Fucken Asshole

Little Monster's Avatar
Trying to understand your logic. Or lack of.

Ok, if you're trying to understand logic, on thread that is SUPPOSED to be illogical, then that says a lot more about you than it does me. Smart one.

You don't seem to handle criticism well.

C'mon man! That's the best you got??? A blanket "you're getting mad" reply???

Do you need a safe space?

ECCIE is my safe space Genius

If only there was a way to search for information...

Yes if only there were a website where you could type in any question and thousands of websites pop up....

Carry on edgelord. Originally Posted by Gamer
Oh don't worry, I will...
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-24-2017, 10:39 AM
WRONG AGAIN!! A little too late there Hoss. I was commended both on and off the board for my humor, quite a few other's got it (at least those who matter) so now not only was my objective accomplished, my joke was a complete success. Which leads me to believe that the statement “a lot of good jokes just sail over a lot of people's heads” to be a much more accurate statement. So go ahead and give me whatever grades you want they ain't worth a shit anyway.

Please point out where I'm griping, I just simply enjoy going back & forth with cause you're way too easy, most hypocrites are.

Once again do you wanna pull each other's post and see who appears to have the problem with those who don't share their mindset???? There were quite a few threads I did not find to be worth a shit did I go on their threads and bitch at them like you always do? NOPE. I started my own damn shit, don't like it, too fucken bad, deal with it or go bury your face in a pillow and cry.

Oh, well please do tell what exact it is that you contribute?? This should be good. This is a review board, if you don't find reviews to be of any value then that's your own stupidity. The fact that I randomly receive pm's (not often but sometimes) from handles I would have never known were on here asking for recommendations for provider's with pretty feet, provider's who are Golden Shower friendly, let's me know that there are other's who do value my contributions. I ask you again what do you contribute?

By all means rebut, because all you have done is give me another chance to expose you for what you truly are which is a worthless hypocrite, and put your ass in your place. So please “rebut” all you want to smart one!!

Of course you do, cause that is you ever do and all you have ever been good for. You aren't good for anything else.

So you are basically saying that I was wrong about you in the fact that I thought you were actually smart enough to know better??
And second if my OP was that convincing then you sir have inspired me to go to Hollywood! If I can be that convincing through a comm screen just imagine how good I can be on the silver screen!!
[IMG]file:///C:\Users\Joe\AppData\Local\Tem p\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image00 1.gif[/IMG]

Yeah I didn't think you could answer...

Wow you even sound ignorant and negative when you're trying to back peddle. You know what you're doing when you post that stupid shit, you're trying to be insulting period end of story. There's Cool Ass MF's and there's Asshole's everywhere you go. Texas is the second most populated state in the Union if you're gonna lump everyone all in the same category over what 5 people do on here then you really are a few fries short of a happy meal.

Keep trying "Old-Wise One" Originally Posted by Little Monster
So let’s see what your verbose drivel actually says:

--You anoint yourself as insightful and someone who “contributes” in vast ways, via PMs
--You assert that you are a great comedian because “those who matter” get your “humor”

Sure. Anything you say, boss.

You are still a crass, pre-pubescent kid (regardless of your age) who equates criticism of you with hypocrisy. You feel free to post whatever gore you care to, but you tell others to shut up if they don’t agree.

Why yes, that’s about what I thought you were.

Don't forget to rape his fucken corpse Originally Posted by rockerrick
And of course, Little Ricky says "Me too!"
Me too? Reading comprehension sucking as usual old man?
So let’s see what your verbose drivel actually says:

--You anoint yourself as insightful and someone who “contributes” in vast ways, via PMs
--You assert that you are a great comedian because “those who matter” get your “humor”

Sure. Anything you say, boss.

You are still a crass, pre-pubescent kid (regardless of your age) who equates criticism of you with hypocrisy. You feel free to post whatever gore you care to, but you tell others to shut up if they don’t agree.

Why yes, that’s about what I thought you were.

And of course, Little Ricky says "Me too!" Originally Posted by Old-T

I think everyone sees your point. You can go now.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-24-2017, 04:25 PM
Glad to. If LM doesn't make his point yet again, I won't either.
you forgot to mention my fake ass wig too
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah don't see no merkin in yore pitchers!?!?!?
Glad to. If LM doesn't make his point yet again, I won't either. Originally Posted by Old-T

I think that's called trolling. The thing you claim to hate you are becoming. I have faith you can get back on track. Good day.
Little Monster's Avatar
So let’s see what your verbose drivel actually says:

--You anoint yourself as insightful and someone who “contributes” in vast ways, via PMs

Please do point out where I "anointed myself as insightful, and someone who contributes in vast ways"???? In fact I said the exact opposite, it's right there in black & white, smart one.

