Biden Administration to distribute 400 Million N95 masks for free

adav8s28's Avatar
VOX. unreliable source

South Africa is over Omicron, and their good news may be a harbinger of hope for the U.S.

Johannesburg — Only eight weeks after the world first heard about the Omicron variant of the coronavirus, when researchers in South Africa who discovered the strain notified global authorities, that country's wave of infections has fallen as sharply as it climbed. Not only that, but South Africa has weathered its fourth wave of COVID-19 with very little interruption to people's lives.

CBS News foreign correspondent Debora Patta reports that in the suburbs of Johannesburg, restaurants are busy again, traffic is jammed, and the city is bustling
Omicron quickly became the focus of global anxiety as infections spread across South Africa with ferocious speed. Within days, the country was at the epicenter of the pandemic. And then… well, not much happened at all.

"The Omicron wave now accounts for less than 5% of all of the deaths that have occurred due to COVID-19 [in South Africa] since the start of the pandemic," Madhi told Patta. He believes that while many more variants will emerge, the acute phase of the pandemic, with its devastating death tolls, may well be over.

South Africa is not alone, either. In Britain, too, there are signs that the Omicron wave — which hit just as fast as it did in South Africa — is ebbing, with infections falling sharply in recent days and no precipitous spike in deaths attributed to the Omicron wave. Scientists are optimistic that soon, COVID-19 may be referred to as an endemic disease in Britain, rather than an epidemic. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You don't like Vox? How many people are dying per day since Jan 3. Vox said 1250, a slight increase from 1125 in Dec 2021. Why don't you prove Vox wrong?

"Maybe a habringer of hope for the USA" sounds nice.
However, unvaccinated people in the USA are dying from the Omicron variant. Period.

Trump said "Like a miracle it would just go away". It's still here.
LexusLover's Avatar
However, unvaccinated people in the USA are dying from the Omicron variant. Originally Posted by adav8s28

How many people HAVE DIED from "the Omicron variant" in the U.S. to January 20, 2022?

And when you toss up that number, PLEASE post a link where you got that stat.

If you can't support your stated number with legitimate medical reporting, it's more of your worthless bullshit.

I don't know how many times I've had a sore throat in my life, but they didn't kill me. It's sad that there are people in this country who continue to regurgitate the government propaganda to justify social and economic control over the population and to justify another stolen election.

And before you post more Bitten Pablum if the 2020 election didn't have illegal ballots cast for Bitten and it was a "fair" and "legal" then why does the Federal government under the control of those who allegedly "won" have to change the rules and make sure they can control the elections?

Even the ignorant propagandists pretending to be news "people" are struggling to pander for the worthless pieces of shit for whom the uninformed, racist, American-Haters voted. And just recently the various agencies of the U.S. government are beginning to question the reported Covid deaths along with the outrageous remarks like you just made about "OmniChrome"!

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Wednesday announced his government’s decision to lift all the additional restrictions imposed to contain the spread of the Omicron, including mandatory wearing of face masks anywhere, from next Thursday after analysis showed that the new variant of COVID-19 has now most likely peaked in the country. ..........


This means people in England will no longer be told to work from home where possible and mandatory COVID-19 vaccine certification required for large venues will also come to an end. The government will also no longer mandate the wearing of face masks anywhere, relying on the judgment of the public instead, while compulsory face masks in school classrooms will be scrapped sooner from this week itself.

And the Lunatic POTUS is going to piss off taxpayers' money by sending "masks" and "vaccine" all over the world to fight the fake disease ....... thank you for voting in a demented fool.
bambino's Avatar
NEW: Israel the only quadruple-vaccinated country in the world (also using mask mandates and vaccine passports), just broke the global record for daily Covid-19 cases per 100K

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bambino's Avatar
Gavin Newsom Says Overwhelming Majority Of Omicron Cases Are Fully Vaccinated

"The overwhelming majority [of Omicron cases] have been fully vaccinated. That's why masking becomes even more important in this environment."
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LexusLover's Avatar
Gavin Newsom Says Overwhelming Majority Of Omicron Cases Are Fully Vaccinated. Originally Posted by bambino
"Fully Vaccinated" for what?

Unfortunately, for the SHEEP in the U.S. they are blindly TRAILING along behind Faki-Fauci, the Bitten Judas Goat, through his various modifications of THE SCIENCE with respect to Covid & Omicron as the taxpayers hand him 100's of 1,000's of dollars as HE makes MILLIONS off the "Pandemic" the CommunistSocialistLiberals are milking for every vote they can get in anticipation of the upcoming election for which they have been installing illegal voters in the "swing states" and attempting to bolster their favorites ... California & New York .... from which millions have fled to Texas & Florida.

And GoofBalls actually claim there is no election fraud!!!!
HedonistForever's Avatar
You don't like Vox? How many people are dying per day since Jan 3. Vox said 1250, a slight increase from 1125 in Dec 2021. Why don't you prove Vox wrong?

