What are your fears when meeting a provider?

Random's Avatar
Some day I will die. I might die with a chicken bone stuck in my throat. I might get T-Boned (no offense) at an intersection and bleed too much to keep living. It may happen that I will fall off a ladder at home, or collapse from heat stroke on the back deck. Heck, I'm even okay with a plane crash, if it weren't for those last couple minutes knowing it's going to happen. I probably won't ever die in a closet with a noose around my neck, but my body could end up stuffed in one by a burglar who got skittish. I've mostly come to peace with all those possibilities. But I never, ever want to die in a hotel room or spa in the middle of the day when my family thought I was at work or hanging out at Fry's or Best Buy. I put too much effort into hiding it to go out with any more intense an investigation than an autopsy. Just my 2p
Oh, one last thing.

I'm a married guy...so I always have a fear of running into the S/O or one of my/her friends or family and try to explain what I'm doing @ a notel.
Prego's Avatar
  • Prego
  • 09-11-2010, 02:39 PM
Fear of provider's negative response, not ""clicking"...
then stop what you are doing?
you will be dead, there will be some what of a cover up.
most people do not go get the police report.
again if you are so worried... then start another hobby.
rwksl's Avatar
  • rwksl
  • 09-11-2010, 10:25 PM
I have that problem ... bought one of those devices the TV guy said you need when you fall and can't get up... I kept pushing the button... but nothing got up... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
I have a friend who is over age 65 and retired, but he's still very sexually active. I asked him how he did so much screwing at his age.

He laughed and told me he recently had a penile implant- and Medicare paid for it. Our tax dollars are at work everytime he screws someone.

[TMFT feel free to insert your own joke here: ___________________.]
baytownswm's Avatar
1) LE - whats worse than this

2) Being hit in the back of the head and robbed by the pimp or other

3) Pics aren't accuracte or not pics of the provider

4) Bad session - smell, attitude or lack of, etc. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
I agree, just swapping places, 1 to 2, 2 to 1.
pyramider's Avatar
The provider is my wife Originally Posted by instfixer

Still going pay, anyway it sorts out, you are going to pay.
Random's Avatar
then stop what you are doing?
you will be dead, there will be some what of a cover up.
most people do not go get the police report.
again if you are so worried... then start another hobby. Originally Posted by live4fun
Unthinkable. No way in hell. No risk no reward.
Seeing that the notel/hotel room has an adjoining door.
Heard stories how LE storms out of that door!!!!!
Then I think "How could this provider be so stupid as to accept a room with an adjoining door?" Sounds travel through it as if the door is just cloth. In this 'hobby' not attracting attention (or complaints) is the way to go.
With hotel customers complaining of obvious 'provider activity' this encourages the hotels to work with the LE to crack down.I know that they do!
Do you really want that?
Provider greets me and I spot the adjoining door
I suddenly exclaim " You are not my wife!" and I bolt
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 09-12-2010, 09:50 AM
Some camera crew from "Cheaters" or local 6 o' clock news TV station!
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Some day I will die. I might die with a chicken bone stuck in my throat. I might get T-Boned (no offense) at an intersection and bleed too much to keep living. It may happen that I will fall off a ladder at home, or collapse from heat stroke on the back deck. Heck, I'm even okay with a plane crash, if it weren't for those last couple minutes knowing it's going to happen. I probably won't ever die in a closet with a noose around my neck, but my body could end up stuffed in one by a burglar who got skittish. I've mostly come to peace with all those possibilities. But I never, ever want to die in a hotel room or spa in the middle of the day when my family thought I was at work or hanging out at Fry's or Best Buy. I put too much effort into hiding it to go out with any more intense an investigation than an autopsy. Just my 2p Originally Posted by Random
Die on my watch and I'll dress you in my lingerie and leave you for the maid to find.

At least, that's what I tell potential gentlemen friends with heart and blood pressure problems.
They have to, as the Viagra/Cialis commercials state, "check with your doctor to make sure that you're healthy enough to have sex."

That is frightening. Might only be a real scandal for a lady's married fan club members. What should a provider do? CPR and call an ambulance, of course. If you just left after that, the police may track you down from the motel registration and that might cause even more problems. Do you rifle his wallet (NOOOO, not to rob the deceased. Talk about bad kharma!) and try to find a phone number? "Hello, I'm calling from the Fancyinheels Co., and I'm terribly sorry to inform you, Mrs. Smith, that your husband's heart gave out while he was purchasing your Valentine/Birthday/Christmas/Anniversary gift. A model was showing him the choices available. He thought you might like green stiletto heels, btw. What size and shall I send them with the funeral wreath?"
landon's Avatar
With a new one I have never done b4 I worry about them being fucked out, being late, druggie, or rushing me. I like to meet them somewhere like Palace Inn if otc.

As I am VIP at an SE Strip club, I mainly do strippers itc or otc. Consequently, I usually am not meeting a provider I have not done before. Doing a new one is always a crapshoot and I practice a conservative strategy of sticking with s primary gal like the one I have been doing slightly over two years. I will occassionally do others as I like variety.
punisher's Avatar
Funny, funny people.

Damn, if I think about this too much I'll scare myself right out of the business! I need a hug. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
I would love to give you a hug. I have been wanting to see you for a long time, since 01/2009 to be exact....but you are just too tall for me. I started hobbying since 03/2008...well, what the hell....here's your hug!
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I would love to give you a hug. I have been wanting to see you for a long time, since 01/2009 to be exact....but you are just too tall for me. I started hobbying since 03/2008...well, what the hell....here's your hug! Originally Posted by punisher
Awwww, thank you, punisher! And regarding my height....I can always get on my knees, ya know.

I do have a fear of terminal rugburn. I suppose the cure for that would be to get on my back.
onehitwonder's Avatar
Everybody's the same height when you're layin' down................everything matches up if ya know what I mean......................

just sayin........

Here's another *HUG* Fancy,
can't ever get too many,
Love ya, 1hit/Cheri