Ya'll Have lost you ever lovin Minds

Pamelatoo's Avatar
Bowchicabowbow...Break that piggy bank.
  • MrGiz
  • 02-15-2010, 08:29 PM
Here's a tip for ya, CT!! Join the WK Team..... write a bunch of reviews.... turn them in..... get free credit for BCD/VIP on TER , ECCIE , ERAPS , maybe even Escorts.com..... not sure about the last one. Hell.... spread it out on a few of the new girls..... you can even pick bogus BP/CL girls.... they need the exposure.... you need the free access.... a match made in Poon Heaven!! We all know that it happens all the time anyway!!

Happy Hunting ,

hell i read 5 pages of this and got the general idea i think..although much of that was confused from page 2 on..

I did determine that some people need to step away from the computer, eccie and possibly the hobby from time to time..and remember this isn't REAL LIFE..nothing is personal here, since no one knows the other on a personal level..just business..

Some need to remember this is suppose to be a place you come to escape the problems of the real world, relieve stress..not create more for yourself stressing over some goofy ho's.

some providers need to understand that these guys are customers, clients..nothing more, their comments, opinions etc should roll off you like water off a ducks back.. you move on to the next PAYING guy, not to the next guy bitching about lack of info or why he can't afford this or that, ..those guys you avoid and they quickly find themselves pussy poor...

however I agree..for the girls that don't want PHONE CALLS asking menu questions..then have it where guys can freakin find it..end of discussion..otherwise don't bitch when you got guys calling asking what is offered..

since not every session goes the same as the next one and the one that gets reviewed may not always give a true indication of what you are willing to offer to clients, relying on reviews is not the option..

Guys shouldn't come and take from a community and bitch about that community if they have NOT given back as much as they take.. i.e reviews and useful info.. bitching about the lack of info but not spending your money and reviewing girls is not the answer..

see who you want, when you want and for how much you want, if you don't like the SERVICE..review it, if you do like the SERVICE..review it.. the girls will offer what they want to who they want..its always been that way, always will..

bitching about some girl cuz she won't swallow does no good..its your fault for seeing her knowing she didn't.. don't bitch to try to change her..you need to see girls who meet your needs..not bitch when they don't but you knew about it going in..

this world ain't hard, its a business..business of pleasure.. guys do their homework, girls make themselves available in a manner that makes it understable for guys.. in the end, it all should be a brief escape from both of our real lives, a place we can go and explore 2 perfect strangers, live out fantasies, the guy spends some money, the girl makes some money, in the end hopefully both parties leave having had a good time in whatever manner they sought
Join the WK Team.....

Giz Originally Posted by MrGiz
Sorry, it ain't in my nature to write a good review no matter how bad the session. Giz, I'm stunned you would even suggest it. We have too much in the way of fake reviews already. Like Jon Stewart, it's "The Most Trusted Name in Fake News [Reviews]."
this world ain't hard, its a business..business of pleasure.. guys do their homework, girls make themselves available in a manner that makes it understable for guys.. in the end, it all should be a brief escape from both of our real lives, a place we can go and explore 2 perfect strangers, live out fantasies, the guy spends some money, the girl makes some money, in the end hopefully both parties leave having had a good time in whatever manner they sought Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
Just like I said:

The guys get their pussy & orgasm.

The girls get their $$$.

And sometimes it's even a fair trade. Mostly it's not.
  • MrGiz
  • 02-15-2010, 09:06 PM
Just like I said:

The guys get their pussy & orgasm.

The girls get their $$$.

And sometimes it's even a fair trade. Mostly it's not.
Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
"Mostly , it's not?"

As in..... you're usually disappointed? If I read that right.... WTF are you doing here?

On another note.... you're "stunned" that I would suggest an easy way out for ya? As if you don't read that same crap every day? Hell.... just be good to the girls you already do know!!

Happy Trails...... Enjoy.....
"Mostly , it's not?"

As in..... you're usually disappointed? Originally Posted by MrGiz
Mostly, it's not a fair trade.
Wow. You really have no respect for us do you? Good to know.....
Wow. You really have no respect for us do you? Good to know..... Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
Used to. Lost most of my respect on a recent upsell. You only have a sister to blame.
Fraid not. I take absolutely no blame for another lady's wrongdoing. Funny how you complain about not being able to find info, yet when someone asks for info you tell them to pm you. You want all the benefits without giving back. And I'm guessing you went and saw someone who isn't "reviewed and reviewed and reviewed." There's a reason we get good reviews. There's a reason there aren't a ton of girls getting them. Your mistake is not mine.
Not true. I've had several reviews on ASPD before its death. And I've reviewed here. I've see a couple of ladies here that I haven't reviewed at their request. The purpose of this board is to post reviews and I don't shrink from that. As a matter of fact, I enjoy doing reviews, even though posting on several sites is a lot of work.

The main thing I want is what DeAnna said: be upfront and put your menu out there. I don't have a quibble with you, Lily. You do it all (except for researching my past), and I do appreciate your professionalism.
Pamelatoo's Avatar
change that avitar. Kidd loves the ladies.
baldnbashful's Avatar
Holy Fucking Shit! What in the sam hell is going on here. Do we even know what this pissing contest is about?

All of you pull up your big girl panties and get over it. I personal have developed a new line I call - Manties. For the older gentlemen or those who prefer comfort over style - we have Granny Manties. So if you can't find yours - call me and I will send you a pair.

Let's get back on subject and talk about fucking, sucking, licking, and loving and drop the drama......Knock! Knock!...who's there? Boo....Boo Who?...stop crying baby and pull up your manites!

To those who made fun of may man Livonia....Your mamma's pussy been hit so many times - President Obama has declared it a disaster area.

I once met a man who had two wooden legs and real feet.

Baseballs aren't round they are just shaped that way.

Do you walk to schoo or take your lunch?

Come on folks - let get back to the basics!!!!!!

Sadie - I think I love you...but you must know Pamela has a special place in my pants, but I will try to find room for you one of these days.
baldnbashful's Avatar
Yippeeee....I fanally got back under pamela!!!! twice in one day...a record for me!
[QUOTE=baldnbashful;117512]Holy Fucking Shit! What in the sam hell is going on here. Do we even know what this pissing contest is about?

To those who made fun of may man Livonia....Your mamma's pussy been hit so many times - President Obama has declared it a disaster area.
.............................. .............................. .............................. .......................

And us ladies can't say much cause we let yall hit it but its like...fuck you baby, pay me! ha ha...in a good way!!!.. But I can say I'd let Obama hit it! ha ha... As in I am one of the very few ladies in the area that would let a black male hit it, oh wait...he's half white... LIKE IT MATTERS!

That shows that everyone has their own opnion!... Just like their own MenU...cause I sure am not going around drinking some random mans cum on the first, 2nd, third, nor 4th date either... uhh hmmm... BUT...we all do our own diff. things which is what makes us all diff. variety is what the men want... but some like the same.

I do think those of you that had something bad to say about a hobbyist aren't being very nice or very respectful because without this hobby and the men... YOU nor ME would be sitting where we are tonight...I know im sitting NICEEEE and comfy!

GOOD NIGHT ECCIE! can't wait to read what is posted after this after I get my beauty sleep!