It's quite annoying to have a rapport with people you really enjoy being with just to find out they expect you to be with them for free...all the time. That's not fair in any business.
Originally Posted by London Rayne
I can only imagine. Which is why i would never be the one to propose OTC time, no matter how good of a rapport i seemed to have with someone. First, while part of me is fully willing to accept that any positive rapport is truly genuine, another part of me is also cynical enough to keep it in perspective. And secondly, i enjoy the former enough to not want to destroy it by putting someone in a position of needing to tell me to "go take a hike, ya doofus". And like London says, having that expectation is just not fair to the girl.
I wonder how many of the examples of girls accepting the offer of OTC time that come from the gents are simply a case of the girls not wanting to ruffle the feathers of a good repeat customer. Certainly not all, but i would bet some.
Chica (I love that name btw), I have found that 40% (If not more) of the ladies that are providers don't want to be providers. They hate providing and they do it just for the money.
Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Thanks, Naomi, for saving me the trouble of needing to respond to Chica Chaser.
I bet you money that she'd still get lots of business as Alex. She's interesting and men love that.
And beyond that, i'm quite sure she's still very adept at selling the illusion of enjoying each and every which she would likely leave many clients feeling as if they're somehow different than the guys she admits to not enjoying. All part of Ego Boost 101.