Is there a provider you want to see that will not see you?

pmdelites's Avatar
First, my heart goes out to the OP. Thank you for sharing with us, and reminding us that no matter the cross you bear, the next guy/gal might just have a heavier one.

Second, I think maybe some of you are coming down a little hard on the lady that won't see him. I have turned down clients before, and not given a reason. ... Most of the time, no matter the reason, I'm just going to say "I am flattered by your interest, but I think perhaps I am not the right lady for you." And leave it at that. Originally Posted by tracibrooks

well at least you responded to those guys. there's only been a few times that i've emailed/pm'd/p411'd a woman and not received a repsonse. i would have appreciated at least a note saying something like what you wrote above. and if i start an exchange and decide not to follow thru, i let the woman know i wont be able to make it. on both sides, there's no need to explain, but saying you wont be there would, imo, be very appreciated.


having lost a cousin to AIDS, a sister to cirrhosis, a cousin to metastasized cancer, and an aunt to dementia, i can only imagine what you are going thru. my suggestion - in addition to the best medical team you can find and/or afford, surround yourself with the most fabulous family, friends and acquaintances; seek out and join a cancer patients support group; visit a therapist; whatever. just dont walk this road all by yourself. you will need the support of others!!

oh, and an attractive women in our sub-culture that's ready for you to visit her and have deliteful times? priceless!! sounds like you already have some offers on the table.

peace be with you!
Guest101610-2's Avatar
You have GOT to be kidding me Nitwit!!!!! Do you ladies have any idea what a hot freaking guy this is? He is one of the nicest guys I've ever met in the hobby (and of course a fellow coastie, so he's just naturally hot to me.)

I get that people have their own reasons for why or why not but this is one of those that you should see at least once in your provider career. He's the guy we all started this for in the begining. The hot guy that wants to pay US!! Hell ya.

Luv u baby. Good luck with this new girl (that has apparently lost her mind. But you better not name her, that's still outing.)
NTW I know your a great guy and im the A-Hole here being a fellow foot-guy you have turned me on to so many chicks and I only turned you on to Syeria Pink but im glad to hear you had a good time. A++++ dude in my book.