Assholes's Speech

Since Trump's loyalists are out and about let's ask a question:

Remember when Trump talked about Michelle Obama not wearing a scarf when visiting Saudi Arabia, neither Ivanka or Melanie wore one. Nothing to say?

Oh remember when Trump talked about Clinton accepting money from Saudi Arabia for her foundation. Ivan is just took 10 times as much from them. Nothing to say there?

Or wait wait, remember Obama was weak because he didn't say Radical Islamic Terrorists? Trump is the big tough guy remember? He's a pussy. He didn't say it. He caved in. What's up with that?
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Donald J. Trump
about 11 months ago

"Saudi Arabia and many of the countries that gave vast amounts of money to the Clinton Foundation want women as slaves and to kill gays. Hillary must return all money from such countries!"

fast forward to yesterday:


Should Ivanka not accept the money or should apologies be sent to the Clinton Foundation? OR do we just ignore/forget it because it's a Trump and its ok when a Trump does it?

Also, do we factually know what Donald Trump's financial ties are to Saudi Arabia?
gfejunkie's Avatar
Never happened? So you know for a fact that no one involved in the campaign was colluding with Russia? Please tell me how you know that? Give us the evidence it didn't happen.

Even if they were colluding with Russia. Where is the law against it?
The Obama administration colluded with a foreign government to influence Israel's election. No law against that either.

No Russia didn't hack machines to change votes. But you can't say it didn't factor into someone who may have voted for Clinton deciding to sit the election out. Also, if the stuff that was leaked by Russia via WikiLeaks wasn't effecting voters, why did Trump read all them every time at rallies? Why did he talk about them more on debates and in public than he did policies?

It had an effect on some. Keep pretending it didn't. That it was leaked just to be leaked by a foreign government.

If it had an effect on some then they didn't have the strength of their own convictions in the first place. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Sad, but true.
Sad, but true. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
So changing your mind or deciding to flip your choices with information is lacking strength of conviction?

Trump says hi on many things like Syria, etc. He flipped on Syria because of "pictures". He most really like strength of conviction.
gfejunkie's Avatar
A little early in the day to be hitting the bottle, isn't it?

Must be millsy reincarnated.
lustylad's Avatar
Hey millsy... er (cough, cough), I mean, Austin Dude... have you even thought this whole thing through? What if, for the sake of argument, we assume the worst about the 2016 Trump campaign? What if someone (Russian or otherwise) DID approach Mike Flynn, let him know they had John Podesta's DNC emails, and asked if they should publish them? What exactly is the crime? Was Flynn supposed to say "No! You mustn't publish any embarrassing dirt on our political opponent!" LOL! What law was broken here?

Did hildebeest's campaign tell NBC and the other major networks not to disclose that secret 11-year-old Access Hollywood tape? Or did they collude with their media friends to have it released at the most opportune moment, 3-1/2 weeks before Election Day? Did hildebeest decline to take advantage of those offers from CNN's Donna Brazile to be supplied with debate questions in advance? You know the answers.

Right now there is no evidence of any "collusion" between the Trump campaign and the "Russians". But even if such evidence does emerge, so what? While the libtard media would do everything possible to maximize the political embarrassment to Trump, at the end of the day there would be no crime or impeachable offense.

Here is respected Harvard Constitutional Law Professor Alan Dershowitz (a "proud" hildebeest voter) addressing the questions you and your hyperventilating libtard co-conspirators haven't even given a thought to:
Well, I'll address the head scarfs - Saudi Arabia said they welcome foreign visitors no matter what they wear.
And so we have evolved to not wearing them. Which I think is a good thing. I think the welcome that President Trump is getting from Saudi Arabia is awesome. And I don't use that word that much. And how about that fly over with the smoke coming out red,white and blue. They love Trump.

Since Trump's loyalists are out and about let's ask a question:

Remember when Trump talked about Michelle Obama not wearing a scarf when visiting Saudi Arabia, neither Ivanka or Melanie wore one. Nothing to say?

Oh remember when Trump talked about Clinton accepting money from Saudi Arabia for her foundation. Ivan is just took 10 times as much from them. Nothing to say there?

Or wait wait, remember Obama was weak because he didn't say Radical Islamic Terrorists? Trump is the big tough guy remember? He's a pussy. He didn't say it. He caved in. What's up with that? Originally Posted by Austin Dude
A little early in the day to be hitting the bottle, isn't it?

Must be millsy reincarnated. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
No it's not if I was. It's a Sunday in Austin, plenty of people are out. Sorry if you have no friends.

But tell me where is the drunken statement? You said that someone wouldn't have strength of their own conviction if they let WikiLeaks change their opinion. Trump "changed" his opinion on Syria because of "pictures". Nevermind the fact that the previous attack was worse and also had pictures. Yet then they didn't effect him and he said we would stay out of Syria. Sounds like not only does he like strength of conviction; apparently his was talking about things over his head.

But yeah I guess when it's obvious that he's doing what you said voters would have been doing, go with drinking.
Psst..Milly...errr,Austin Dude..

No it's not if I was. It's a Sunday in Austin, plenty of people are out. Sorry if you have no friends.

But tell me where is the drunken statement? You said that someone wouldn't have strength of their own conviction if they let WikiLeaks change their opinion. Trump "changed" his opinion on Syria because of "pictures". Nevermind the fact that the previous attack was worse and also had pictures. Yet then they didn't effect him and he said we would stay out of Syria. Sounds like not only does he like strength of conviction; apparently his was talking about things over his head.

But yeah I guess when it's obvious that he's doing what you said voters would have been doing, go with drinking. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Psst..Milly...errr,Austin Dude.. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I get it why you love Trump. Old, unintelligent, with a bad hair and tan. It's almost like you.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Psst..Milly...errr,Austin Dude.. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
It's either alcohol or english is not his first language. I can't understand a thing.
gfejunkie's Avatar
I get it why you love Trump. Old, unintelligent, with a bad hair and tan. It's almost like you. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
You going to give up her address again?
It's either alcohol or english is not his first language. I can't understand a thing. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Maybe you can't understand because your dumb
You going to give up her address again? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
I don't think anyone wants her address buddy. Maybe you. But no one I know.
Yep- it's Milly for sure. He can't take a joke.

I don't think anyone wants her address buddy. Maybe you. But no one I know. Originally Posted by Austin Dude