He just wouldn’t unload!

burkalini's Avatar
If your going to do something do it well
Still Looking's Avatar
If your going to do something do it well Originally Posted by burkalini
Come on Burk, I did everything except a power point! LOL
burkalini's Avatar
My point exactly . Now let's look at bullet point 3
Still Looking's Avatar
My point exactly . Now let's look at bullet point 3 Originally Posted by burkalini
Will we be needing the diagram any more? LOL

If this is a common occurrence for you, let the provider know BEFORE she goes overtime. Don't make your problem her problem. If she goes overtime trying, at least it will be an informed decision.

Just saying.
Naomi4u's Avatar

If this is a common occurrence for you, let the provider know BEFORE she goes overtime. Don't make your problem her problem. If she goes overtime trying, at least it will be an informed decision.

Just saying. Originally Posted by emptywallet
I love this. If every guy thought like you, our job would be easier and less stressful. Thank you.
This happens to me sometimes but I don't consider it a problem. I still end up happy and no overtime is needed. None of the reasons anyone has mentioned here apply. It just happens sometimes, for as far back as I can remember.
Still Looking's Avatar
I don't ever go over! I always get Torpedo #1 off. Torpedo #2 about 75% of the time. Torpedo #3... what the hell are we talking about?
I had several boyfriends in the past who were like that. Trust me it isn't you. Believe me when I tell you they are still very much enjoying themselves with you regardless of not being able to cum. Giving him all the extra time wasn't necessary on your part. It was nice that you tried so hard, but their are men out there that have a sort of "mental block" so to speak and it is just difficult for them to cum. There are many reasons for it but what I have found aside from any physical reason is that they are easily distracted, and for some they have desensitized themselves from lots of "self play". Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures

YOU...are one intelligent lady...I thoroughly enjoy my time with a beautiful, smart, witty young girl (like yourself, it seems) whether I pop or not...wish more Providers would understand this...but I don't think they believe me when I tell them. Ladies, we are paying for your time with us...love you whether I cum or not...
London Rayne's Avatar
I would have made the effort the first time, but after that he would be limited to getting at least 90 min. or I would not see him again. Did he even tip you for all that extra work? Probably not huh?
Budman's Avatar
Damn London, it all evens out in the end. What about all the tricks that blow their load before she gets her panties off? I'm just saying...
Naomi4u's Avatar
I would have made the effort the first time, but after that he would be limited to getting at least 90 min. or I would not see him again. Did he even tip you for all that extra work? Probably not huh? Originally Posted by London Rayne
She didn't want the extra cash. Her goal was to get him off. She believes in getting all her clients off even if it takes 2 or 3 hours. I say , damn good customer service.
Still Looking's Avatar
She didn't want the extra cash. Her goal was to get him off. She believes in getting all her clients off even if it takes 2 or 3 hours. I say , damn good customer service. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
It's like COOL RUNNINGS man! The Jamaican bobsledders. They carried they're sled across the finish line! I have one word for our provider and those bobsledders... "Honor!"

It's like COOL RUNNINGS man! The Jamaican bobsledders. They carried they're sled across the finish line! I have one word for our provider and those bobsledders... "Honor!"

Originally Posted by Still Looking
Wasn't that on TV the other day
Still Looking's Avatar
Wasn't that on TV the other day Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
That was a movie my kids always watch when we travel. They love it man!