Providers who have been run off the board by trolls...

bojulay's Avatar
Maybe it's vagina envy..these guys sound like they want to chase away all females and start providing themselves

I say go for it, we got switch hitters on eccie that would love to break you in Originally Posted by NubianPrince
Maybe then they could afford that operation they've always dreamed about
Wakeup's Avatar
Maybe it's vagina envy..these guys sound like they want to chase away all females and start providing themselves Originally Posted by NubianPrince
Haven't you been paying attention? Not a single provider has ever been run off this board by the men here...the list is still empty.
Haven't you been paying attention? Not a single provider has ever been run off this board by the men here...the list is still empty. Originally Posted by Wakeup
Depends on how you define "run off"
There are providers who have stopped participating in discussions, they only post ads and keep it moving
Cause every time they show up in a thread,trolls are right behind them with the BS
Wow... he's ignorant, can't spell, rude, crude, and socially unacceptable and probably stinks to high heaven to top Iif all off.
Is it a great mystery to anyone here why he's begging for pussy on a separate
thread? Hobby life is just getting better and better huh peaches?
Bahahahahahahahahaha! Originally Posted by pyro
Plenty of Money, Plenty of Refrences, Plenty of Time...Looking for a lady with Plenty of Sense.

But I am not giving any of them up. They are none of your business. I'm looking for a lady that has the good sense not to be mind fucked by this three references bullshit. Originally Posted by WTF
Oh i know the site and she knows the site she just has convinced you that there is no other site. Good for her...she gotta keep the WK's in line.

Blasting poor bastards personal info for deciding not to see her is not alert worthy. If you think so then you might be a female posting as a male. No man in his right mind would think so. Originally Posted by WTF
So, now it comes around full circle. WTF contact NM for an appointment, but he does not comply with her screening requirements as he's trying to get appointments without "this three references bullshit."

NM refuses and WTF gets beligerent and abusive, cursing at her, calling her names trying to goad her into an appointment without references.

She puts an alert on Infoshare about his boorish, abuse behavior and since WTF has been peeking into the ladies room, he sees the alert. WTF goes on a rampage on the open Board seeking to damage her reputation by claiming that she's posting RL information and also claiming that her screening criteria include divulging RL info, both of which are patently false. He further tries to cover this by claiming that it wasn't his RL info in the alert, but some other hobbyists'. He then claims that she "blasted" the alert on multiple websites, but he refuses to identify the website(s) ... this is also patently false.

The end result is that WTF has to promise the Mods that he won't any longer "speculate" as to what is posted in Infoshare, he admitted that he lied and he can't support any of his "speculations"

Good luck with all those no-mind fucked three reference bullshit appointment offers that I'm sure are filling your inbox.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-09-2015, 05:20 PM
So, now it comes around full circle. WTF contact NM for an appointment, but he does not comply with her screening requirements as he's trying to get appointments without "this three references bullshit."
Originally Posted by StinkyFingers
I have never tried to get an appointment with Natalia Mori and i can prove it to your Johnny Cochran excusing ass.
Wakeup's Avatar
There are providers who have stopped participating in discussions, they only post ads and keep it moving
Cause every time they show up in a thread,trolls are right behind them with the BS Originally Posted by NubianPrince
You're saying that women have stopped posting here because of the trolls. Fine. Prove it. I'm all too happy to add them to the list if you can prove it.

See? Since the list of providers who have been run off the board is zero, and will always be zero, I'm expanding the list to those who are still here but who have stopped posting anything but ads, because of the trolls.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-09-2015, 05:36 PM

The end result is that WTF has to promise the Mods that he won't any longer "speculate" as to what is posted in Infoshare, he admitted that he lied and he can't support any of his "speculations"

. Originally Posted by StinkyFingers
Oh i can speculate all i want , i just can't be so accurate. Poor lil lo Natalia might cry to the Mods again.
Depends on how you define "run off"
There are providers who have stopped participating in discussions, they only post ads and keep it moving
Cause every time they show up in a thread,trolls are right behind them with the BS Originally Posted by NubianPrince
Now this, I've actually heard myself. A few providers who have stopped or have been afraid to post in H-Town co-ed because they feel it's too toxic here or just way too much "drama".

You're saying that women have stopped posting here because of the trolls. Fine. Prove it. I'm all too happy to add them to the list if you can prove it.

See? Since the list of providers who have been run off the board is zero, and will always be zero, I'm expanding the list to those who are still here but who have stopped posting anything but ads, because of the trolls.

Commence... Originally Posted by Wakeup
I think with their reluctance to post here or engage in "drama", they wouldn't appreciate too much me putting them out there like that...just sayin.

Wakeup's Avatar
Well, I'm not taking y'alls word for it...sorry...
I have never tried to get an appointment with Natalia Mori and i can prove it to your Johnny Cochran excusing ass. Originally Posted by WTF
By all means ... Prove that you have never tired to get an appointment with Natalia Mori ...

"Wheeeerrrreee's Johnny?" ... Nicholson
You're saying that women have stopped posting here because of the trolls. Fine. Prove it. I'm all too happy to add them to the list if you can prove it.

See? Since the list of providers who have been run off the board is zero, and will always be zero, I'm expanding the list to those who are still here but who have stopped posting anything but ads, because of the trolls.

Commence... Originally Posted by Wakeup
SexyCassandra...for some weird reason you stay on this girl's clit
Always brjngjng up old shit nobody cares about
Wakeup's Avatar
SexyCassandra...for some weird reason you stay on this girl's clit
Always brjngjng up old shit nobody cares about Originally Posted by NubianPrince
Sorry, can't add her.

She posted in this very thread, saying that trolls don't have that kind of power. That wasn't an ad, she posts all over Co-Ed and other forums, and she denies trolls have any power over her.

Got anyone else?

P.S.-That was an epic fail dude...

P.P.S.-I'm sure the whore that her gang member friends beat up cares about that old shit...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-09-2015, 06:30 PM
By all means ... Prove that you have never tired to get an appointment with Natalia Mori ...

"Wheeeerrrreee's Johnny?" ... Nicholson Originally Posted by StinkyFingers
I haven't ever tried to schedule with bsc I don't want to catch that shit. Look what it's done to you!

Plus your lil girlfriend has my permission to post any contact that she might have lied to you about me contacting her. Post away Natalina...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-09-2015, 06:34 PM
Depends on how you define "run off"
There are providers who have stopped participating in discussions, they only post ads and keep it moving
Cause every time they show up in a thread,trolls are right behind them with the BS Originally Posted by NubianPrince
Shit maybe we need to expand it to include gents who run off girls with their constant attempt to get reduced reviews!
Wakeup's Avatar
She can't post any private communications between the two of you, you're permission is irrelevant...