An intriguing question for mature providers

  • Blaze
  • 03-02-2011, 07:32 AM
We all need more men like you!

well i have several friends who have wives that are dissatisfied with their husbands because they dont stop and take time for them. they complain all he wants is a bj or a fast fuck and hes happy but he never stops to think if she gets off and most complain that we men dont kiss and spend enough time on foreplay.
I think a lot of women get bored and then get disinterested in sex and either go in a shell and get fat and let theirselves go or they start to look for something outside of the house.
it could be that we men are partially to blame because we are to busy with work, sports, friends and looking for strange to keep the fire going at home.
Lets face it ..we all get bored with the same ol thing day in and day out and eventually we loose that loving feeling.
Again you have to remember the providers we see are a whole lot more open than most wives and they keep sex fun and most enjoy it as much as men but they were more active and more sexual intelligent than any SO to begin with and being in the hobby just keeps them going stronger and stronger.
So remember - take your time .take care of your woman . make it fun , make love not sex and listen to what your partner wants and likes and maybe the fire will keep burning like some of the providers Originally Posted by wildwooly1
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I never said that it's "always" the wife's fault. I think that it's about equal in that sense. I think that there are just as many that have Charlse's scenarios as there are Chella's. I have a good friend who just went through something similar to Charlse. I still believe that it takes time to know how someone is as a person and most I don't think actually change until they seek help....
Naomi4u's Avatar
He has a right to his feelings just as we all do guys...cmon. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Yeah but telling Chella to go fuck herself for no reason? C'mon.

Every one of us is capable of this too. It's all a matter of how much you value your relationship and to what degree you are willing to work at it.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
My thoughts exactly

He has a right to his feelings just as we all do guys...cmon. We ALL speak and/or polluted by our own experiences, so they are going to be bias to some degree. In my experience I think the "Wife won't have sex with me" excuse is more than played out. I know one thing this business has taught me is that you don't have to FEEL like doing something to do it, and well. I was 9 months pregnant and still on my knees every time my ex wanted a bj. There were times I was sick, tired, and literally drained yet I was still happy to be with him that way. I made a choice that was not based on my feelings. Every one of us is capable of this too. It's all a matter of how much you value your relationship and to what degree you are willing to work at it. Originally Posted by London Rayne
He has a right to his feelings just as we all do guys...cmon. We ALL speak and/or polluted by our own experiences, so they are going to be bias to some degree. In my experience I think the "Wife won't have sex with me" excuse is more than played out. I know one thing this business has taught me is that you don't have to FEEL like doing something to do it, and well. I was 9 months pregnant and still on my knees every time my ex wanted a bj. There were times I was sick, tired, and literally drained yet I was still happy to be with him that way. I made a choice that was not based on my feelings. Every one of us is capable of this too. It's all a matter of how much you value your relationship and to what degree you are willing to work at it. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Yes, I agree with you London. Staying together is a decision...a decision made anew every day, sometimes every minute. And love is a decision, made the same way. Love is not a feeling, but a decision.

Recently, I was with a group of folks who had all been married in excess of 50 years (some much more). About 40 couples. Yeah, there was a lot of gray hair there, lol, but a lot of commitment and purpose. Some of them still held hands and engaged in PDA. Some didn't. I didn't know any of them well. So, I couldn't really tell you about their relationships. But it was interesting.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Naomi I read Chella and Charlse's comment and neither one of them told each other to F**K off. Each told their story from their experience.....

I do believe that most men (not all) in the hobby are trying to get something they are missing. Whatever it may be love, sex, intimacy, avoiding rejection.. ect. I actually don't believe there are really all that many reasons why we are all in this. On the providers side and the hobbyists side I would be willing to bet that you could fit the reasons on one hand each.

Statistics are a bit flawed since most don't include society as a whole. You all know that you also don't get the true or whole story as to why they aren't together any more. Also from the man's side if they are hobbying while married and not telling their wives then I would think that alone should tell you that you won't get the true, whole story.

Naomi- I meant to respond to your statement earlier that "hobbying is cheaper than marriage". It may be cheaper monetarily wise but it can cost you a hell of a lot more mentally sometimes.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Naomi I read Chella and Charlse's comment and neither one of them told each other to F**K off. Each told their story from their experience..... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
You're so full of it, the whites of your eyes are brown!

I was the primary caretaker of my daughter until she got to kinder. Took care of her several more hours a day than the SO, and certainly changed more diapers than she did. She admits that, too. In addition, I did most of the chores around the house. Yes, it's like having a job with overtime. But, I did more than just lift a finger, so gfy. Still, the sex ended at birth. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
He told her to GFY. That means go fuck yourself.

