Slave Guinevere has SURVIVED another round of MODELING!! ***NEW PHOTOS***

Fantastic pics! The photographer did a great job. The clarity and lighting is perfect. I would love to see the whole portfolio one of these days and also the proofs that did not make the book.

Tell the photographer that I'll hold the light shield
next time if he needs someone. Always willing to help out an artist and the talent. Originally Posted by Salsa man
What he said.
Great photography.
GREAT subject!!
guy fawkes's Avatar
Whoa...why have I never called you?!?!
After looking at those photos. I will see you in the dark. Or just keep my clothes on.
Very good photos
tallgeese's Avatar
Sir JY...

Thank you for the lovely compliment... and I will keep in mind...that CLOTHING IS OPTIONAL in your presence!! Lol... It's always good to get those things OUT IN THE OPEN!!

In all seriousness... I have found... that when I am able to laugh about something... that I am better able to handle the situations and challenges...that life throws our way...

When I was first diagnosed with my disorder... I was just SO GRATEFUL to know what was finally wrong with me... However, once that sunk in... I was forced to ACCEPT that I may not be able to live as long as everyone else... and in fact... at that time... I was only given a year to live... because the infections in my body... were just so severe... and my body was incredibly weakened from being in this state for many, many months...

However, I am very spiritual person... and I know that everything that gets thrown our way... for a reason... and it is our job... to figure out the lesson to be learned from each experience that we go through...

As an athlete... it was incredibly hard... to learn to just lay there and sleep day after day... However, more than anything in the world... I wanted to live...and so, I learned to be patient... both with myself... and with the people in my life...

I also learned to LET GO... of my mistakes... of my bad relationships... and started focusing on my breathing... and I broke my life down into a series of SECONDS... for at that time in my life... the thought of lasting an entire DAY was overwhelming... So, I instinctively felt myself going into what I call TRAINING MODE...

I eliminated all of the NEGATIVE DISTRACTIONS in my life... and I focused on finding a NEW PURPOSE for my life... When you are struggling it is important to have a REASON to get up every day... a reason that goes beyond your family and friends... and since, I was only given a year to live... my mind kept circling back to the movie "SWEET NOVEMBER" with Keanu Reeves and Charlize Theron... and I felt a calmness settle over my body and my spirit...

If I only had one year to live... I wanted to make a difference in someone else's life... to have an impact on someone else's world... to show people... not only how to love life and other people...but also, I wanted them to feel... how wonderful it was... to be with a person...who could accept them for who they were... and not for what they could bring to the table...

Many times in our lives... we have people who inhabit our world... and many of these people are emotional leeches... and for me... it was the hardest thing in the world... to let these people go...but let go I did... and my new journey began...

One of the most damaging things that we can do... when talking about our challenges... is to tell OURSELVES how HORRIBLE our circumstances are at that given time... In essence you are causing your emotional self... repeated self injury...

If you can turn a bad experience into a joke... then you can heal... in a way... you are giving your mind and body PERMISSION to let go of the NEGATIVITY and to move forward...

Life was not supposed to be easy... that being said... when I need to cry... I CRY... When I need to laugh... I LAUGH...

So, I only hope... that as each of us... struggles through the 86,400 seconds of the day... that at least the majority of that time...

That you learn to laugh...

Your philosophical slave,

Guinevere Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere
After reading this my mind is blown. I think I'd like a session with you reading profound prose to me while naked. Just to hear you be philosophical.
If you do it right, she can hit a C above middle G. That's a LOT more fun to listen to!!
Semperfi86's Avatar
Simply Hottt! We have to play gorgeous...