Self Promoting Response


Its been covered, read the thread:
I don't understand why so many women feel the need to bash others.
If you're business isn't suffering, mind your own business!
jeff one086's Avatar
I agree with most of what Jeff wrote. There does need to be a distinction between VP's and non-VPs.

Posting a link in your signature line is an ad. But so is a lady flirting and saying "We should get together, send me a PM".

FireSerpent (Tank) seems to be a cool guy. His signature line has this "ad":

For photography assistance, please email:

Is it serving the community to stop Tank from advertising his non-VP service? Originally Posted by BiggestBest
if you click tanks sig line does it show rates and services?
that is contact info, that can be done by going to the profile.
as is saying "pm me".
"contact me", not "look at my ad".

there is a difference between the two.

...It's not for providers to decide what constitutes a provider. It is for us, the consumers to decide. That some offer services others don't is a given in this "hobby". That anyone has the ability to post a link in their signature is proven to be allowed is a fact. If you don't like it take it up with owners of the site. But hammering. Another girl because you disagree with her choices in serice is wrong... Originally Posted by Sens55
in some posts people are directing their comments at christine,
a couple of people i trust have seen her and like her.
this should not be directed at christine herself, or elena for bringing the topic up.
the individual person is irrelevant
removing the notion of who said what, who's bashing whom, or who maybe/is WK whom,
"#23 - Each member's signature line is an extension of their ability to express their personality to others online. We offer a relaxed and flexible set of guidelines for our members and staff to follow regarding maintenance of their signature area. In short, you are allowed 15 lines of text, space, and images. You may include colored text or larger font sizes, and you may include images that do not exceed 60 pixels in height. Limit font size to "5." Images or larger-than-default text will be counted as 3 of your 15 lines allowed, so please consider this when constructing your signature area. Additionally, you may include links and other items of contact info, but avoid mentioning specifics regarding acronyms, services, or rates. We also ask that you refrain from including links to or mention of competing websites."

Bubba addressed(and rightly so) the issue that I was throwing my pics out there...and the one incident where I made a special offer in a post. Those, I believe, should be the issues at hand...As far as the signature is concerned, I don't seem to be breaking any rules. Originally Posted by topnotchmassage
as christine posted, (might i add, without tossing fudge nuggets at anyone)
the rule for sig lines.
the general topic is a link in the sig line that directs to a website showing rates and services.
is this, or should it be considered an ad, and should it be allowed by non-VP.

and this discussion, should it remain free of people slinging corn eyed butt snakes at each other, helps to take it up with the owners.

as everyone has an opinion as well as an asshole.
sometimes one in the same.
here is another one.
having a direct link to a website showing rates and services in a post serves as an ad. as tank has put contact info in his, it serves as a possible solution.
that being,
only VP may have direct links to sites, all other non-vp, male or female may have contact info. at that point non-vp may direct the person to their website. it gives the non-vp a partial ad, but not the benefits of a full VP to post ads.
thus making everyone happy, the non-vp gets an ad with contact info in every post, and the VP gets the full benefits of sig line ads.

unless, of course, someone forks over the green backs to the site for ad fees, then they can pretty much have at it.

that being said, perhaps we can remove christine and elena as the center topic of discussion, and look at the general topic at large, before the thread is full of people picking sides and stirring the toilet stew.
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 08-11-2010, 01:06 PM hit the nail on the head.....more or less.... I didn't do it so people would get suspend. I did leave it open because I knew a few people would show their true colors. As expected, I haven't been disappointed. need to be very, very careful about suggesting someone may be LE!! We don't take that kind of talk lightly!
Although all the drama can be fun to read about.... hats off to mods.

But if I wanted chatty, petty, jealous, drama and arguments in my life....

I'd get married, again! ~~~~~~~
Although all the drama can be fun to read about.... hats off to mods.

But if I wanted chatty, petty, jealous, drama and arguments in my life....

