Dinner / Drinks with Providers

I've gone to dinner with regulars a handful of times and had a great time. It's nice getting to know those who you've met many times BCD in a more relaxed setting. IMO it makes the intimacy between eachother a lot more thrilling, and comfortable. Originally Posted by Naughty Nali
Yeah, with regulars, so have I. But I'm not going to hang out with some stranger just for the heck of it. Who has time for that?? I have chores, errands, friends, family and pets. Theres too many people I care about who I need to spend my private time with. Regulars do equal in that equation also because of their prolific buisiness they've given to me. So I don't mind given a little more of my time to regulars. But again, why would anyone wanna spend time off the clock with a stranger?
Yeah, with regulars, so have I. But I'm not going to hang out with some stranger just for the heck of it. Who has time for that?? I have chores, errands, friends, family and pets. Theres too many people I care about who I need to spend my private time with. Regulars do equal in that equation also because of their prolific buisiness they've given to me. So I don't mind given a little more of my time to regulars. But again, why would anyone wanna spend time off the clock with a stranger? Originally Posted by incognito isis
I also wouldn't go out off the clock with someone who I haven't met with a few times prior. I don't feel providers should be expected to give free time to someone who hasn't contributed anything to them. I also don't think I would feel comfortable meeting up with a total stranger in public. I would hate to agree to meet with a stanger and he turn out to be some obnoxious douchebag or something. lol
surcher's Avatar
HELL YEAH!! CALL ME! Originally Posted by seductivesarah

Isis, I find anger and the words of a jaded individual in your posts. Who are you to tell other ladies, in other parts of the country, that what they do with their time affects you. Sure, after seeing a client BCD you no doubt can afford dinner, thanks to the client. Some ladies would rather have a nice dinner and drinks with a potential client along with a nominal fee added instead of doing laundry. That stranger could turn out to become a loyal client, you know, like the guys who make it possible for you to buy your own dinner. And God forbid he become a good friend that might help you out of a jam one day. These are two things you'll never know because for you it's all about the benjamins and his time isn't worth yours. Or should I say not worth as much as yours?
Excuse me, but thats what the OP said. It's coming from the horses mouth. Sorry, I just hate it when men come to escorts seeking free dates, it's tacky. Nominal fee? That is, if necessary. How about my regular fee for my time???


**Every time an escort accepts a free date, they start expecting it from all of us** Originally Posted by incognito isis
OK, you're excused. I know what the OP said, thanks. The fact is, the client offered a nominal fee plus dinner. If a provider has the time and inclination, there is no problem with that. She has to eat, right? Yes, then have someone pay for it. She is getting a nominal (i.e., not full rate) fee, right? Yes. Something is more than nothing, right? Yes. So she gets some money plus a free dinner that she was going to eat anyway. At what price? A couple of hours of free time. Whoopee. And you might be a busy person, but I seriously doubt you can't spare a couple of hours. It would be more fun and more lucrative than laundry any day of the week. Bottom line....it's up to the individual provider to decide. Most won't do it, but there are some here that would, fortunately. Why can't you just accept it?
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 05-04-2011, 05:20 PM
It's nice to hang out and have lunch with a lady who "wants" to do it. I have a few who I can call and meet for lunch (just today, in fact), and have no strings attached.

But, as mentioned here, it has to be a lady who knows you and is "willing" to spend her time with you and not be compensated. I always let them know that it is a lunch only meet and let her decide if she wants to do that.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Must have had some pretty crappy people in her life, not to enjoy one minute unless it was paid for. Maybe it why no images, no review, no personality.
Yes, you going to tell me, you are a top notch with thousands of clients, and you may be telling the truth.
But I don't care how hot you think you are, when I want GFE I want to feel the experience, not an "Icicle". And of course you are from the North, different kind of folks up there.
My life will never be about money, or my time, it will to be enjoy life and make as many friends while I am here and to respect them for their different views!!!!
Jazmin, I retired from The Big Bad Union at a young age with full pension, I negoiated a lot of contracts, you need to show us what is at the table??????...LOL
Well I guess I am guilty of this with a very select few. I have in the past chosen to meet for dinner and drinks, found out that I really liked the person and enjoyed their company and decided I would indeed enjoy more of their time on future visits. Some of these gentleman became paying long time clients, and others well, I didn't expect anything, and just enjoyed being able to call them up, or vice versa and say, "Hey, wanna get some dinner and a movie"? Now understand I am in the business of being paid for my time, and most certainly can't take everyone's request for such matters, I wouldn't be able to make a living for every guy that asked for just dinner and drinks and a small fee (aside from my normal rates) It is totally at my discretion. Every woman here has the right to set her own boundaries with regard to this and I totally respect that. But I have made some wonderful long term friends this way, as strange as that may be to some. I also have to add, that I have met men in the past for "just drinks / dinner" and it was a good thing I did, because when I met them in person they turned out to be total disrespecting jerks. So to me, it saved me the trouble of a paid, awkward visit in the future, and I knew who to avoid. There are pro's and con's to this for the women in our industry, and I think everyone is aware of that. No matter what a lady decides to do, her decision should be respected and not begrudged her for making it.

