AGENCY or PIMP whats the difference???

I have NO time for anyone who profits from a lady laying on her back. Want to make money? Lay on your own frigging back! Just my own lil ole two cents.
No pimps and no managers here
Wetwork Daddy's Avatar
I usually envision the difference being that an agency manager actually provides services for the portion of the fee they get. These services could be marketing, screening, booking and transportation services given to the provider and even some services to the client such as membership discounts and easy screening etc.

When I think of the word pimp, I no longer envision the velvet suit and feather in the hat, but rather some slop sitting on a couch making his wife, girlfriend, sister, and/or neighborhood girls do all the work while he sits on the couch eating Kaptain Krunch, getting high, and watching cartoons.

After close to thirty years in the hobby, I have never met the dude with the chains and brass walking stick, but I have met more than a few worthless couch potatoes that exploit and beat the women they were pimping.