What's in your price range?

sixxbach's Avatar
my price range is 200 (that i would pay). However, i like variety. I think I have spent about 700 since November. I know that is small potatoes to some but surprising to some who know im frugal at times when hobbying. i could have had a couple of GFE's at $$$ and one encounter at $ but i opted to get much more than three encounters
I have to agree with Whispers here. And I don't always do that. But when it comes to this thread being an ad, well all threads started by providers exist essentially to give her board presence and remind people she is around. And on the same note all posts are essentially ads in some form. It isn't like you are posting a billboard with rates, but more like a Pepsi product placement in a Transformers movie. It isn't wrong unless it is shameless self promotion. And I don't think this is exactly an example of that.

As far as providers skewing things, well the reality is that the poll is in coed and EVERYONE can vote. I posted the EXACT SAME POLL in the Men's Lounge, and the results are QUITE DIFFERENT. I think it is unethical for providers to vote on this poll, but there is no way to know who has. In this case it is like the providers are acting similar to OPEC, setting the prices and determining the market. Like any other industry, supply and demand should set the pricing in the market. I definately think providers should stick together and charge whatever they want. HOWEVER I will vote with my wallet and not see a provider who I think is charging to much. We all excercise our rights, your right to set your price, and our right whether or not to pay it.

I usually do not join in the debates you get into Wicked Milf, and I very rarely defend Whispers, HOWEVER I think you jumped the gun here, and are in the wrong. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
well we aren't passing new law so i dont' think it matters one way or the other.

and frankly no one is RIGHT. we all have our own opinions and we just need to remember that we are suppose to be having fun. i don't understand the need to defend anyone. we should all have our 'big people britches' on voice what we think and move on...it's not a debate. no one WINS.

we all know how this works and couldn't care less about being out of anyones range...it is what it is. this poll isn't going to bring on some sort of across the board drastic rate change. so take it for what it is...and for shit sake have fun!
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I wouldn't say I was defending Whispers, but defending what he said. It was obvious that Wicked Milf either did not read his entire post, did not fully grasp the intent, or was simply trying to change the meaning of the post.

I was just contributing to the conversation.

I agree it is about having fun, and that is why we are here. BUT with the economy the way it is and providers posting polls like this, this is a conversation that needs to take place. Honestly the savvy providers will watch this thread and learn from it like they learn from any thread and will keep it in mind when conducting their business. Hobbyists will learn from this thread as well.

I would never expect a provider to change their rates, it is a decision for the providers to make. But if a new girl shows up and is charging something more comfortable, she is going to do well. And I don't expect any provider to give a damn if they are in my range or not. The reality is I do pay up to 300 for a lady I see on a regular basis, because I know she is worth it and is not a gamble. But if she isn't available and/or I am running a little short on disposable cash I will seek out providers I know who charge less and I know provide good services.

The reality is all of you are priceless (don't give me too much grief guys) BUT the cash isn't flowing like a river right now. If I were a rich man I would pay whatever it took. But I am not. I can afford to hobby, but I have to make the hobby money I have go as far as possible while holding my standards of looks and service.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I did say "defend whispers" so I contradicted myself. But in reality I was defending his words. And I find some of what Whispers says to be offensive, but I find what other people say offensive at times too. (Like innacurate self descriptions...)

But I agree with his statement here and wanted to make sure the point was clear, and I am contributing to the discussion which is my right.

In the business world the companies that adapt to a changing market thrive, the people who stick to doing things as they always have just because it worked in the past, tend to get passed up in the market place. An unfortunate example is Wal Mart Vs. Mom and Pop. It isn't always right. Our work pays the bills and feeds us. Anyone who doesn't make the best decision in regards to business will suffer from not being able to pay bills and eat.
If I drop my price below $250... I have to deal with a lot of "bottom feeders"... I would rather starve *smiles* Annie
a pepsi ad in a transformers movie....lol! Bravo!

And here I thought I had exercised my talent in conversation killing...lol!

As far as providers answering the poll...whatev....skewed or not...whatev.
If I had the cash..I would pay a max of 3.....but being as I don't... I read the posts and fantasize... I don't know how many run the provider/client split but....we may have input other than those with motives to weigh in the favor of Bennies.
Ideally....pussy would rain from the sky......
Ironically...I probably would not have a bucket....
O well...I guess that leaves me staring upwards with my mouth open. Everything is relative...
elephant, dont worry you are not the only one who has been dissed lately. all one can do is move on. something tells me u rang in the new year with a BANG!!!! Originally Posted by sixxbach
I am usually a very nice girl, but I have to say your
passive aggressive behavior is very unbecoming. I don't feel any lady should be dissed in the co-ed session for turning down an appointment. It's her choice, and she may have a very good reason for it. Perhaps, not even having anything to do with you.
funnyboy's Avatar
Wow, this thread has gotten a little nasty...and not in the good way.

Like everything else, you need to read both sides with the understanding that they are in there own way biased...just like a review or an ad or anything else.

Other than a few of the threads I have found this discussion enlightening and helpful.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Wow, this thread has gotten a little nasty...and not in the good way. Originally Posted by funnyboy
Yes, it has.

