3 year old data? Looking at the numbers. The unemployment rate in Georgia, one of the states from your map that is "creating" more jobs than average, is currently 7.8% while it's 6.6% in NYS. The true welfare states are generally southern states, that receive more in federal spending than they pay in federal taxes.
mmmm NY still not doing well Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers? - The Atlantic
Given that NYS faired MUCH better in the current recession than the nation as a whole, could it be that the job creation numbers are lower in NYS than the nation as a whole because NYS didn't fall as far as the rest of the country? Did you even think about that before posting your map?
Currently The unemployment rate in NYS is 6.6%, in NC it's 6.5 %. The US tax payers subsidize the state of NC about 25%(NC receives 1.25 dollars for every dollar it pays in taxes) and NYS subsidizes the other states about 20%. Defense spending is 10% of the NC economy, What would the unemployment rate be in NYS, if we were so generously subsidized by the federal government? I assume you'll be on the phone with Schumer first thing in the morning,demanding he gets NYS it's fair share.