"Maybe a habringer of hope for the USA" sounds nice.
However, unvaccinated people in the USA are dying from the Omicron variant. Period.

Trump said "Like a miracle it would just go away". It's still here. Originally Posted by adav8s28

Biden said "I'm going to shutdown Covid". It's still here.

Omicron Cases Soar, But Deaths on the Decline, White House Says

Dec. 29, 2021 -- Cases of the highly transmissible Omicron variant continue to skyrocket, but hospitalizations and deaths remain much lower by comparison -- another sign that Omicron is less deadly than previous strains, White House officials said on Wednesday.

Recent studies suggest that "the vaccinated and boosted" are more susceptible to Omicron than the non vaccinated and boosted. The world is beginning to see that no matter how many times you get vaccinated you can and will get Omicron and you can pass it on.

If the vaccine was meant to stop the transmission of Covid, what the government suggests is their duty, to stop transmission, they have failed. If the purpose of the vaccine is to lessen the degree of severity, that is a decision best left to the individule.

Bottom line, an un-vaccinated person is no more likely to give me Covid than a vaccinated person. I chose to be fully vaccinated for reasons of my own. I will never, ever support government mandated vaccines.
  • Tiny
  • 01-20-2022, 01:27 PM
Recent studies suggest that "the vaccinated and boosted" are more susceptible to Omicron than the non vaccinated and boosted. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Where did you read that? It's ridiculous. Everything I've read indicates the vaccines make people less susceptible to infection by Omicron. Now, admittedly, if they haven't gotten a booster or it's been a while since they received the booster, the efficacy, in terms of preventing infection, may not be all that high, certainly nothing like the 95% we were seeing early on. But you're not INCREASING the probability you'll get Omicron by being vaccinated. And you are reducing your probability of getting severe disease.

I read something the other day that said the protection from vaccines against Omicron after a few months was more from T cells than antibodies. I can't find it now though.

If the purpose of the vaccine is to lessen the degree of severity, that is a decision best left to the individule. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I'd like to see insurance companies, including those participating in Obamacare, jack up the rates on unvaccinated people, proportionately to their higher risk for medical costs. The same for smokers. Premiums would be lower for the rest of us.
adav8s28's Avatar
VOX. unreliable source
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Is Reuters reliable? The survival rate for Omicron variant is not 100%.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Is Reuters reliable? The survival rate for Omicron variant is not 100%. Originally Posted by adav8s28

i never said that. what's your point? what i said is omicron appears 3-4 times less deadly than delta.
  • Tiny
  • 01-20-2022, 02:53 PM

How many people HAVE DIED from "the Omicron variant" in the U.S. to January 20, 2022?

And when you toss up that number, PLEASE post a link where you got that stat.

If you can't support your stated number with legitimate medical reporting, it's more of your worthless bullshit.

I don't know how many times I've had a sore throat in my life, but they didn't kill me. It's sad that there are people in this country who continue to regurgitate the government propaganda to justify social and economic control over the population and to justify another stolen election.

And before you post more Bitten Pablum if the 2020 election didn't have illegal ballots cast for Bitten and it was a "fair" and "legal" then why does the Federal government under the control of those who allegedly "won" have to change the rules and make sure they can control the elections?

Even the ignorant propagandists pretending to be news "people" are struggling to pander for the worthless pieces of shit for whom the uninformed, racist, American-Haters voted. And just recently the various agencies of the U.S. government are beginning to question the reported Covid deaths along with the outrageous remarks like you just made about "OmniChrome"!

And the Lunatic POTUS is going to piss off taxpayers' money by sending "masks" and "vaccine" all over the world to fight the fake disease ....... thank you for voting in a demented fool. Originally Posted by LexusLover

"Fully Vaccinated" for what?

Unfortunately, for the SHEEP in the U.S. they are blindly TRAILING along behind Faki-Fauci, the Bitten Judas Goat, through his various modifications of THE SCIENCE with respect to Covid & Omicron as the taxpayers hand him 100's of 1,000's of dollars as HE makes MILLIONS off the "Pandemic" the CommunistSocialistLiberals are milking for every vote they can get in anticipation of the upcoming election for which they have been installing illegal voters in the "swing states" and attempting to bolster their favorites ... California & New York .... from which millions have fled to Texas & Florida.

And GoofBalls actually claim there is no election fraud!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
There's some truth in your posts mixed in with fiction.

Cutting off funding for vaccines and masks would be penny wise and pound foolish. They'll reduce hospitalizations and restrictions on businesses, and save much, much more money than they'll cost. Why? Well, our politicians spent $5 trillion for COVID relief and COVID stimulus already. Give them an excuse, another COVID wave that stresses hospitals and makes people afraid to go to work, and they'll spend a lot more.

