Cecilia - scratch another one off the list

Some good advice here in the last couple of posts.

CeCilia does have a few effects left over from from the accident. I doubt that she would go out and bang herself up like that to make it look like she had been in an accident if she hadn't. And as far as pictures go... we know that is her and the new girls complete with the red stars and I would bet my ass that is her ass in the blue panties. Now that I think about it, I don't believe those stars are there in person.
tikkler33's Avatar
harrassment & have had my life threatened Originally Posted by CeCiLiA88
Well, if the car wreck story didn't convince us, throw a bigger one out there!
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
There is no amount of bitchin' that a steep discount will not cure... especially when you say "I'm Sorry" and then post pics of your boobs in the thread... no... really...
dearhunter's Avatar
It has worked before........it helps to have big titties
CivilBarrister's Avatar
There is no amount of bitchin' that a steep discount will not cure... especially when you say "I'm Sorry" and then post pics of your boobs in the thread... no... really... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
ONLY the really smart girls understand how true this really is!
internet_inventor2's Avatar
Okay, I have resisted the urge to get into this debate about CeCe because I have seen her many times and we chat often. I decided that I should chime in because who better, lol I have seen the positives and negatives, hell I may get a nasty PM or Text for even posting this, lol, but it is the truth

First of all, her pictures are accurate, they are her. They are good photos of her and taken at flattering angles. Her skills are superb, oral and others. She is sweet and nice ......... okay, she can tempermental, and be confrontational feeling the need to defend herself when letting it go is best.

i know nothing about this accident she spoke of but she is dealing with a serious matter that I wont get into but think of Farah Fawcett in the burning bed . This is why she had to go faceless on her pics for a while and needed to go "invisible".

Now she did NCNS me once in the past, I was pissed and didnt hear from her for a few days. We spoke and she told me what happened, it sounded credible so I let it go. I have also cancelled on her at the last moment.

She is young and is new to the hobby so sometimes she doesnt think things through, like calling when things go bad so she doesnt NCNS a client. She doesnt plan well and is very very very cautious of people, if she feels any thing "wrong" or suspect that you are LE she will either not see you (even if you are in the lot) or will give you your money back and tell you to leave.

As I have told her a few times, either she will get her act together and do the little things or she will be just the passing flavor of the month and not get any business, plain and simple. I tell you, if she can "get it" combined with her BCD skills, she would not have to advertise cause she would have more than enough regulars.

CB, PM me about that WK thing.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Okay, I have resisted the urge to get into this debate about CeCe because I have seen her many times and we chat often. I decided that I should chime in because who better, lol I have seen the positives and negatives, hell I may get a nasty PM or Text for even posting this, lol, but it is the truth

First of all, her pictures are accurate, they are her. They are good photos of her and taken at flattering angles. Her skills are superb, oral and others. She is sweet and nice ......... okay, she can tempermental, and be confrontational feeling the need to defend herself when letting it go is best.

i know nothing about this accident she spoke of but she is dealing with a serious matter that I wont get into but think of Farah Fawcett in the burning bed . This is why she had to go faceless on her pics for a while and needed to go "invisible".

Now she did NCNS me once in the past, I was pissed and didnt hear from her for a few days. We spoke and she told me what happened, it sounded credible so I let it go. I have also cancelled on her at the last moment.

She is young and is new to the hobby so sometimes she doesnt think things through, like calling when things go bad so she doesnt NCNS a client. She doesnt plan well and is very very very cautious of people, if she feels any thing "wrong" or suspect that you are LE she will either not see you (even if you are in the lot) or will give you your money back and tell you to leave.

As I have told her a few times, either she will get her act together and do the little things or she will be just the passing flavor of the month and not get any business, plain and simple. I tell you, if she can "get it" combined with her BCD skills, she would not have to advertise cause she would have more than enough regulars.

CB, PM me about that WK thing. Originally Posted by internet_inventor2
How dare you sir... try to interject logic, balance ,reason and first hand experience into a perfectly good .... "We Be Bitchin'" thread ...
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
I.I.2!! Glad Jenny finally gave you back the rest of your ass. Sounds like you're back, intact, anyhow. Good. You give good post!

Regarding Cecelia, you said it all. I can only agree. She definitely does not pretend to be what she ain't. I like that about her.

I feel like life happens to all of us, I recently got in a car wreck last friday, and I was on my way to see a client at a sharred incall. Believe you me , the client , was such a gentlemen, he actually came back and waited for me, and saw me any way. I do not ever stand my clients up. I get stood up more often than not by clients. wtf....why is that???
DarthMaul's Avatar
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