaska. Or Arizona. It would require several or many people working in tandem to pull off such an "irregularity". And there is absolutely no proof at this point in time that a single vote in Arizona was fraudulent.
winn dixie's Avatar
And I keep asking you since you what "irregularities" do you think exist in the 2020 elections? The number of people voting exceeding registration is false. Every claim of voter irregularities has been explained in detail as to why they are false.

"Wide spread" to me means having to find irregularities that would change or dismiss 10,000 or so votes in Arizona, even if it is in only one county. That's a lot of votes whether it be in California, Texas, or Alaska. Or Arizona. It would require several or many people working in tandem to pull off such an "irregularity". And there is absolutely no proof at this point in time that a single vote in Arizona was fraudulent. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Sorry. All false. All info that has been spoon fed by the dims to the public. Raw numbers dont add up in this election. Not even close! Some are contempt on turning a blind eye just for their candidate! Been happening since lbj. He invented it! lol
I never read or heard Trump say anything about ingesting Bleach. But whatever the fuck you heard I am sure you misinterpreted it because you're just a dam Liberal. Originally Posted by Levianon17
If you could read you’d say less stupid shit. Reading really is fundamental. People that don’t read are dumbasses and it’s clear that reading isn’t something you do. Hence you a
winn dixie's Avatar
If you could read you’d say less stupid shit. Reading really is fundamental. People that don’t read are dumbasses and it’s clear that reading isn’t something you do. Hence you a Originally Posted by 1blackman1
context! c'mon man!
context! c'mon man! Originally Posted by winn dixie
If you could read you’d say less stupid shit. Reading really is fundamental. People that don’t read are dumbasses and it’s clear that reading isn’t something you do.
instead of reading and hearing things fairly and interpreting them in context and intent

the leftists and their news media have consistently and with purpose, disregarded any actual wording and context, and have misstated things president trump has said many times

and there are those, shallow of thought, and short of comprehension, who believe them
instead of reading and hearing things fairly and interpreting them in context and intent

the leftists and their news media have consistently and with purpose, disregarded any actual wording and context, and have misstated things president trump has said many times

and there are those, shallow of thought, and short of comprehension, who believe them Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Everyone found out what "gaslighting" means, and started leaning on it HARD.
If you could read you’d say less stupid shit. Reading really is fundamental. People that don’t read are dumbasses and it’s clear that reading isn’t something you do. Hence you a Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I don't read bullshit. You don't read you listen to bullshit on CNN and other nonsense News station and you're dumb enough to believe all that crap. They have you right where they want you, dumb down and misinformed and they'll keep you that way if you let them.
bambino's Avatar
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
And I keep asking you since you what "irregularities" do you think exist in the 2020 elections? The number of people voting exceeding registration is false. Every claim of voter irregularities has been explained in detail as to why they are false.

"Wide spread" to me means having to find irregularities that would change or dismiss 10,000 or so votes in Arizona, even if it is in only one county. That's a lot of votes whether it be in California, Texas, or Alaska. Or Arizona. It would require several or many people working in tandem to pull off such an "irregularity". And there is absolutely no proof at this point in time that a single vote in Arizona was fraudulent. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Isn't that the beauty of careless, ambiguous speech. You have been conditioned to think of something as "wide spread" when the term doesn't technically apply. You think of 10,000 votes when the talking head is talking of millions of votes. This very topic on this very site is proof; 43,000 votes in four states is the key but many obtuse thinkers will cite the number 7 million. They laugh, they snicker at the idea of finding a discrepancy of almost 10%. They aren't so amused at the reality of .02% changing the election. That is intentional.
bambino's Avatar
Look who was a “fact” checker on the covid!!!!!

This is how they keep people stupid.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
I'm going to post this again, since many people on this board refuse to believe it's true.

Quote from Donald Trump:

"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."

Here is the news from April 2020.
winn dixie's Avatar
I'm going to post this again, since many people on this board refuse to believe it's true.

Quote from Donald Trump:

"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."

Here is the news from April 2020. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Context again. Not worth splainin to deaf ears.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
If you could read you’d say less stupid shit. Reading really is fundamental. People that don’t read are dumbasses and it’s clear that reading isn’t something you do. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
While I do not have anyone on ignore, there are some individuals on this forum whose comments I choose to ignore for reasons you just cited.