You, and many other Americans on the right, have been soaked in by two fallacies,

1. COVID numbers are a hoax. The number of deaths isn't any worse than the flu. We've gone through that ad infinitum and, while you may not admit it, you're dead wrong on this:

2. Trump would have won the election in 2020 if not for massive voter fraud. Hell, Trump lost by 74 out of 538 electoral votes and over 7 million popular votes.

You look at the numbers and the data and "1" and "2" are ridiculous. They would require massive conspiracies among thousands of people to pull off.

And many on the left are just as silly. Biden, along with many others, says some new, innocuous state election laws must be countermanded by federal laws, or the 2022 and 2024 elections will be crooked. To accomplish this, the filibuster must be done away with. As you correctly say above, the federal laws would be written by and for the Democratic Party. This is horse shit. Contending that Trump colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 election is horse shit too.

This country has become so divided. Some people listen to Fox and believe everything they hear. Others believe every word out of the mouths of Don Lemon and Rachel Maddow is from the Almighty.

People need to learn to think logically, for themselves, and stop believing the baseless conspiracy theories.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Where did you read that? It's ridiculous.

Sorry about that. What I should have said is, the vaccinated and boosted, are just as susceptible for "catching" Omicron as the unvaccinated or haven't you heard about people with triple shots getting Omicron? Yeah, yeah, yeah, better chances and all that but apparently, nothing, not 3 shots and a mask will absolutely prevent you from catching Omicron. AND APPARENTLY, if you are healthy, you don't have that much to worry about, so fuck the un-healthy I guess.

Everything I've read indicates the vaccines make people less susceptible to infection by Omicron. Now, admittedly, if they haven't gotten a booster or it's been a while since they received the booster, the efficacy, in terms of preventing infection, may not be all that high, certainly nothing like the 95% we were seeing early on. But you're not INCREASING the probability you'll get Omicron by being vaccinated. And you are reducing your probability of getting severe disease.

I read something the other day that said the protection from vaccines against Omicron after a few months was more from T cells than antibodies. I can't find it now though.

I'd like to see insurance companies, including those participating in Obamacare, jack up the rates on unvaccinated people, proportionately to their higher risk for medical costs. The same for smokers. Premiums would be lower for the rest of us. Originally Posted by Tiny

Great idea! How about we go through the DMV and mine for people with more than one speeding ticket because, wait for it...... they are at higher risk for medical costs! Then we could insist that every American provide to the government..... their weight because as we all know by now, Covid loves the obese. If we didn't have so many obese people with type 2 diabetes, which of course is the fault of the person who doesn't eat right and exercise, we could all pay less.

OH, OH, you know how we could really reduce medical cost to the rest of us? Deny insurance to people who went years and years not paying medical insurance and when they get a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes at 50, they want to pay the same price ( can you imagine ) as those who signed up for insurance when they were healthy and they yell, "you can't deny me because of the poor choices I made in the past not to get insurance the day I turned 18, now 26 apparently", I have a pre-condition!

I think you are on to something here Tiny. I'll bet if we put our heads together, we could eliminate half the population or more from the insurance pool! Think of the money we could save on premiums? All un-healthy people should be denied insurance and admission to hospitals and this would be a much better place, right?

Remind us Tiny on the longevity of a KN95 mask, one day, two days? Surely not a week, right? So theoretically, we will need 400, million masks produced at the very least every week till Covid is over, right. Now that's ridiculous.
bambino's Avatar
Where did you read that? It's ridiculous. Everything I've read indicates the vaccines make people less susceptible to infection by Omicron. Now, admittedly, if they haven't gotten a booster or it's been a while since they received the booster, the efficacy, in terms of preventing infection, may not be all that high, certainly nothing like the 95% we were seeing early on. But you're not INCREASING the probability you'll get Omicron by being vaccinated. And you are reducing your probability of getting severe disease.

I read something the other day that said the protection from vaccines against Omicron after a few months was more from T cells than antibodies. I can't find it now though.

I'd like to see insurance companies, including those participating in Obamacare, jack up the rates on unvaccinated people, proportionately to their higher risk for medical costs. The same for smokers. Premiums would be lower for the rest of us. Originally Posted by Tiny
Insurance companies should Jack up rates for stupid people. BTW, you can have my “free” N95 mask to add to your stash!!!!! Don’t sneeze!!!!
winn dixie's Avatar
When youre in a pinch. A covid mask can be used as a cum rag! I can vouch for that!
She was in a skirt. Didnt want my seats getting crusty!
  • Tiny
  • 01-20-2022, 07:57 PM
When youre in a pinch. A covid mask can be used as a cum rag! I can vouch for that!
She was in a skirt. Didnt want my seats getting crusty! Originally Posted by winn dixie
If you make her use an N95 it won't soak through and get on your upholstery.
bambino's Avatar
If you make her use an N95 it won't soak through and get on your upholstery. Originally Posted by Tiny
Neither will your exhale. You’re just snowballing yourself!!!!