Trump and his crowds are larger than the left wants you to know or will admit!!

lustylad's Avatar
Look at the stock market - people who don't normally dabble in stocks will jump in during bull markets simply because they want to join the party and don't want to feel left out!

During market panics, the same people won't go near stocks!

Same phenomenon. A buzz feeds on itself.

There are plenty of studies out there. If you want proof, look them up.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Typical media ,, Distorted, and malicious coverage of all things Big -T
matchingmole's Avatar
Crowd size has never been an indicator of voter turnout. In fact it’s generally a counter indicator. It makes sense, but only if you think it all the way through. You draw crowds in the thousands, but you draw voters in the millions. Rally crowds only represent the small fraction of your voters who are the most die-hard enthusiastic. So crowd size is an indicator of how fanatical your biggest fans are. Larger crowds suggest that you’re running the kind of campaign that’s hugely appealing to a narrower segment of people, not broadly appealing to a larger segment of people.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Please show us your LARGE Dem rallies for a change? Originally Posted by bb1961
red herring.. there is one Republican (I'm not counting Weld), and 20+ Democrats running for President.. of course no Democrat will get a large audience.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Crowd size has never been an indicator of voter turnout. In fact it’s generally a counter indicator. It makes sense, but only if you think it all the way through. You draw crowds in the thousands, but you draw voters in the millions. Rally crowds only represent the small fraction of your voters who are the most die-hard enthusiastic. So crowd size is an indicator of how fanatical your biggest fans are. Larger crowds suggest that you’re running the kind of campaign that’s hugely appealing to a narrower segment of people, not broadly appealing to a larger segment of people. Originally Posted by matchingmole
So you can chart your BS against what happened during Odumbo's campaign, and you actually believe it'll prove your BS thesis?
matchingmole's Avatar
lustylad's Avatar
So you can chart your BS against what happened during Odumbo's campaign, and you actually believe it'll prove your BS thesis? Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Hahahahaha.... moleboy obviously doesn't know how to "think it all the way through".

The empirical data from numerous campaigns over many years would show crowd size and enthusiasm is positively correlated to broader support, not negatively correlated. To cite just one more example - Truman's big rallies in the final week of the 1948 campaign were a harbinger of his upset win over Dewey.

It's remarkable to me how some people can let trump hatred overwhelm common sense, logic and empirical evidence.
Crowd size has never been an indicator of voter turnout. In fact it’s generally a counter indicator. It makes sense, but only if you think it all the way through. You draw crowds in the thousands, but you draw voters in the millions. Rally crowds only represent the small fraction of your voters who are the most die-hard enthusiastic. So crowd size is an indicator of how fanatical your biggest fans are. Larger crowds suggest that you’re running the kind of campaign that’s hugely appealing to a narrower segment of people, not broadly appealing to a larger segment of people. Originally Posted by matchingmole
matchingmole's Avatar
matchingmole's Avatar
The left knows that Trump is large...and will admit it

Chung Tran's Avatar
damn you! I'm going to go to sleep tonight, wondering if our President is a Tennis-playing Drag Queen!
matchingmole's Avatar
Some things you can't unsee....Sorry CT
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
who here thinks they could beat Trump in a game of Tennis? any takers?
matchingmole's Avatar
I would beat him in chess.....he would beat me in golf