"Do Not See" list

guest071618-1's Avatar
I've gotten the suspicion that I'm some DNS lists. When ladies don't respond to PM's and emails, not just one, but 3-4, over a reasonable stretch, then I can't help but to assume I'm on some list.

It's probably from something I've said on here. It's probably someone I've never seen before, because the with the ones I've met, things tend to go pretty well. I've NEVER left a session feeling like I couldn't see that provider again. I mean, I never get those, 'I never want to see you again' vibes.

For those that won't see me based on my posting style, I would say you haven't read enough of my posts. I get PM's all the time saying, 'I agree with your post about...' or something similar. Sometimes my comments are a bit abrasive, but the truth isn't always the most popular answer. I'd like to sugarcoat more posts, but the board would be boring if we talked the same. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Damn,, I thought I was only one getting those Pm from ladies and special....some of ladies cannot speak up because there are posse of providers and clients that can hurt the biz..

Difference between you and me is, I am not local and whoever I want to see will see me because most of them aware of who I am... For other ladies (I won't comment on this due to pt risk)...but u need to play nice and be on bandwagon for potential new providers...
No need to put me on ur list... From wt I see in your profile, you won't make my to do list anyway... Especially with so many fine ladies in DFW and at $$$/hr...

Ciao... Originally Posted by eng
Ummmm you idiot, you asked us providers who is on our DNS list and again you are the only one, you can't tell me who to put on my list you Neanderthal , you top my list and proud to admit it, so you coward, don't start a "list", thread unless you have the balls to see your name on it.

Your ignorance gives me great pleasure and entertainment because you just keep showing what a retard u are.....so I love watching this.....you will go postal soon and I can say I knew you when...... You were a doucebag retard atf stalker.....why won't you go away??? Go back to D.C? PleeeAaaseeee
guest071618-1's Avatar
Ummmm you idiot, you asked us providers who is on our DNS list and again you are the only one, you can't tell me who to put on my list you Neanderthal , you top my list and proud to admit it, so you coward, don't start a "list", thread unless you have the balls to see your name on it.

Your ignorance gives me great pleasure and entertainment because you just keep showing what a retard u are.....so I love watching this.....you will go postal soon and I can say I knew you when...... You were a doucebag retard atf stalker.....why won't you go away??? Go back to D.C? PleeeAaaseeee Originally Posted by Sophia Banks
I will be honored to be on top of ur list...and sorry I cannot put u on my list, not even at the bottom...you act like u were on my DNS but I don't even know u and never seen ur profile until ur comments..

Go back to DC??? but, but, but,, I am in DC,, no need to beg... lol,, if u want to beg, beg for something better... lol

if I am "idiot", "coward", "retard", "doucebag retard atf stalker" to you, that is what I am to you...don't know how all those name can be applied to me just from the eccie forum or from this thread....but I am ok with them coming from eccie forum and from a lady never going to meet..

I am sure there are so many name you could be called but it won't be from me, because I am just not like that...
Eng......did u know that us ladies have a place to talk about you guys ?? Yea we do, and your name comes up all the time as someone to
Run from....the more you post , the further we run.... So post away cowboy and please just fade away gracefully.....you've never offered anything of value here so please crawl back under the rock you came from.
If your in DC, why don't you post there? I am sure they will be far more receptive to your posts than us uncouth texans.
guest071618-1's Avatar
Eng......did u know that us ladies have a place to talk about you guys ?? Yea we do, and your name comes up all the time as someone to
Run from....the more you post , the further we run.... So post away cowboy and please just fade away gracefully.....you've never offered anything of value here so please crawl back under the rock you came from. Originally Posted by Sophia Banks
So r u implying all
"idiot", "coward", "retard", "doucebag retard atf stalker"
came from that forum?

If ladies talk bad about me, I am ok with that too as long as they are saying the truth...and knows me...

I really don't think above name callings can be coming from ladies I talk non-publically or who I met... I could be wrong but like I said before I respect ladies as much as they respect me(fake or truthfully)...anyone who disrespect me will get disrespect from me...
guest071618-1's Avatar
If your in DC, why don't you post there? I am sure they will be far more receptive to your posts than us uncouth texans. Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
My hobby is in DFW,,, DC hobby sux and I have my reasons to not hobby in DC due to my job.
Goose2u's Avatar
Well it took all day for somebody to finally take the bait do you feel like you won
Oy vey....I can barely decipher what eng is saying.....it's like talking to a two year old....why bother? You'll just get infantile answers....now I'm bored!