Anyway, off my soap box. I hope the OP finds what he is looking for!

rwksl's Avatar
  • rwksl
  • 05-04-2011, 07:53 PM
Yeah, with regulars, so have I. But I'm not going to hang out with some stranger just for the heck of it. Who has time for that?? I have chores, errands, friends, family and pets. Theres too many people I care about who I need to spend my private time with. Regulars do equal in that equation also because of their prolific buisiness they've given to me. So I don't mind given a little more of my time to regulars. But again, why would anyone wanna spend time off the clock with a stranger? Originally Posted by incognito isis
If you are so busy and your time is so valuable, why are there almost 500 posts from you here in less than two months?
surcher's Avatar
Well I guess I am guilty of this with a very select few. I have in the past chosen to meet for dinner and drinks, found out that I really liked the person and enjoyed their company and decided I would indeed enjoy more of their time on future visits. Some of these gentleman became paying long time clients, and others well, I didn't expect anything, and just enjoyed being able to call them up, or vice versa and say, "Hey, wanna get some dinner and a movie"?
GP Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
GP, I'm glad you did and am happy to say I'm one of the others. Dinners, movies and New Years Eve were good times! NOW SHOW ME YOUR ASS! LOL

Isis, I find anger and the words of a jaded individual in your posts. Who are you to tell other ladies, in other parts of the country, that what they do with their time affects you. Sure, after seeing a client BCD you no doubt can afford dinner, thanks to the client. Some ladies would rather have a nice dinner and drinks with a potential client along with a nominal fee added instead of doing laundry. That stranger could turn out to become a loyal client, you know, like the guys who make it possible for you to buy your own dinner. And God forbid he become a good friend that might help you out of a jam one day. These are two things you'll never know because for you it's all about the benjamins and his time isn't worth yours. Or should I say not worth as much as yours? Originally Posted by surcher
Who am I? I'm a newby friendly provider. Sometimes I don't know why I cater to newbies, but I do. They don't bother me too much most of the time. I get emails from these newbies who wanna have dinner, no payment. It's insulting to me. But perhaps other providers are going on these free dates? So then men start to expect everyone to do free dates. Another woman in another part of the country probably won't affect me, but it might affect other providers in that area. Just because something doesn't affect me doesn't mean I shouldn't care. Oh, but i guess I'm just a jaded, cold person to care so much for other strangers! Ha Ha Ha

Oh and by the way, how am I going to pay my bills if I'm going on free dates? I get paid, exactly, thanks to the client who pays me. I need money. Thats my point.

OK, you're excused. I know what the OP said, thanks. The fact is, the client offered a nominal fee plus dinner. If a provider has the time and inclination, there is no problem with that. She has to eat, right? Yes, then have someone pay for it. She is getting a nominal (i.e., not full rate) fee, right? Yes. Something is more than nothing, right? Yes. So she gets some money plus a free dinner that she was going to eat anyway. At what price? A couple of hours of free time. Whoopee. And you might be a busy person, but I seriously doubt you can't spare a couple of hours. It would be more fun and more lucrative than laundry any day of the week. Bottom line....it's up to the individual provider to decide. Most won't do it, but there are some here that would, fortunately. Why can't you just accept it? Originally Posted by Energy
Hey, if you got the free time and nothing else to do, go on and do it. But you must have alllllllllllooooooot of time on your hands. Give those free dates away, but remember, once you start giving something away for free it drives the price down, AND simple economics, people don't generally want to pay for things once they get it for free.

