Is the hobby an addiction?

lil_michelle's Avatar
I think that you can be addicted to almost anything. At times, even now to a degree I feel addicted to this "thing". I feel that it's not a matter of how many times you hobby as much as it is.... what you put hobbying over. If you put it over things like rent, bills, family, other priorities that may affect your livelihood then you're more than likely addicted to it.

People with less money than a person who sees a lady everyday can be just as addicted to this. Now if I had the money and lived elsewhere then there is a lady I'd probably see everyday if she let me lol. The problem with seeing a particular woman that you click with that well will allow (whether it be in your mind, her mind, both or for real) the lines to get crossed easily. Sometimes that might not be a bad thing. It may become the best thing that ever happened to both people but then it could also end up being the worst thing that ever happened.

I try to keep my priorities straight but here lately it seems like I'm not having much success at it. It's as if the more I say I need to the worse I do.... lol Originally Posted by Eccie Addict

What you said...ditto !!! And.. I have my own bunny suit..hehe but my ears light up and I bet yours don't.. LOL
jughead1171's Avatar
What you said...ditto !!! And.. I have my own bunny suit..hehe but my ears light up and I bet yours don't.. LOL Originally Posted by lil_michelle
Hmmm instead of the bunny suit I think I would rather see your birthday suit LOL
She said hard on....hee hee heh heh heh.... Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Oh Ed! You are relentless! ....but I still love ya!
Did I just read that providers won't see guys based on them being serial hobbyists? Sorry but that's just FUBAR funny. I won't take seconds to some providers so I can agree with that whole heartedly and I have a pretty good DNS list based on board personality/habits stated/info in reviews/etc but to suggest a client doesn't practice good safety based on a volume that we as even low volume providers exceed all the time seems a bit out there. Take Pipefitter for example, since you put yourself out there Sweetheart, he's a great guy and since I have seen him a few times myself- I'm pretty confident that he is safe. He is as safe as I am and I am one of the safest providers out there. I mean seriously, I require a swish of Listerine and use it myself before, during and after a date as well will turn someone away that I've seen some of you girls complain about without a second thought. I also don't do nqns, digits or greek. Fug throwing them nasty guys in the shower or "sucking it up" and trashing them later too. I say "Honey I am going to decline this offer based upon a lack of compatibility and I don't want to waste your money or my time" period, end of discussion. Other than that, I don't discuss them anywhere... ever... til now and I am just making a point, not naming names or anything. I have been around a while. The truth is quite the opposite. It's more likely that guys that rarely hobby have more hygiene issues and the much older man with ED who has played through the sixties is more likely to try for bbfs. What I can LMAO about is the girls on here who do orgies, bbfs and degrade themselves offerin bottom of the barrel services that I won't take seconds to are probably hating this thread. However, I see some of you gals making these statements taking seconds to them and buddying up to them on this site and that makes ya look bad to a hobbyist or safe providers. I'm not trying to insult anyone but do want you to think about what I am saying or I wouldn't waste my time. After all, I don't advertise on Eccie so what I say doesn't effect my biz either way. I'm not trying to market myself by posting some okie doke. I'm being serious. Just like the guys do... if it looks bad or smells bad don't touch it. But suggesting guys aren't safe for seeing multiple girls in a short time is suggesting that we aren't safe either and I know I am. It's kinda like cutting off your nose in spite of your face... don't ya think? Plus not all guys review every girl they see. I know I ask guys to not review me often cause I have enough reviews so a review count is not accurate 411. Just like my choice to not charge high dollar rates even though I have all excellent reviews and am an attractive woman seems to make me a victim of the same type of yammering. Truth is, guys love my modest rates and usually tip me. I believe that makes us both feel better about the expense they endure as I feel like I know I am worth it and they feel more comfortable to be with someone who isn't full of themselves. Plus there are some great guys out there who just plain out aren't that well off and I am not going to hold myself as "out of their league". I'll take a guy who works hard for a living over a smug a$$ any day. I have plenty of wealthy clients but they aren't spoiled brats cause I weed them out too. If you can't tell, I despise snobs and their money doesn't interest me in the least. Yes, I am addicted to the hobby, meeting fabulous people and enjoying their companionship for a short time. The most addicting part for me is they go home after we have lotsa fun and this leaves me plenty of time to kick back and relish in wonderful memories knowing that we truly enjoyed each other cause I am a picky bitch... *giggles* and my number one issue is personality- including desires past and present, then you have to pass hygiene but it is the second stage. If he can't get past personality, I won't know anything about his hygiene.

Nice to see you too Ed Baby. Thanks for noticing you sweetheart of a man.