Turning Texas Blue

LexusLover's Avatar
There is no proof that Hispanics will act more like Asians than the black community...all evidence suggests they will follow the black path of plantation politics. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You can get some idea from studying the early history of Colorado and particularly the development of the sugar beet industry there with the importing of migrant workers to work the beet farms. The experiences with Orientals vs. Hispanics.

The experience in South Texas with migrant workers from South of the border 50 to 60 years ago and more was one of mutual accommodation .. until Chavez arrived from California in an attempt to "organize" the workers. The farmers in the Valley revolted.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
All of the Teawipe asswholes keep throwing tantrums and holding their breath.

It will be a few more years before the coherence level here rises to ground level, unfortunately. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
I did not know that you had written a book
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nice one Muskogee. enjoy your vacation...
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I don't know if the the pic shows an underage girl any more than you guys do, so everyone can stop with the RTM's and PM's.
Since there is some doubt, I'll err on the side of discretion and pull it.

Find some different pics to make your point Cpt J.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thanks CC. I think Muskogee was pulling it before you were.
  • 06-29-2013, 12:47 AM
Thanks CC. I think Muskogee was pulling it before you were. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
If there wasn't a bigger CC ass kisser on the board
Me, too. Apparently longer than you, because since reconstruction until about 20 to 30 years ago it was primarily Democratic dominated. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You are correct. I got here in 85. Ever since 1972 though, the electoral votes for TX have gone to a Republican candidate, with the only exception being Jimmy Carter in 76. (I'm sure public perception of Tricky Dick might have had something to do with that one.)

So for over 40 years now, TX has been a red state for the Presidential elections. This last election showed us that even with the country fairly evenly split between Dems and GOP, the GOP got slaughtered in electoral votes. If they ever lose TX, I don't see them ever being able to reclaim the White House.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Plantation politics ... Is that a trend, Whirlyturd?
LexusLover's Avatar
So for over 40 years now, TX has been a red state for the Presidential elections. This last election showed us that even with the country fairly evenly split between Dems and GOP, the GOP got slaughtered in electoral votes. If they ever lose TX, I don't see them ever being able to reclaim the White House. Originally Posted by RelaxationJunkie
John Tower in the special election kinda cracked the mold ... and as the Texas Democrats predominately were conservative .. Texas was still going for a Republican president while the Democrats maintained a strangle hold on local and statewide politics with a few exceptions in designated metro areas and the Governor's mansion. Once the National Democratic Party was taken over by McGovernites Texas began to split up with independents from the local Democratic Party identifying themselves as such ...

.. keep in mind that the Democratic Party in Texas (and most Southern states) developed out of the Reconstruction period (post Civil War) as a resistance to the forced insertion of Blacks into local governments whether they were qualified or not ... LBJ was a product of those years ... and as he moved into the national scene he mellowed ... if you will.

Some of that "suspicion" of the Republican Party remains .... but the bottom line is that the early Democratic Party was responsible for segregation, poll taxes, etc., along with just about any form of discrimination ... never knew a Klansman, but my guess is there were not many "Republicans" in sheets!

Please remember that George Wallace was a Democrat.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I don't know if the the pic shows an underage girl any more than you guys do, so everyone can stop with the RTM's and PM's.
Since there is some doubt, I'll err on the side of discretion and pull it.

Find some different pics to make your point Cpt J. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
she has to be 18, I got it from a legit porn site

at least you look at it where as that stuff assup post make me throw up
at least you look at it where as that stuff assup post make me throw up Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
The only thing "turning blue" is the dumb-fuck golem jackass's prick-shaped head which is "turning blue" from oxygen deprivation because of the cock ring the dumb-fuck golem jackass wears around its putrid, scrawny neck. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
It appears that you find IB's posts to be perfectly normal.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
It appears that you find IB's posts to be perfectly normal. Originally Posted by bigtex
so you think assup's shit pic's are ok with you?
so you think assup's shit pic's are ok with you? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Not anymore so than your avatar. Bodily substances are bodily substances. Does it really matter whether it is shit or piss?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They're not my photos... I got them at Imagecoast!

BTW -- you know, somebody in here actually posts images from an account with his name on it.

That should absolutely qualify this person as our undisputed DIPSHIT OF THE YEAR.
LexusLover's Avatar
BTW -- you know, somebody in here actually posts images from an account with his name on it.
That should absolutely qualify this person as our undisputed DIPSHIT OF THE YEAR. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Why? You think this is all "secret"? With "secret" code:

$$$ ........ BBBJ ............. DATY ........... And the Mods can ID multiple handles?

"Screening" .... ????