The Left Can’t Meme or Shoot

rooster's Avatar
There's no end to how much the meaning of a word can be contorted bit by bit, that's my point. When I was a kid, terrorism in the way that people generally used the term meant people actually murdering large swaths of people. Now its starting to mean the threat of violence. Soon it will mean the mere thought of violence or any mention of anything approaching the thought of violence, which is fundamentally eroding the right to free speech and shutting down the possibility of any real discussion of anything that could hurt someone's feelings. And in America there is already a precedent for terrorists to be held without charge(ie Guantanamo bay). I'm pointing out that this is fundamentally what allows tyrannical governments to come about. The bill of rights is meant to be a hedge against this

Also punctuation is for pussys Originally Posted by sucker45
Okay, I get ya. And since you are willing to be reasonable despite my lame attempt at a beatdown, I'll get down with ya here.

I disagree that the meaning of the word terrorism has changed. But maybe I will give you that it has, since it doesn't really matter to me. What Trump, Vance, et al do is incite and encourage others to perform acts of terrorism. With...and here is the most important part...the FULL KNOWLEDGE that this is likely to happen. And they want it to. Fuck them.

You have valid points about the erosion of free speech. But we have become a society that supports liars and egregious lies. They have caused behaviors and changes in society that risk our actual existence. They want to break shit just out of spite, rather than try to go along with anything that might make it better.

Most people don't advocate violence of any type, except in the most extreme situations. Yet somehow we allow a President to suggest that his Vice President deserves to be hung, and to repeat racist lies that originated with a bunch of Nazi extremists. And he is exploiting this fully. Faak. Sounds like terrorism to me. I don't care if it "technically" is or not.

Ask Emergency Responders if there are terroristic acts happening in Springfield right now.


Thought Police

It’s Orwellian. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR

It's boring.

rooster's Avatar
Almost got caught by da echo...

Looks like poor roo got butthurt and triggered by the truth. We get it that you refuse to see reality and just want to blame Trump for everything. I could stop to your level with the crap you throw out, but I'd rather just tell you that the rage isn't made up. It's real. Inflation, an invasion of illegals, high gas prices, and wars all over are FACTS. Not talking points. That's what lazy people like you and elg resort to. CNN talking points. Trump can't fix these problems? Funny how he didn't HAVE those problems. Rant and rave and continue to contribute the nothing you've given so far.
rooster's Avatar
Whew...who's really gettin triggered now..

Keep gaslightin yerself...and yer Hitler Youth buddies....deflecting...makin up "FACTS" as well as rage...and alternate history..

If ya really wanna get butt-fucked by a "strong" man so could try summa the other sub-forums on here.

(Faak....just when I thought I would maybe stop bein bored...I am again..)

rooster's Avatar
Tryin ta find out if there's any Bootlicking forums out there for ya too....

Yer welcome!