Heeeeheeeeheee !!!
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I've gotten the suspicion that I'm some DNS lists. When ladies don't respond to PM's and emails, not just one, but 3-4, over a reasonable stretch, then I can't help but to assume I'm on some list.

It's probably from something I've said on here. It's probably someone I've never seen before, because the with the ones I've met, things tend to go pretty well. I've NEVER left a session feeling like I couldn't see that provider again. I mean, I never get those, 'I never want to see you again' vibes.

For those that won't see me based on my posting style, I would say you haven't read enough of my posts. I get PM's all the time saying, 'I agree with your post about...' or something similar. Sometimes my comments are a bit abrasive, but the truth isn't always the most popular answer. I'd like to sugarcoat more posts, but the board would be boring if we talked the same. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Your truth is not always everyone else's truth. So, if your truth steps on another's truth, it can sound and feel abrasive. Make sense? Hey, I got blunt down, used to hurt lotsa folks feelings, and can get on what ever level I need to to grab someone's attention, but if they can not see anything but their own truth, ur effed! (excuse my french) LOL But hey... mixing logical and emotion in the right tone to fit all parties in a large community, is darn near next to impossible. I try, edit, re-write and try some more....lol. Don't think I'm a horrible communicator, but wish I was better. So, I clarify a lot or not, depending on how strongly I wish my voice or truths, to also be noted. Mine might sound more in line with some folks truths than yours or his or hers...or vice versa, ya know?

Doesn't matter, we are not all in the best form every day, and there are times you just put it out there. Let the chips fall....where they may. If you understand responses to certain emphasis and whatnot......you can lead a crowd of folks around. Politicians do it, advertisers do it, ladies and gents here do it too. Just gotta learn to think for yourself, rather than jump on others bandwagons as many do, and learn to pick ur battles. Think greater good of all....it helps me sometimes, but only sometimes....LOL We are not all alike, don't all desire the same thing, nor will we ever be, cause we are all unique. Some real and the rest..... just fictional beings,,,,
I've gotten the suspicion that I'm some DNS lists. When ladies don't respond to PM's and emails, not just one, but 3-4, over a reasonable stretch, then I can't help but to assume I'm on some list.

It's probably from something I've said on here. It's probably someone I've never seen before, because the with the ones I've met, things tend to go pretty well. I've NEVER left a session feeling like I couldn't see that provider again. I mean, I never get those, 'I never want to see you again' vibes.

For those that won't see me based on my posting style, I would say you haven't read enough of my posts. I get PM's all the time saying, 'I agree with your post about...' or something similar. Sometimes my comments are a bit abrasive, but the truth isn't always the most popular answer. I'd like to sugarcoat more posts, but the board would be boring if we talked the same. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
I agree, we all talk shit on these boards. I don't see the big deal. No matter what you post, someone out there will think you're an ass or a bitch.
LovingKayla's Avatar
If I were a guy in the hobby, I believe I'd rather be on someone's DNS list than someone's OID list (only if desperate).
Goose2u's Avatar
Cannot agree with that one Kayla I don't want to be on any DNS list
Most guys on a particular provider's DNS list, are on there not from any known danger/alert, but from either a disagreement from posts or they reportedly have had sessions with providers she does not like. IMO, the guys on a DNS list because of that or because they rely on second hand info from another provider with an agenda tells you how shallow she is and those guys probably have that provider on his DNS list as well. Thank goodness for the number of providers here in the metroplex alone.

There is not anyone that is going to openly come out and say exactly who is on those lists, but when a provider refuses to reply back to an initial contact within a reasonable time, one may think that she is avoiding him and on her DNS list and so she in turn is put on his DNS list, even if he is not on hers.

Providers on my list (no names):

Donation is too high for my budget

Her incall is too far away

Reported service(s) (non-services) in her ads or reviews

Physical attraction is non existent for me

Talked with or seen her for a session in the past and she is a conniving drama queen

Seen her for a session and she is all talk about her great service, but ultimately, no action (dead fuck)