I'd get married, again! ~~~~~~~ Originally Posted by vkmaster
Or I guess in my case, married to begin with
lol J/K..Kinda
Life is too short to be too serious
(Please don't open if you are opposed to sound)
Jazzer's Avatar
Life is too short to be too serious
(Please don't open if you are opposed to sound) Originally Posted by topnotchmassage
Careful Christine, you'll be accused of promoting babies...or motherhood...or laughter...

(cute video..made me grin!)
kc1's Avatar
  • kc1
  • 08-11-2010, 04:45 PM
Dis goddam thread even t0o fucked up for Ol KC1. Since yall tearing each other up at the seems without my help I think I take a day off.

Cya tomorra motherfuckers!
Bartman1963's Avatar
Why is this issue getting all this attention?
swarmyone's Avatar
I'm going to take a posting holiday!

Have a great day everyone!


- Jackie Originally Posted by jackie@sintropolis
Dis goddam thread even t0o fucked up for Ol KC1. Since yall tearing each other up at the seems without my help I think I take a day off.
Originally Posted by kc1
Holy shit!!!! First KC1! This thread is kryptonite....I didn't think anything could make either of those two shut up!
midwestmonique's Avatar
There is nothing wrong with showing your true colors. Why hang out in a room full of fakers? You guys already think I'm just a bitch, but whatever, the people that know me know that I am a little sweet and spicy!

Please let me point out that I have not bashed anyone, I simply said we don't know who she is. She's not a provider, she's not a client. I thought we were in provider/client land?! No? I question more than just her here. I get appointment requests from people that joined months ago, have never posted, never reviewed, or never even seen a provider. What am I supposed to do with that in a time when safety is my main concern??? I question everybody, even the most popular reviewers.

And swarmy I don't hate you. How can you hate a person you've never even met and don't think about once I log off of this site? Hate is such a strong word anyway...ugh. I do look for opportunities to poke at you because isn't that what people do to assholes? I actually did a search during the last thread I was in when you said that I'm negative. Well, I looked at all of my posts...most of them positive. Looked at yours...U R a MAJOR ASS in about 99% of your posts. Its one thing to have a valuable opinion...its quite another to be a fucking jerkoff ALL the time!! And it doesn't matter what you say back, it still doesn't change the way most providers feel about you. By the way, do you hobby?? You sure always have something to say, but never a review. Just wondering...
Sens55's Avatar

Honey, I've never met you. But this vitriole cannot help you. Trust me, I'm in sales, and I have to deal with clients calling me (and/or my company) into question on anything ranging from our ethics, our intelligence and occasionally questioning my lineage or lack of parenting. It's upsetting. It pisses me off, especially when I know the guy saying it is a jerk off that knows less about the business than I do. But if I stood up in front of a room full of customers and prospects and started arguing with the guy, calling him names and questioning other companies, I lose. So will you. Is it fair? Probably not. But it is what it is. You have way more to lose by fighting publicly than you do by ignoring it. I would believe there are guys here that haven't seen you, were contemplating it, and after seeing these posts decided otherwise. Count me in that group.

And that's not to say you aren't a great girl and a great provider. But I don't know you, and what I have seen has been very negative indeed. And, yes, I know some of the guys on here are irratating. As are many of my customers. And if you were having a 1-on-1 "discussion" with those guys privately, you may be fine with it. But coming on here and questioning another girl openly about being LE when you have no base to substantiate the allegation and then getting in a cussing match with a guy on here does nothing to make you look good. In fact, it makes you look bad. That may not be a true reflection of you, but it is what many of us now see.

Same goes for everyone that chooses to roll in the muck. And for what? A stupid link? To a massage provider that doesn't even directly compete with you? Is is worth it?

Look. I understand VP's want to stake their claim to this board. But go look at the MP section. There are entire segments of guys that look SPECIFICALLY and sometime EXCLUSIVELY for MP's! Most of the MP's do NOT do FS. So why do you care if she does HE's or not? Or that you KNOW she does or not? Who CARES?!?! In the grand scheme of things this is so trivial as to be completely inconsequetial! Hey, have your opinion on it. Like it or don't like it. But to come on here and attack someone and their business personally just because you don't like her signature line...that's INSANE! Work on promoting your own business and not worry about someone else's and you'll be WAY ahead in the long run.