Iran Cheated On Odumbo Before The Ink On The Treaty Was Dry.

I B Hankering's Avatar
You stole the above from your favorite scientist (Albright). Six months after the deal was signed Albright published a report that said this.

5) Iran has not produced uranium hexafluoride enriched above 5 percent and its entire stock enriched up to 20 percent has been either downbleded or fed into the conversion process producing an oxide form. However, Iran possesses a significant quantity of near 20percent LEU oxide which can be reconverted back to hexalufluorideform;

This is science speak for Iran DOES NOT have weapons grade uranium. I am smarter than you. You are ignorant of science. You should have attended Army at West Point where chemistry and physics are mandatory for all cadets.

You do know how to cherrypick the information that Albright gives you.
Originally Posted by adav8s28
Knowing that Odumbo never conducted a 100% preliminary inspection of Iranian assets and capabilities to know what the fuck the Iranians had or what they are still hiding is a statement of fact. There's nothing "cherry-picked" about it.

Iran cheated on Odumbo's POS agreement before ink was put to paper.

Israel Reveals Another Secret Iranian Nuclear Weapons Site

Satellite photos show Tehran attempting to cover nuclear work

Israeli leaders on Monday disclosed the existence of yet another secret Iranian nuclear weapons site that Tehran has attempted to hide from the international community, a disclosure likely to amplify calls from the international community for Iran to come clean about its ongoing weapons work....

Satellite imagery released by Israel appears to show the site fully operational as recently as June 2018.

(Free Beacon)
themystic's Avatar
Knowing that Odumbo never conducted a 100% preliminary inspection of Iranian assets and capabilities to know what the fuck the Iranians had or what they are still hiding is a statement of fact. There's nothing "cherry-picked" about it.

Iran cheated on Odumbo's POS agreement before ink was put to paper.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You are a cherry picker IB. Iran never shot down a drone under Obama. Trump didn't do anything when Iran did that. When Iran took our failed Navy members Obama got them back. We were a lot safer under Obama. IB and Lollipop Hankering didn't have to worry
You are a cherry picker IB. Iran never shot down a drone under Obama. Trump didn't do anything when Iran did that. When Iran took our failed Navy members Obama got them back. We were a lot safer under Obama. IB and Lollipop Hankering didn't have to worry Originally Posted by themystic
LOL. You realize who the Navy Members Commander in Chief was when they "supposedly failed" right. Yeah, I didn't think you thought that one through.

But Obama gave Iran everything they wanted to keep them quiet(Cash, political cover, the useless treaty the OP discusses, etc. etc.).

All the while, Iran merrily continued on with their blatant missile testing and acts of aggression to other countries, continued to sponsor worldwide terror activities(with the cash Obama gave them and him foolishly removing/lowering sanctions on them), and continued with their secret Nuclear program that Obama never vetted in the first place.
  • Tiny
  • 09-15-2019, 05:17 AM
Gentlemen, we may be on the verge of a war. Iran warned the US today that our bases and aircraft carriers are in range of their missiles. The Iranians are probably responsible for temporarily knocking out 5 million barrels per day of Saudi oil production.
themystic's Avatar
LOL. You realize who the Navy Members Commander in Chief was when they "supposedly failed" right. Yeah, I didn't think you thought that one through.

But Obama gave Iran everything they wanted to keep them quiet(Cash, political cover, the useless treaty the OP discusses, etc. etc.).

All the while, Iran merrily continued on with their blatant missile testing and acts of aggression to other countries, continued to sponsor worldwide terror activities(with the cash Obama gave them and him foolishly removing/lowering sanctions on them), and continued with their secret Nuclear program that Obama never vetted in the first place. Originally Posted by eccielover
the navy was and is failed. government employees on welfare
adav8s28's Avatar
Bottom Line-
Trusting the iranians without complete verification is.

Originally Posted by oeb11
The five thousand high-speed centrifuges are turned off and under constant monitoring 24/7 in real time.

Do you know anything about computers other than how to log on?
The five thousand high-speed centrifuges are turned off and under constant monitoring 24/7 in real time.