Must have had some pretty crappy people in her life, not to enjoy one minute unless it was paid for. Maybe it why no images, no review, no personality.
Yes, you going to tell me, you are a top notch with thousands of clients, and you may be telling the truth.
But I don't care how hot you think you are, when I want GFE I want to feel the experience, not an "Icicle". And of course you are from the North, different kind of folks up there.
My life will never be about money, or my time, it will to be enjoy life and make as many friends while I am here and to respect them for their different views!!!!
Jazmin, I retired from The Big Bad Union at a young age with full pension, I negoiated a lot of contracts, you need to show us what is at the table??????...LOL Originally Posted by hartboyz20
Sir, it's quite the opposite. I have wonderful people in my life. Thats why I chose not to go on free or reduced dates with strangers. Let me explain. All the time spent with strangers is time spent away from my loved ones. Thats why I don't believe in doing free dates with strangers. My time is valuble. So is yours, and once it's gone it's gone. Life is short. Try to enjoy life the best you can. I chose to spend my time being compensated. If I'm not compensated then I chose to spend my time alone, doing chores or with people I care about. Coming to me and asking for a free or reduced date is fruitless to me. I have priorities in dispensing my time.

No reviews? No images? No personality? Right. And Eccie is the only escorting communication service on the entire world wide web! Sweet cheeks, I'm here incognito so I don't have to sugar coat nuttin baby. But rest assured, if I was here for advertising purposes, my opinions would be oh so positive and happy. So far, I haven't needed Eccie yet to gain buisiness. That might change, it might not. If it does, my attitude will become more sugar coated because it would have to be. Incognito Isis would be gone, and my escort persona would take over. I love Eccie, I really do. It's addicting. But for now, I come here to unload my load. Sorta like what a guy does first thing in the morning when he takes a shower.

If you are so busy and your time is so valuable, why are there almost 500 posts from you here in less than two months? Originally Posted by rwksl
Because I just had breast augmentation surgery so I'm not seeing clients as regularly right now. I saw a few and it was a mistake. Too soon. I'm just not feeling 100%. So I come here cuz it's fun. But I know you love me and your praying for my full recovery!!!
GP, I'm glad you did and am happy to say I'm one of the others. Dinners, movies and New Years Eve were good times! NOW SHOW ME YOUR ASS! LOL Originally Posted by surcher
You know I am looking at that picture from New Years Eve back in 2004? I am in your lap.. a bit drunk on my ass! hahaha...

I will just have to make some time for you dear, maybe this weekend? =)

Ok Isis, so what you are telling me, you are never sweet by nature to anyone unless you are paid? I understand that!!!!! Was in Philly for a few years with the Union, not a happy place, but a good place.
I also understand family time is just that, but in all your past, you have never one time experienced a little extra with someone? Yes you said you would meet regulars, but do none of them ever see your coldness or just stupid horny men, dumb question I know! Yes, all my lady buddies here were friends here and they made the decision to be real life friends, so all 8 of them knew each other, and we just shared and had great times for6 years. Some retired or got married, 2 ,I introduced them to their husbands(who knew nothing and will never) and have great lives now with no worries and problay have more money and more freedom than ever before, but are so happy, I am happy for them. 3 retired, 3 others still call me when they come to town, they see me, don't charge me(they did when we first started), UTR, and always call me at least once a week. all have stayed with me whenever they want to, we eat, we dance, we enjoy each other, and IF they ever asked, I would gladly give them their normal and never think twice about it. I never once asked for anything free, but it just happened over time building relationships, if they decide they want to collect, fine!!! I f they don't fine, and they never forget my birthday or christmas.....makes a yound old guy feel good...
I wish you "good Luck" and hope your breasts heal, hope the pain subsides really fast, and I hope you even more happiness....I am never going to sugarcoat, but there are always two ways to say things...one to hurt and one to fix or help!!!!!!!!!!!!
So who wants to o to Eddie V's in West Ave for dinner tonight?
It's nice to hang out and have lunch with a lady who "wants" to do it. I have a few who I can call and meet for lunch (just today, in fact), and have no strings attached.

But, as mentioned here, it has to be a lady who knows you and is "willing" to spend her time with you and not be compensated. I always let them know that it is a lunch only meet and let her decide if she wants to do that. Originally Posted by bbkid
I'm agree with bbkid. I've had lunch several times with different providers without expectations or strings. No pressure, no games, just meal, convo, and part ways. Depends on the provider, IMHO.