Asking for discounts...

We are not exactly selling cookies here
so I fail to see how any other "business model" fits. It is a very unique industry in which the client wants perfection, however defined, and can NEVER create that themselves--"Weird Science" was just a movie, kids... Originally Posted by PhillyChik
Actually, I don't think that perfection is really the issue - it is what are you willing to pay for a particular provider, what are you willing to pay overall, and how do you express that price point?

In general, I have my upper limits which I am willing to reach only sparingly (and were I near PhillyChik, it would be a real temptation), with a general price window that is lower. Typically the question is what is the real value? Many times I see someone's profile that sparks interest, but I won't contact them because they are out of the price window I have set for that day, though I do keep a mental file of those in within the max window. I think that there is no question that the general etiquette of this business is not to ask for discounts if none are advertised (though I think that asking if there is a hhr rate when none is posted is OK unless the ad states otherwise).

Sometimes I have put a post in ISOs or contacted a provider who did not have a rate posted. If the rate is not in my window, I reply "Thanks, but no thanks." On occasion, the reply has been "What are you willing to spend?" If they open the door I am willing to bargain and ask for a discount, unless the initial requested rate is so high that to counter within my window would be perceived as insulting. In those cases, a carefully worded reply designed to avoid insult is best. On one occasion a provider responding to an ISO got very pissed off at my "Thanks, but no thanks" since she thought that she was a great value for the rate. To some, maybe, but not to me at the time.

Given that this is a very "personal" business, not like...buying apples, I think it is best to tread carefully and treat providers with kindness and respect, especially if you feel that the self-image as expressed by a rate is not warranted.
I've only ever talked to women I've seen about rates twice. In both cases, I'd seen the girl for many visits (more than 5) and we had established a pretty good level of comfort with one another.

In each case, I made it clear that I'd like to see them more often and the only way I could justify that was to make each visit more cost-effective. In essence, the deals I struck with them ended up being more profitable for them on a monthly basis (3 or more visits at a discount versus 2 per month, max). Providers are in business and unless they see a better revenue stream for their effort, they're going to say "no".

In the end, both situations panned out well. The first is still in the biz but started a drug habit that really became problematic, so I moved on. The other, my former ATF, left the biz after I saw her for years under such an arrangement.

In summary, I'd say that without having spent a significant amount of time seeing a provider at her regular rate, I wouldn't consider broaching the subject.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I'd like to here a little feedback regarding this. Personally, if I've never met you, it ain't gonna happen that way. Past regulars I don't mind if they ask, due to rate increases etc, but still a faux pas. Some cite my rate as being too much but if I discount it they'll see me--when in reviews they've written they've anti-ed up or seen multiple ladies in small time frame, clearly not an affordability issue.

Just wanted some thoughts on, from any side....

For me, there is a right and wrong way to do anything, and I always say if you don't ask you don't know, but still.... Originally Posted by PhillyChik
The whole situation sucks, to me. It is offensive and uncomfortable to me to haggle, but it does bother me to pay more than the next guy, so I essentially have to ask. I am talking in general, for all transactions. For this hobby I do not ask on the first date, I at least try not to, but sometimes you have to know what the rate gets you, mpops, out the door as soon as you pop, its part of the research.

I used to work retail. People were brutal, they suck. "It doesn't hurt to ask," they'd whine. I'd always think, 'It doesn't hurt, if you have no respect for who you're asking."

I'm frugal and to many here unreasonable but to my way of thinking, you get much over $$ an hour and that person should be saving your life or keeping you out of jail. But y'all capitalists be drivin' the numbers up keepin' up with the Joneses. More power to ya.

I've seen a girl consistently the past year almost. By the third meet, my rate was lowered. I didn't ask, she offered 'cause I wasn't callin', maybe she likes me? It is what a non-capitalist blue collar chump like me needs. But I wish it didn't have to be that way, so I could try more strange at a reasonable rate.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
so I fail to see how any other "business model" fits...

It is a very unique industry in which the client wants perfection, however defined, and can NEVER create that themselves Originally Posted by PhillyChik
Just because you fail to see it, doesn't mean shit. Business is business and consistencies exist as do unique vagaries.

