Is it time to go back to being me?.. Never Mind... Ivory answered the question..... Guess I'm Back in Black....

Mature Companion's Avatar
I don't have time to quote nor even bother reading any more blue print from Whispers. It gives me a headache and I don't have any more Tylenol left.

I'm being serious not mean when I ask you:

What exactly do you as a person (not as Whispers) get out of berating a woman or anyone for that matter?
No need for a long lecture on this or that nor who, what, when or where.
Please answer it simply & shortly so we as community can have a slightly better understanding as to why you speak to & treat folks the way you do.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty, but only the pig enjoys it.

If you find that you are enjoying it, think about about that statement for a while.

Whispers's Avatar
Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty, but only the pig enjoys it.

If you find that you are enjoying it, think about about that statement for a while.

Originally Posted by GneissGuy
Sorry.... I know but I HAVE to respond to her.

What exactly do you as a person (not as Whispers) get out of berating a woman or anyone for that matter? Originally Posted by Wicked Milf

Sorry.... I never have a short answer......

I do not berate women in general. A few of you like to categorize me as such and when you do it simply shows ignorance. It also is what turns my attention towards those that do and causes me to weigh in on things they have to say.

In other words... Don't try to paint me with broad strokes into someone I am not and I'll let your little part of this world sail smoothly....

There is not a Provider that has met me, and a couple of dozen in this community have actually met me in person, that can say I treat them as a person with nothing short of respect and as a gentleman.

I look at a Provider's participation on this board as a business and when a business seeks to tell the potential clientele how they should spend their money or takes shots at that clientel I respond. There are only a few subjects I get worked up about. Screening and gifts are at the top of teh list.

I don't blindly kiss ass or worship some hooktard because she feels she should be praised because she allows men to spend money on her anatomy.... I support ladies here who run their businesses in a professional manner.

I have the utmost respect for a number of ladies in this community..... Maddie, Natalie Reign, Brittney Bangs, Sopie Bella, Sensual Sophia, Lina, ATXRosemary, Haley, KelliLove, Lauren in San Antonio, Genisis Nicole, Kat, AmberSweet, AngelCakes, Caroline, the NaughtyGirlz, Alisha1972... Surprising?..... I could go on.....

Many I do not know and I have no opinions on them.

I have no repsect for a handful of those that troll these boards and cause problems trying to make it their own little world..... Some with the guys and in all honesty some behind the scenes with the ladies...

Most ladies don't care for me because of the effect I and some others have had on changing the direction of the Austin Forums.

Oh Well....

They can adapt or leave. Only a few really care. The new ones seem to be doing fine.

You like to say I Berate Women and have no respect for the women of this community..... Your simply full of shit.

Something not mentioned regarding the most recent Luncheon event that occurred that was done out of TOTAL RESPECT for the ladies from this community that attended as well as those that donated their time for such a worthy cause. NONE of the strippers I normally invite that provide in their own manner..... NONE of the girls that many of the ladies view as competition that I introduce to other guys..... NONE of the tiny little $200-$300 a DAY/NIGHT Spinners that I normally introduce to guys were extended invites. A couple were even asked not to attend that already knew about the party.

It was truly a COMMUNITY Event. And the Spotlight THIS TIME was focused SOLELY on the ladies of this community.

Try to disparage me all you want.

Those that KNOW me know differently.....

Some of you never will know because your unwilling to look or listen....

Like I've been saying for years......

I honestly don't care..... I've made enough friends to last a lifetime and have no problem finding a lady to spend my money on.....

Adn I enjoy the company of many a lady in and outside of this community without money on the table as well.

Don't be too concerned.....

My time here is almost done......