So Iffy, a TRUE American has to agree with you and COG? Silly me, I thought true Americans had freedom to express any opinion without having their patriotism questioned. Turns out the righties and Republicans look just like Chinese Communists because they want a one party state with no dissenting opinions allowed! When you can discuss a topic without ad-hominem attacks someone might take you seriously for once. You probably can't do it 'cause y'all call even Republicans who don't toe the line RINOs, don't cha?
COG, not sure what u call a "serious US foreign policy" but it must be something like hire all your foreign policy experts from PNAC who planned to control the world oil supply then, #1 ignore intelligence and get attacked #2 Attack a country that harbored the attackers and lose interst so the job gets botched, #3 send your secrretary of State to lie to the UN, THEN attack another country because they tried to kill your Daddy #4 fly onto an aircraft carrier in costume and declare victory and just generally rely on bluster and threats to make much of the restof the world hate our government, while squandering Trillions, but then we don't give a shit about the UN or anyone who isn't American, do we? 'Cause were Exceptional 'Mericans and we never make mistakes, sympathize, empathize or apologize do we? Really serious.
Is that a "serious US foreign policy"?