Not all clients demand perfection, in fact no reasonable clients do. What man would think a woman was a place to go for perfection? Pleasant for a short time is a more reasonable expectation. And they can create it themselves, they (me too) just sometimes lose the way, some more than others.
atlcomedy's Avatar
THANK YOU (Sorry Old-T)

We are not exactly selling cookies here
so I fail to see how any other "business model" fits. Originally Posted by PhillyChik
I agree with Johnny. At the end of the day it is still a business.

It is a different, very personal business. I'm sure it isn't funny to hear comparisons to cookies, fast food or any other consumer good.

The best business I can think of as similar to providing from the intimate personal nature of the business is a visual or performing artist.

Believe me, those folks hear haggling all the time.

This is not a plug for agencies or pimps but an observation: Most successful artists have an agent and/or business manager to handle "business" (and negotiating) for them.
Business is business and consistencies exist as do unique vagaries. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Agreed. And in every business there are those who insist that THIS business is different. It never is. At its core, business is business. They all follow models, they all have common core components of strategy, marketing, finance, and management.

The more we say we are different, the more we are the same.
atlcomedy's Avatar
When I was regularly seeing escorts wouldn't haggle. If she was either too steep for my pocket book or I simply thought she was overpriced relative to her competitive set (yes PhillyChik this is a business) I didn't call. I clarify price and enjoy specials etc.

Now I find myself seeing mostly variations of sugar babies, party girls, arrangement gals etc. The pricing is usually much less defined and there is more discussion. It isn't unusual for them to start real high (crazy talk high) because well you don't get what you don't ask for.

I have found though that if I cannot reach an acceptable price pretty quickly in a respectful non-adversarial way I just pass ("that's quite a bit more than I typically gift for a similar arrangement, I'll spend time with someone else, it was lovely to meet you...")

I don't want spend time with someone after we both feel we went through six rounds of trying to buy/sell a used car.
john_deere's Avatar
Agreed. And in every business there are those who insist that THIS business is different. It never is. At its core, business is business. They all follow models, they all have common core components of strategy, marketing, finance, and management.

The more we say we are different, the more we are the same. Originally Posted by JustCause
in what other business do you insert your dick into a girl's pussy?
Classless to "ask" for discounts; sends all the wrong signals.

That said, if there's a long term relationship between a provider / hobbyist and frequent visits each month, I believe it's a topic that can be put on the table. It is STILL very much a BUSINESS decision by the provider.
Have never asked for a discount from any provider, and never will. Generally asking for a little more time, or even being given it from a provider without asking it (obviously from a provider you have seen several times) becomes much more beneficial than a few $ off.
in what other business do you insert your dick into a girl's pussy?
Raw dog's Avatar
Marriage. Originally Posted by Stanfeld
Some of ya'll are so rude in response to what I said, specifically. I feel attacked many times on this thread and others, due to misunderstanding or what have you. Anyway, regardless of the assumptions and negative tones, I appreciate the responses.
Negotiation—while foreign to most consumers—is a natural part of any business. Vendors and clients alike always want the better rate. You can take that personally as a comment on how a consumer sees your apparent worth, or you can accept it as a standard part of business. I encourage you to consider that quite often it is the latter.

Also, this hobby is expensive, and I think most hobbyists have been in a position to pay $300 an hour one day and then had to count pennies to see their favorite provider coming through town a week later. I make an excellent salary with many bonuses, but I will be the first to admit that my hobbying budget is often in flux. I've had dates where I paid more for a 3 hour first date than I did an overnight with the same girl two nights later, just because of how much "play" money I had at that instant in time (note to self: avoid casinos when I'm planning to hobby!). However, if I hadn't talked with her about her rate after only one date, then I would have settled for a lesser provider for far less time, and she would be that much poorer. The message is clear: this is business, not personal. The simple fact is that they are calling you, which means they do value you highly and they would rather go through the hassle of making their budget work with you than take the path of least resistance with someone else!

Good luck!

PS: You're beautiful and my type! If you ever come through Detroit's suburbs, hit me up! I'd love to see you!
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Some of ya'll are so rude in response to what I said, specifically. I feel attacked many times on this thread and others, due to misunderstanding or what have you. Anyway, regardless of the assumptions and negative tones, I appreciate the responses. Originally Posted by PhillyChik
That is understandable, and I could be nicer. This site is that way, and I also think you have a tone about you that invites it. Could be a Philadelphia thing, it certainly is in character.

As for the business is business thing, altcomedy likened this business to visual or performing arts, and I can see that. But do they demand payment up front? I suspect not.