Do you know anything about computers other than how to log on? : roflmao: Originally Posted by adav8s28
Aww, ain't that grand. What Iran selectively revealed, but was never verified as to the whole extent of their program have been monitored.

That just gives me the warm and fuzzies, while Iran blatantly proclaims other capabilities and facilities that were not monitored as well as Israel intelligence finding active sites not monitored by the IAEA.

Iran has not been honorable in the treaty since day 1 and actually in the negotiations leading up to day 1. Obama/Kerry got played.

They are now continuing to sponsor global terrorism and very aggressive actions that could lead to war.

But be consoled in your own little world that the Obama negotiations were all on the up and up and the best thing to be done.

His legacy on this issue is getting destroyed daily. But you can be the last supporter of his madness if you choose.

The rest of us realize Trump did the right thing.
adav8s28's Avatar
And as for the missile testing/etc., you are correct in that it's an endorsement resolution of the JCPOA by the UN Originally Posted by eccielover
You got that part right. You should have stopped right there.
You got that part right. You should have stopped right there. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Why stop right there. I already posted documentation where the Obama administration continued to ignore Iran's blatant violations of anything and everything they touched. I think that's pretty relevant to taking their words or actions regarding any of the agreements at face value.

Obama turned a blind eye. Trump saw reality and correctly pulled us from the agreement.

You just can't get over that Obama was played, Obama lost, and Trump turned it around correctly. Enjoy the blinders.
adav8s28's Avatar
Aww, ain't that grand. Originally Posted by eccielover
No trust, that is why the one enrichment plant is being monitored 24/7 in real time. bb11 problem is he doesn't know what monitoring means.
No trust, that is why the one enrichment plant is being monitored 24/7 in real time. bb11 problem is he doesn't know what monitoring means. Originally Posted by adav8s28
You continue to make the point, you think there is only one facility.

I'm not sure what you are trying to say otherwise.
adav8s28's Avatar

Obama was played. Originally Posted by eccielover
That is a lie. Iran had weapons grade uranium before the nuke deal was signed. Just go look at the enrichment charts that were originally posted by Lustylad. Six months after the deal was signed Albright a former inspector for the IAEA confirmed that Iran got rid their "weapons grade" uranium. A fact that you keep forgetting or ignoring.

No weapons grade uranium = no atomic bomb. Simple science.
adav8s28's Avatar
You continue to make the point, you think there is only one facility.

I'm not sure what you are trying to say otherwise. Originally Posted by eccielover
There is only one plant where enrichment is allowed and all 5,000 high-speed centrifuges were moved to that plant and turned off. There is software to detect enrichment of Uranium past 3.67% concentration of u-235. There is software to detect unanuthorized access to the 15,000 centrifuges that were shut off and under constant monitoring 24/7 in real time. Your problem is you think the scientists at Iran are smarter than the scientists at the IAEA.
That is a lie. Iran had weapons grade uranium before the nuke deal was signed. Just go look at the enrichment charts that were originally posted by Lustylad. Six months after the deal was signed Albright a former inspector for the IAEA confirmed that Iran got rid their "weapons grade" uranium. A fact that you keep forgetting or ignoring.

No weapons grade uranium = no atomic bomb. Simple science. Originally Posted by adav8s28
You continue to hand your hat on basically a 6 month window in a 10 year agreement, that did nothing but kick the can down the road.

Okay, Iran went into the agreement dishonorably, hid capabilities that weren't under the aggrement for inspection, tailored the agreement so they could "show" that any location specified for inspection would pass. Then they adhered to the agreement by giving Putin(another point Obama was played on) any weapons grade uranium they had enriched at that point.

Then merrily went on violating the agreement(per their own propaganda) after the 6 month window.

Yeah, that's a country we should "believe". Yet Obama/Kerry did and even paid them off to try and get compliance. All failures based on what you see today.
adav8s28's Avatar
Gentlemen, we may be on the verge of a war. Iran warned the US today that our bases and aircraft carriers are in range of their missiles. Originally Posted by Tiny
Thanks to Obama's nuke deal, Iran missiles will not carry an atomic bomb. Iran doesn't have any "weapons grade Uranium". This fact was confirmed by Albright a former inspector at the IAEA.