Boy could some members in here learn a thing from this Congressman

I B Hankering's Avatar
hes talking about the leaking Iraqi munitions found. not that ricin shit, that's a separate thing. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
No. That's not what they said. Read their remarks again.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Only the one's that were designed by the USA, manufactured in Europe and installed on Iraq soil by WESTERN companies. Originally Posted by adav8s28
They did find them. You are just refusing to open your eyes and see the truth. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

hes talking about the leaking Iraqi munitions found. not that ricin shit, that's a separate thing. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
No. That's not what they said. Read their remarks again. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

you need to read again.

adav8s is talking about the made in USA munitions that was sold to saddam.

the ricin thing is separate from that one. don't doubt zarqawi was doing that.
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  • WTF
  • 02-15-2019, 05:46 AM
No. That's not what they said. Read their remarks again. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Here is what I've said to the two issues you are trying to mix into one to distort your support and justification for the airaq War which your new Lord and Saviour , a one Donald Trump thinks was a disaster.

You do still believe the invasion of Iraq a smart thing right?

The weapons found were degraded and less lethal than conventional weapons. Little to no military value. Exactly why they are hardly ever used.

That was not the rationale to go to war...unless you think yellow cake is used in their production.

The terrorist you keep crying about, Saddam did not want in Iraq. He only arrived after we ran him out of Afghanistan and only then to the United States protected area of the Kurds in N Iraq.

Inly people that believe your shit are the ones with no inderstanding of the time line, what we originally went to war looking for.
I B Hankering's Avatar

adav8s is talking about the made in USA munitions that was sold to saddam.
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
No. He is insisting that Zarqawi and his WMD program never existed in Iraq.

Here is what I've said to the two issues you are trying to mix into one to distort your support and justification for the airaq War which your new Lord and Saviour , a one Donald Trump thinks was a disaster.

You do still believe the invasion of Iraq a smart thing right?

The weapons found were degraded and less lethal than conventional weapons. Little to no military value. Exactly why they are hardly ever used.

That was not the rationale to go to war...unless you think yellow cake is used in their production.

The terrorist you keep crying about, Saddam did not want in Iraq. He only arrived after we ran him out of Afghanistan and only then to the United States protected area of the Kurds in N Iraq.

Inly people that believe your shit are the ones with no inderstanding of the time line, what we originally went to war looking for.
Originally Posted by WTF
Zarqawi had his WMD in Iraq. Nothing you can say or do changes that fact. Saddam was a known sponsor of terrorism. So, your notion that he never dealt with the likes of Zarqawi is BS.

What kind of support has Iraq given terrorists?

The State Department has listed Iraq as one of seven states that sponsor terrorism...

Safe haven, training, and financial support. In violation of international law, Iraq has also sheltered specific terrorists wanted by other countries, reportedly including:
  • Abu Nidal, who, until he was found dead in Baghdad in August 2002, led an organization responsible for attacks that killed some 300 people.
  • Palestine Liberation Front leader Abu Abbas, who was responsible for the 1985 hijacking of the Achille Lauro cruise ship in the Mediterranean. Abbas was captured by U.S. forces April 15, 2005.
  • Two Saudis who hijacked a Saudi Arabian Airlines flight to Baghdad in 2000.
  • Abdul Rahman Yasin, who is on the FBI’s "most wanted terrorists" list for his alleged role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

Iraq has also provided financial support for Palestinian terror groups, including Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Palestine Liberation Front, and the Arab Liberation Front, and it channeled money to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers.

(Council on Foreign Relations)

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  • WTF
  • 02-15-2019, 07:05 AM
Iraq supporting Hammas was Isreal 's problem, not the United States.

Haven't you gotten the memo...we are no longer into nation building .... especially for the benifit of Isreal. The last one you supported, did not work out as planned and you nee love, Don Trump, thinks it stupid.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Iraq supporting Hammas was Isreal 's problem, not the United States.

Haven't you gotten the memo...we are no longer into nation building .... especially for the benifit of Isreal. The last one you supported, did not work out as planned and you nee love, Don Trump, thinks it stupid.
Originally Posted by WTF
You're deflection doesn't change the fact that Zarqawi had a WMD in Iraq.
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  • WTF
  • 02-15-2019, 08:20 AM
You're deflection doesn't change the fact that Zarqawi had a WMD in Iraq. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
WMD to a bug.

No deflation. are one of the few who still think the Iraq war was a necessary success.

That is like believing the Titanic was a successful voyage.
I B Hankering's Avatar
WMD to a bug.

No deflation. are one of the few who still think the Iraq war was a necessary success.

That is like believing the Titanic was a successful voyage.
Originally Posted by WTF
You're equivocation and denial doesn't change the fact that Zarqawi had a WMD in Iraq.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-15-2019, 08:52 AM
You're equivocation and denial doesn't change the fact that Zarqawi had a WMD in Iraq. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Please explainhow he was going to deliver that here and how invading Iraq instead the Kurdish region Zarqawi was in and we protected from Saddam ....was the right thing to do.

Be like blowing yourself up with a grenade because of a few mosquitoes.

It is true that you would not have to worry about those particular mosquitoes ever again...but really was that your goal?

Was you goal to rid a country of some degraded mustard gas? If so, why was so much focus on yellow cake?

Just admit you were wrong and Trump was right and move on
I B Hankering's Avatar
Please explainhow he was going to deliver that here and how invading Iraq instead the Kurdish region Zarqawi was in and we protected from Saddam ....was the right thing to do.

Be like blowing yourself up with a grenade because of a few mosquitoes.

It is true that you would not have to worry about those particular mosquitoes ever again...but really was that your goal?

Was you goal to rid a country of some degraded mustard gas? If so, why was so much focus on yellow cake?

Just admit you were wrong and Trump was right and move on
Originally Posted by WTF

Zarqawi trained and exported the bomb makers to the targeted countries. The only person wrong here is you.


British cops have arrested six North African men after finding traces of ricin – a deadly poison linked to al Qaeda and Iraq – in a London apartment, officials said yesterday.

(New York Post)