Naomi- I meant to respond to your statement earlier that "hobbying is cheaper than marriage". It may be cheaper monetarily wise but it can cost you a hell of a lot more mentally sometimes. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money usually costs a lot less.
- Brendan Francis
Eccie Addict's Avatar
The issues related to the hobby can be just as bad as some related to a marriage.

I didn't catch or realize gfy meant that.... sorry babe
Great contributions, everybody. A number of you have focused on critically important factors that negatively impact the quality and/or long-term probability of success in marriage/relationships, as well as points that impact a woman’s sense of feeling sexually desirable. We, as men, need to respond with far greater sensitivity to those concerns. And those of us who are so fortunate as to have a loving wife (I, unfortunately, am not married) need to consider it not a burden or responsibility but, rather, our great pleasure and privilege to repeatedly shower our significant other with affection. Remember that they keep score a little differently than we do. A dozen small gestures of affection every day are worth more than an occasional, extravagant display. And categorically KNOWING that we deeply love them will most definitely motivate them to reciprocate in the bedroom.

I would hope, however, that we can return more nearly to the intended focus of this thread. To reiterate, it has become abundantly clear, after perusing these boards, that one of the reasons cited by middle-aged men as contributing to their hobbyist activities is the rapidly declining or nonexistent libido of their peri- or postmenopausal wives. This suggests an intriguing question for providers who are, chronologically, of similar age. Without naming names, some of you ladies still possess absolutely gorgeous physiques and, by all accounts, remain at or near your sexual peak. Furthermore, experience has given you a true connoisseur’s appreciation for sensuality. Framed as delicately as possible, what are your secrets for keeping your internal fires hot at an age when those of many other women are barely smoldering, if not utterly extinguished? Regular, intense exercise, particularly resistance training, certainly will produce a positive, cascading effect on hormonal production, including testosterone. Bio-identical hormone replacement exerts a similarly beneficial effect on libido. Inquiring, and most appreciative, minds want to know your secrets."

For those of you who are interested, it may be worth commenting briefly on the difference between bio-identical hormone replacement therapy vs. older and more conventional forms of HRT. The objectives of bio-identical hormone therapy are: (1) to utilize hormones which are identical, chemically, to those produced naturally in a woman’s body; and (2) restore hormone levels collectively (as opposed to the administration of individual hormones in isolation to each other) to the levels of a healthy 25-30 yr. old person. By contrast, did you know that older, synthetic forms of estrogen were derived from the urine of pregnant horses (see and )? I was flabbergasted to recently come across that information. If you are interested in learning more about bio-identical hormone replacement therapy and/or physicians who specialize in its practice, a couple of websites worth investigating are and .

For what it is worth, I would also like to reiterate one little tidbit of information that may seem far removed from this topic but is rooted in my undergraduate background in exercise physiology. Regular, strenuous exercise, particularly weight/resistance training, produces a positive, cascading effect of enhanced anabolic hormone production. There actually are exercise protocols which will give you the most “bang for your buck” in this respect although an extensive discussion of that topic is beyond the scope of this thread. The quick and dirty take-home message on this point is to emphasize heavy, multi-joint exercises (squats, deadlifts, rows, and pressing movements). If you want to recapture a nymphomaniac-like passion for sex, there is strong anecdotal evidence that a bodybuilding lifestyle should be an important part of your overall strategy.
London Rayne's Avatar
Yeah but telling Chella to go fuck herself for no reason? C'mon.

True. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Darn...I missed that part. Yea, not cool. There is not need to get stupid with each other because of differing opinions.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
By your own admission, your clientele is elderly. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Wait...what? 54 is elderly?
London Rayne's Avatar
Wait...what? 54 is elderly? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
When you're in your twenties it is. Hell when I was 18, 30 was elderly lol.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Wait...what? 54 is elderly? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
You know what, I think Charles deserves a point for that. That was disrespectful. lol

When you're in your twenties it is. Hell when I was 18, 30 was elderly lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
He ain't considered elderly if he can swing it and swing it gooood! lol
Sweet N Little's Avatar
That's so me
I'm 50 chica, suck on that h wait that's my job
Yeah but telling Chella to go fuck herself for no reason? C'mon. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Darn...I missed that part. Yea, not cool. There is not need to get stupid with each other because of differing opinions. Originally Posted by London Rayne
It's not just differing opinions. In almost every post I've ever read by Chella (and admittedly, she is somewhat new to this board, but apparently not new to this world), she has held men in extreme contempt. Contempt...and hate. Yet she continues to make her living off men...the beings she hates. It creates a basic response of distaste on my part, and I'm afraid I lash out at the conduct on her part.

So, you see, it's not differing opinions. It's attitude and acceptance. She has an ugly attitude toward men in general and does not accept them (except for their cash).