eglrdr's Avatar
The Rest of the Story.... well, it is better than the Real Story LMAO
We do all agree that Reviews are indeed entertaining. Originally Posted by Ms Francisca
Does make it easier now that the ladies can read the ROS doesn't it.
Still Looking's Avatar
  • E2
  • 03-29-2011, 12:16 PM
I think the point the mods are trying to get across is let's all just get along, get the chips off your shoulder, swallow pride and ego, and quit trying to go way out on a limb defending yourself.

Isn't this about the hobby, not ourselves? We all need each other. Originally Posted by Pflugerbill
x 2 !

"can't we all just get a long"
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
I didn't read the entire thread as it's the type that keeps me away these days, but I did read enough to have a comment. Regarding dates of service, whether or not they are noted accurately on the review itself, many times I have seen wrong dates listed on my own reviews over the years. I don't have a problem with it as it is not such a bad idea to have some info not link up to activities EXACTLY. Just as we've had disputes in the past about listing too accurately the locations of providers, there are reasons.

Just another perspective...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I have NEVER been in a strip club or even a Hooters for that matter. As a "GREAT WHITE" you weighed in. And you did it in the nicest way! And isn't this thread about just that? Thanks for believing in me. The fact you publicly posted my first name tells me you have done your research. But I didn't know we were allowed to do that? So if I do my research is it OK for me to start responding to someone by first name? If Mastermind238 did his research ( Analist that he is) as you did all his questions would have gone answered don't you think? I once read a saying: "Things are NEVER as they seem". For the record: My reviews were lacking and I was criticized for that, my budget has been questioned, my credibility and honesty has been questioned and so has my libido. Little overwhelming for a newbie who is trying to fit in to say the least. I'm not going any where, ( For Now) I've got thick skin! But, I will maintain a positive and proffessional attitude when dealing with others. Remembering, you always catch more flies with Honey than Vinegar

If this catches on the moderators might have more time like us to spend on their hobby!!!

When I couldn't find my post in Requests and ISO's where I posted, I thought this must be the first time a nebie got banned for trying to be nice?!! Remember, we all make mistakes, if you don't then you're just someone who sits behind a computer who complains about everyone elses Present Company accepted of coarse. Originally Posted by Still Looking

Number one -- I did not knowingly out you, call you by your first name or divulge any information about you, bubba. I wouldn't do that to anybody. How on earth would I know your first name. And considering your tone, why would I want to? FOR THE RECORD: I was quoting the movie "HOOK," where the Lost Boys are trying to get Robin Williams (Peter Pan) to fly. Do YOUR research please and find someone your own size to mess with.

Number two -- Name calling is unnecessary, rude and shows an inclination towards a pack mentality. I could suggest a subgroup here you can join, if you're interested in that kind of play. Besides, how do you know I'm not a Hammerhead or Tiger shark? Hell I could just be a Herring, waiting to cut down the mightiest tree in the forest. (FUCK, your last name isn't Forest, Tiger, Herring or Hammerhead is it?)

I deeply resent any such accusation or inference. Your "newbie" slack has run out with me, AMIGO, as I'm sure it's wearing thin with others.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This appears to be a personal agenda unfolding.
sixxbach's Avatar
Sixxback: I looked up "lame" in the urban dictionary and it said the following: Having lots of money and even more fun causing fellow Hobbiest to be envious!?

Wyldeman30: Thank you my fellow Hobbiest!

PornPet69: Thank You Sir! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Dude, I could give less than a shit about how much money you may have. I know people who have lots of money, related to some who do too. It's not a big deal. I do enough to do what I need to and enjoy life. Besides, the people who really have the big bucks don't go bragging about it....

Several points here and I will do my best to make them brief

*I believe the OP was making good points about his view on the rest of the story. Learning and voicing some disagreement on how explicit he may want to be. I think this was meant in a discussion manner and some people were helpful in explaining how beneficial it is to the gents to be less vague. However, it started to turn to sour grapes when it became a break down of his hobby budget/dates and if he was a fake or not IMO.

You say he could be any random guy just copying and pasting reviews because he could be some fake (insinuated of course) that doesn't have access to premium access. That doesn't make sense to me. He didn't get access to Premium access til after he started doing reviews and I see where y'all acknowledged because of that he began to improve. So I'm totally confused as to how that makes any sense. Perhaps I read that post wrong and if so I apologize.

To me, he was encouraged to post reviews on the ladies he'd seen. He did. Then y'all began to teach him, in your way, about how important it was to be more detailed. He then got access and improved some. Y'all acknowledged and patted him on the back while encouraging him to get better. But then it became suspect because he had so many to post and several on the same days. Then his credibilty came into question again. Even though Lovely76 and myself have both come forward and verified we have seen him. Which is kind of new for me having to come on here and verify a client publicly, but okay.

