NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

jstone420's Avatar
This team still needs a QB
nu2's Avatar
  • nu2
  • 12-20-2015, 02:19 PM
Texans finally win in Indianapolis! OMG!
Fishpie's Avatar
He'll shit on himself soon enough. Originally Posted by boardman
Wakeup's Avatar
Thank Tebow that genius, Rick Smith, brought Brandon Weeden in to quarterback this team...GM of the year...
BigLouie's Avatar
Don't everyone get excited. Texans struggled to score 16 on a team that the Jags just dropped 50 on
Fishpie's Avatar
That's implying we haven't seen The Texans struggle at all this season.
BigLouie's Avatar
The problem with the Texans win is that it gives people false hope. Sure they lead the division but the whole division is terrible. My biggest concern is that BoB and Rick Smith will think it is ok to go into next year with Hoyer and Weedon as QB and pass on one in the draft. In case anyone had not noticed Jacksonville has started to put it together. I fully expect them to be the favorite in the division next year. Plus with Colts out of playoffs they will draft high and address their needs.
O'Mike's Avatar
Question for the stat junkies.

Has a player ever started at quarterback for two different teams in the same state during the same football season?

If Hoyer and Yates are not able to step up next week I am guessing that Weeden will be the starter.
Fishpie's Avatar
The problem with the Texans win is that it gives people false hope. Sure they lead the division but the whole division is terrible. My biggest concern is that BoB and Rick Smith will think it is ok to go into next year with Hoyer and Weedon as QB and pass on one in the draft. In case anyone had not noticed Jacksonville has started to put it together. I fully expect them to be the favorite in the division next year. Plus with Colts out of playoffs they will draft high and address their needs. Originally Posted by BigLouie

Growing up with the Oilers, getting to the play offs is all I need for a celebration. What happens in the play off is a different story so I keep expectations low so I can repeat next season.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Good thing Yates got hurt....they didn't look too good with him behind center.

If Hoyer and Yates are not able to step up next week I am guessing that Weeden will be the starter. Originally Posted by O'Mike
BoB has a hard on for Hoyer. He will start if he passes the concussion protocol.
B'OB needs to realize that the wins are coming when Hoyer is out most recently. With the number of times Hoyer has been Concussed he is done with one more hit!!!! For Good Done!!!

Weeden is terrific when he is untouched and totally protected. Look at his college stats at OK State. He has a bigtime arm and sling it with the best of them. BBBBBBUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTT under any type of pressure he is horrible with a capital H. With our OL he is fucked. Cudos to B'OB for winning as many as he has with this rag tag bunch. Maybe the biggest play of the game yesterday was when Newton Ole'd his guy AGAIN and Weeden fumbled, Newton at least got his big ass on top of the fumble.
boardman's Avatar
There is no Garapollo, Bortles or Bridgewater in the upcoming draft.

Paxton Lynch will be long gone by the time the Texans get around to drafting.

Look for Connor Cook to fall. He's got some locker room issues. Might be another Mallet. He didn't even get voted team captain. I suspect BoB will steer clear.

There's really no sure thing again this year so yeah, we'll be looking at Hoyer competing against some FA has been or wanna be. I doubt it will be Weeden. Savage needs to be in the mix next year or get his walking papers.
Eli, Rivers and Bradford are all FA next year. RGIII will most likely get cut loose.
Bob is pretty much on record as being against starting any rookie so the next QB he drafts likely won't get the job handed to him the first year. They may make a run at one of the big names but it will be in an attempt to pacify the fan base not really land one. Of those three, Rivers is BoB's type. Manning, I think, has probably been the most durable. Neither would be a horrible choice if the price isn't stupid. Hell, just having a QB that can hit a receiver in stride would be a big step up.

Hackenberg just filed to get an evaluation from the draft advisory board. I suspect it won't be good enough(and probably shouldn't be) to convince him to forego his senior year. A lot depends on his bowl game too. If he stays he may go into next year as the top pick in the 2017 draft if the new Penn State OC, Joe Moorhead, can do what many think he is capable of and turn that dismal offense around. BoB might take a 2nd or third round chance on Hackenberg since he knows him and knows he's coachable. The measurables are there but again he wouldn't start as a rookie.

Now for the game.
The Texans lucked out(pun intended). That is all...
Fishpie's Avatar
Mariota is out for the season and we need to win one of these last two games to seal the deal on the Division. At first I was like yea baby! then I saw they signed BJ Daniels from Seattle. For the ones who haven't read he's a converted QB to receiver back to QB. Looks like the Wildcat will be in effect
oilfieldscum's Avatar
The Wildcat needs to be done for the season.

News flash to BOB. You don't keep running the same trick play...especially more than one time in the same game.
kerwil62's Avatar
I'm surprised they won.

Oh well, can't predict them all.

They still must win out to win the division or win one and the Colts lose one. If so, they'll play either The Steelers or the Chiefs. And they can't fuck with either team.