--You assert that you are a great comedian because “those who matter” get your “humor”

Where did I ever call myself a "great comedian"??? The only point I made there was the fact that your word or ain't worth a shit here, that's all

You're trying way too hard dude.

Sure. Anything you say, boss.

You are still a crass, pre-pubescent kid (regardless of your age)

Now I really do mean it when I say this....THANK YOU SIR!! That is by far the nicest thing you have ever said to me. When I am called "childish" i honestly and truly take it as a compliment. If being a "grown up" means being anything remotely like you then NO THANKS!

who equates criticism of you with hypocrisy. You feel free to post whatever gore you care to, but you tell others to shut up if they don’t agree.

I ask you once again to please point out where I am guilty of this. I only called you a hypocrite because you are. You bitch about people being insulting on here yet I've seen you do more of it then most other poster's do, so yes that does make you a hypocrite. OWN IT!

Another poster called you out on your hypocrisy, but I guess everyone else is wrong except the "Old-Wise One" huh?

Why yes, that’s about what I thought you were.

Like I give a fuck what you think about me...
Originally Posted by Old-T
So you get your ass handed to you, so the best you can do is to take the Donald Trump route and start making shit up???
At this point you're so far behind you're not gonna win. Period. You're pulling what they call a "kitchen sink tactic", but that's fine. I can take anything you throw at me and whale it right back in your fucken face so please keep it coming Old Man
Little Monster's Avatar
Me too? Reading comprehension sucking as usual old man? Originally Posted by rockerrick
Nah, The "Old-Wise One" just picks and chooses what he pays attention to. It's a strategy only an Asshat would use when they can't win any other way.
Little Monster's Avatar
Glad to. If LM doesn't make his point yet again, I won't either. Originally Posted by Old-T
This is my thread so go on ahead and get nice and comfy, because every time you run your worthless mouth to me in here I will be more than happy to continue whipping your ass.
Little Monster's Avatar
you forgot to mention my fake ass wig too Originally Posted by Dakota Superfreak
Offering any creampie specials at the moment??
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-29-2017, 04:26 PM
I think everyone sees your point. You can go now. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
I tried. I offered to end the back and forth, but LM (maybe goaded on by Little Rickey?) decided he is so proud of himself that he couldn't let things die. I ignored his first piece of drivel. Ignored his second laughable attempt to show how tough and macho he is, but after a while I found myself with a half finished cup of coffee and five minutes to kill so I replied to his third cease-fire violation. Somehow I am certain he will find a way to say it was my instigation, but his lies don't really matter. He'll just declare victory again. But once more, after letting him get in 3 shots to my one I will take the moral high ground and be willing to let this thread die the death it deserved from post #1. We will see if he does.

So you get your ass handed to you, so the best you can do is to take the Donald Trump route and start making shit up???
At this point you're so far behind you're not gonna win. Period. You're pulling what they call a "kitchen sink tactic", but that's fine. I can take anything you throw at me and whale it right back in your fucken face so please keep it coming Old Man Originally Posted by Little Monster
Nah, The "Old-Wise One" just picks and chooses what he pays attention to. It's a strategy only an Asshat would use when they can't win any other way. Originally Posted by Little Monster
This is my thread so go on ahead and get nice and comfy, because every time you run your worthless mouth to me in here I will be more than happy to continue whipping your ass. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Wow. More of Little M declaring his superiority over mere mortals. Listening to you I should check to see if my head has been severed from my shoulders by your cunning wit. Or at least make sure my nose isn’t broken by your insightful words and tap-dancing. Excuse me a moment......why, no, no broken bones, bloodied nose, or cowed countenance here. Your offensive barrage seems to have missed, or petered out along the way.

But you keep going back to the dried out well over and over, you do seem to enjoy mud and cesspools and think they are awesome topics for “humor”. You also continue to express your opinions but want to deny opposing points of view as hypocritical, pat yourself on the back because people PM you for golden shower suggestions, and think those things make you the next coming of James Dean. Go enjoy your self-adulation--then claim it isn’t so when that fits you. Of course some of the usual Austin misogynists agree with you, but then that isn’t worth much. And you revel in being a pubescent kid—well good for you. I am so proud you have such high ambitions for yourself. Well done. Given how you keep score I have no desire to be ahead of you.

Find all of my “attack” posts you like. The vast majority of those are pushing back at machismo louts who think it is their divine right to be belligerent assholes--Austin seems to have its share of those. When I deal with civil people, I am civil in return most the time.