Here's where things turned for the worse IMO. . . remember this newbie is new to this board so he doesn't know many, if any, gents at all. One poster says something in a thread that was a joke but it happened to have newbie's name in it. But it was meant as a character from a movie, HUGE coincidence. Problem is this newbie and this poster BOTH have me in common. So what does newbie think? Since this poster saw me after my date with the newbie that I am sharing personal info and he gets upset. Now, for those of us that know poster and know ME know this is bullshit. But for a newbie, I can totally see where this would look suspect.

Here's my point, he is new to THIS board but not the hobby. He is a well established business man and in no way some young, dumb, trust baby. But he is trying to be an active member of the board. Even laughing off some of the pot shots being thrown at him. If he has the funds and time and stamina to play and is doing what he was encouraged to do and learning along the way where is the harm or foul?

Things are not always what they seem. I DID NOT NOR HAVE I EVER disclosed personal information NOR has ANYONE asked me for any personal information on a client EXCEPT for a lady requesting a reference. But it sure could look that way couldn't it? Lesson? . . . Sure could look like he's making these appointments up but he's been verified and the ladies he's reviewed have not said these were false reviews. Should all of the ladies he reviewed come out and verify him? Will it be believable then?

The bummer of it all is that I know both Yssup and Still Looking and think they actually would get along great! Lots of same the great qualities and fun personalities. I think it has just started out on the wrong foot and that really sucks. I hope things can be brought back into perspective because I believe SL is truly attempting to participate as a positive member but some things have just gone awry.

Sorry, this was longer than I wanted but I wanted to be thorough.
Oh and he was verified by Emerald7 as well.
Still Looking's Avatar
Note To Myself:

1) Don't start any threads
2) Don't post any reviews
3) If you keep quite long enough someone will most likely prove your point
WyldemanATX's Avatar
SL. Don't let all this stop you from posting reviews. Do not stop posting threads and unless you just do not want to. I have taken heat on here to you just have to pick your battles. Take you lumps like the rest of us. You need to remember this is a adult message board and everyone has a fake name. Do not take it personal.'s Avatar

I wrote something yesterday & lost it when my a/c timed out.
By the way, that bold lettering hurts my eyes; go easy on that.

First of all glad to see that you are hobbying hard and having a good time. We should not get mired in negative bs when we are here to learn from each other about something we enjoy doing. Just ignore the negative comments, or wait for a bit before getting vitriolic.

I post reviews when
1) I have a bad experience, so that others may not
2) mostly when I have a superlative experience; I wish it was every time the planets align and magic happens. A bad day at the hobby is still a good day!

I have used ROS to choose where I spend my money. I was glad to get access to the ROS; it helped me.

For the ones that inflate, eventually someone calls the bs.
What was that saying? "you can lie to some of the people some of the time, but not to all the people all the time"

rock on bro
Whispers's Avatar
Oh and he was verified by Emerald7 as well. Originally Posted by Maxeen Monroe

I wouldn't recommend he wear that as any badge of honor..... being associated with that handle has a variety of other implications...
Whispers's Avatar
Note To Myself:

1) Don't start any threads
2) Don't post any reviews
3) If you keep quite long enough someone will most likely prove your point Originally Posted by Still Looking

ahhh..... don't go away......

add a point 4)

4) I'm like Whispers.... I can afford to pay to play so fuck it what anyone thinks about me....They are just jealous....

I have the same stamina as well as a similar budget and went trough similar questioning a couple of times but it fell by the wayside because I have been around a lot of years....

don't let it get to you....

shit... I was getting questions asking me if I was you but if it was me.... I would have wrote a few "negative" reviews along the way to give folks something real to ponder....
shazzan's Avatar
Note To Myself:

1) Don't start any threads
2) Don't post any reviews
3) If you keep quite long enough someone will most likely prove your point Originally Posted by Still Looking
Dude. Chill out. You posted like 10 reviews in a couple of days. You shouldn't be surprised that an unknown suddenly coming on, and posting like that, makes everyone's bullshit antennas stand on end. Your reviews were marginally ok, but short enough on detail that it made folks question it. Plus, that fool rockintx2006 posted his spam reviews at about the same time so you got some of his crap splatter on you.

Hell I would love to be able to blow $1000 a week on the ladies and not have a care in the world about it. If your in that situation then good for you. If your not in a career that gives you an hourly rate similar to what your unloading on these counseling. If anything you just learned how not to debut your writing skills on this board.

If you had just posted 1 or 2 reviews and then waited a few days or even a week, I think you would have caught little flack besides minor critiques on the lack of detail in your ROS. If you heeded that advice, it would have gone a long way towards making you an appreciated poster on the board. You didn't do that, you just shotgunned a bunch of reviews out, all containing similar flaws, and caught a lot of shit for it.

Some guys can be too critical on this board, and being trashed when you feel like your trying to help out makes it feel like they're just being assholes. In your case they're not really being assholes. They're not exactly being nice, but how you went about things has a lot to do with that. Just get over it, and write one good review. If you have premium access now, you can find plenty of good examples. You don't have to write a pornographic novelette, (cause that shit is often almost as annoying unless it's funny) but reasonable details of your experience, and what made it a good or bad session for you is what most folks expect.