Other than a few of the threads I have found this discussion enlightening and helpful. Originally Posted by funnyboy
Enlightening and helpful is good. Off topic is not. Just a reminder. Carry on.

dookiexp's Avatar
I Will not pay above $250 for any experience with someone. I really do not see the need. There are two very intriguing women on here who i would like to see who are at $ 300 one has a blinky thing on top of the page and the other is a more mature lady but i will see neither as the rate is too high.

There are too many other providers i have seen for much less who give me a great time. In all honest i actually never feel the need to spend more than 180-220 an hour. I think that a very reasonable price for the hour and i do not see what im going to get for that extra 30-80 dollars that i could not get elsewhere.

I am not cheap these are just my rules and my limits, it also allows me to see 2 ladies a month rather than one.
sixxbach's Avatar
britney, i really did not aim that for you. i just worked two 14 hour days and posted what came to mind. you are not the first and probably not the last. but anyone who has seen me can say im really cool BCD. and yes i do know that there may be reasons not having to do with me.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I paid $300 several times for some of the Amazing escorts (remember them?). Would have paid $350 for a certain lady from Westlake (long-time guys will probably remember who I'm talking about) whose reputation was OUTSTANDING but we never hooked up.

In today's Austin scene, I doubt I would go over $250 and she would have to have stellar reviews for me to go to $250. There are so many wonderful ladies out there at $200 or less per hour.

What I'm surprised at is the number of guys who are paying high prices for FBSM. I see some ads at $200 for 1 hour FBSM. My max would be around $120 and preferable $100.
AustinBusinessTraveler's Avatar
I tried to book an Outcall session with you just the other day.. I had a comfy/safe Hotel and everything.. P411 Too!... and you turned down my business... I figured your Phone would be blowing up since you turned down a screened John w/ two P411 Ok's...

....and you also missed an opportunity to view the most Beautiful Cock in all of Central Texas!! Originally Posted by Elephant

Gosh, with such a classy post, one can only imagine why she would turn down your visit.
Mature Companion's Avatar
I wouldn't say I was defending Whispers, but defending what he said. It was obvious that Wicked Milf either did not read his entire post, did not fully grasp the intent, or was simply trying to change the meaning of the post.. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT

Oh I got a good grasp on what Whispers was saying!! Dude, I'm not some stupid bimbo. And definitely was NOT in the wrong (as you put it) for posting (my) opinion. I'm a female and his comments were directed at us and were found to be insulting. (I know because I've received many emails from male & female members alike who agreed). However, some don't want to call him out on it because they don't want to give him the pulpit to continue the preaching according to whispers. We've heard enough of it on aspd.
This is Eccie and we're here to enjoy the hobby community as equals.

I read what the almighty whispers wrote and *I* found it offensive for him to accuse the ladies who participated in this thread. As skewing things (IE:lying) and insult them by stating that their posts were Ads. WTF.
They're participating in a co-ed discussion for crying out loud.

Last time I looked. This was the CO-ED forum. If men like whipsers has an issue with women posting. Then take threads like these and other topics to the male LR and then we ladies won't have to be insulted at every turn.

This is not aspd. We're not in Kansas anymore! It's about time the ladies are shown some respect and not be ridiculed every time they make a post.
Miss Sophie Bella's Avatar
I have to agree with Whispers here. And I don't always do that. But when it comes to this thread being an ad, well all threads started by providers exist essentially to give her board presence and remind people she is around. And on the same note all posts are essentially ads in some form. It isn't like you are posting a billboard with rates, but more like a Pepsi product placement in a Transformers movie. It isn't wrong unless it is shameless self promotion. And I don't think this is exactly an example of that.

As far as providers skewing things, well the reality is that the poll is in coed and EVERYONE can vote. I posted the EXACT SAME POLL in the Men's Lounge, and the results are QUITE DIFFERENT. I think it is unethical for providers to vote on this poll, but there is no way to know who has. In this case it is like the providers are acting similar to OPEC, setting the prices and determining the market. Like any other industry, supply and demand should set the pricing in the market. I definately think providers should stick together and charge whatever they want. HOWEVER I will vote with my wallet and not see a provider who I think is charging to much. We all excercise our rights, your right to set your price, and our right whether or not to pay it.

I usually do not join in the debates you get into Wicked Milf, and I very rarely defend Whispers, HOWEVER I think you jumped the gun here, and are in the wrong. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
I think you have some interesting points. However, I have to respectfully disagree that the participation of a lady in a co-ed is akin to an ad. There are those that obviously exist for self-promotion, but I see many women posting dissenting opinions and interjecting with thoughtful commentary that sheds a lot of light on the flip side of the hobby coin. We often don't have a forum in our personal lives to talk about what it means to be a pro. Many of us are thankful to have a place to express our thoughts to other people who share our secret world.

This poll also doesn't take into account the fact that we're not talking about a single market. There are many niche markets within the hobby and for some gentlemen of more ample means, the experience they're searching for will be considered before price point. In my experience, these are often the lurkers who we hear from on this board and others infrequently, but who are very active hobbyists.

And finally, I agree it's unethical for a provider to vote in this particular poll...unless she occasionally indulges in a little PforP herself. It happens more often than you think. What women doesn't love a nice massage and a few selfish orgasms? Besides, we have excellent references

Be sweet, play nice, have a wonderful day.