In closing, no, I didn’t really think you “give a fuck” about what I think of you. And—as I am sure you can tell—the feeling is mutual. Actually, I usually just laugh at you, and when I am bored, pick up a stick to rattle your cage. You are not worth much more than that in truth.
winn dixie's Avatar
I'm a virgin
Little Monster's Avatar
I tried. I offered to end the back and forth, but LM (maybe goaded on by Little Rickey?) decided he is so proud of himself that he couldn't let things die. I ignored his first piece of drivel. Ignored his second laughable attempt to show how tough and macho he is, but after a while I found myself with a half finished cup of coffee and five minutes to kill so I replied to his third cease-fire violation. Somehow I am certain he will find a way to say it was my instigation, but his lies don't really matter. He'll just declare victory again. But once more, after letting him get in 3 shots to my one I will take the moral high ground and be willing to let this thread die the death it deserved from post #1. We will see if he does.

As I stated before as long as you continue your pathetic attempts (emphasis on the attempts) at your wannabe witty intellectual replies, I will be more than happy to accommodate.

Where in this thread have I tried to show how "macho" I am. The only one here trying to act "Macho" is YOU sir. If you are gonna be the self appointed "Moral Compass" of ECCIE, then that would most certainly make you the only "tough guy" around here would it not?? You clearly stated that as long as certain people post in a manner you don't see fit that you are going to attack them like you always do.

And yes if, the only kind of reply you can come back with is a bunch of made up BS, then yes sir you ARE defeated. Period.

Pot meet Kettle

Wow. More of Little M declaring his superiority over mere mortals.

And right off the bat you give me another chance to call you out on your hypocrisy. The only person here with superiority issues here is clearly YOU , yet again. Your only purpose on this board is to go around and point fingers at those who don't post like you, and you sir have stated that you will continue to do so. "Superior One". News Flash we do have Mods on here, and last I checked it is their job NOT YOURS, to tell folks when they are out of line, "Superior One"

Listening to you I should check to see if my head has been severed from my shoulders by your cunning wit. Or at least make sure my nose isn’t broken by your insightful words and tap-dancing. Excuse me a moment......why, no, no broken bones, bloodied nose, or cowed countenance here. Your offensive barrage seems to have missed, or petered out along the way.

Dude that was fucking dumb right there! I guess we can't all be as witty & insightful as Old-T

But you keep going back to the dried out well over and over, you do seem to enjoy mud and cesspools and think they are awesome topics for “humor”.

Look who's talking, how many times have you brought up how all of us here in Texas are inferior to you and those like you ????

Pot meet kettle

You also continue to express your opinions but want to deny opposing points of view as hypocritical,

I'll ask you again to point this out because I already know you can't!! I only call YOU a hypocrite because you are one big time. And this here reply is a perfect example of your hypocrisy. Another poster called you out on your hypocrisy
so it's not just me now is it??

pat yourself on the back because people PM you for golden shower suggestions, and think those things make you the next coming of James Dean.

I've asked you several times, and you have yet to give me one single answer, most likely because you don't have a legit answer. So I'll ask you again, WHAT DO YOU CONTRIBUTE TO THIS BOARD?????????

Go enjoy your self-adulation--then claim it isn’t so when that fits you. Of course some of the usual Austin misogynists agree with you, but then that isn’t worth much.

And yet here you go again with the "I'm better than all you Austin people" response. Not only does this put your hypocrisy on full display, but it makes you nothing more than a one trick pony period! Thank you sir for yet another gift

And you revel in being a pubescent kid—well good for you. I am so proud you have such high ambitions for yourself. Well done. Given how you keep score I have no desire to be ahead of you.

Find all of my “attack” posts you like. The vast majority of those are pushing back at machismo louts who think it is their divine right to be belligerent assholes--Austin seems to have its share of those. When I deal with civil people, I am civil in return most the time.

And that's just it, who are you to push back at anyone, Macho One! This here thread had absolutely NOTHING to do with you at all. But you took it upon yourself to be the Macho One and come on here and start shit.

It is the Mods job to push back at the belligerent Assholes NOT YOURS, Macho One.

In closing, no, I didn’t really think you “give a fuck” about what I think of you. And—as I am sure you can tell—the feeling is mutual. Actually, I usually just laugh at you, and when I am bored, pick up a stick to rattle your cage. You are not worth much more than that in truth. Originally Posted by Old-T
Old man if you think that your words have any kind of affect on my mood then you truly are hung up on yourself. And sorry but the "Your getting mad" reply is nothing but a blanket answer among people like you who love to dish it out but can't take it in return.
However, like I already said as long as you wanna continue to run your worthless mouth that is totally fine with me. You are not a challenge to me at all. You are just the gift that keeps on giving.

Thank you for this reply Superior One!!