For Tiny...great article on income inequality

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No Trump isn't Jim Jones but you are a Jim Jones koolaid drinking follower Originally Posted by WTF

if yous say so
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
No Trump isn't Jim Jones but you are a Jim Jones koolaid drinking follower Originally Posted by WTF

yer right that Trumps no Jim Jones.

but you need to stop drinking Jim Jone's koolaid.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-07-2020, 11:18 AM
yer right that Trumps no Jim Jones.

but you need to stop drinking Jim Jone's koolaid. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I'm not the one burying my head in the sand with these trillion dollar deficits fueled by tax breaks for the wealthy.

I'm not the one with white nationalists tendencies...
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'm not the one burying my head in the sand with these trillion dollar deficits fueled by tax breaks for the wealthy.

I'm not the one with white nationalists tendencies... Originally Posted by WTF

where was your head for 8 years of Obama?

lustylad's Avatar

Let's discuss... Originally Posted by WTF

No sense in a (sic) elongate (sic) response as you've indicated you're back in hibernation. Originally Posted by WTF

TRANSLATION: I pretended I wanted to discuss something I read in one of my left-wing ragsheets that was way over my fucking head. Now that tiny has replied with substance, I will wimp out because I have no substance with which to challenge him. Unless I cut and paste another libtard essay I don't understand. When it comes to economics I know diddlysquat!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-08-2020, 06:52 AM
TRANSLATION: I pretended I wanted to discuss something I read in one of my left-wing ragsheets that was way over my fucking head. Now that tiny has replied with substance, I will wimp out because I have no substance with which to challenge him. Unless I cut and paste another libtard essay I don't understand. When it comes to economics I know diddlysquat! Originally Posted by lustylad
No dickweed....were to read Tiny's response, he clearly indicated that he was doing a one shot wonder post.

So there was no room to debate. He post a few links which I did not open because he was not going to be around to even debate them.

Did you ever honor your bet with me on 3% GDP growth?
lustylad's Avatar
No dickweed....were (sic) to read Tiny's response, he clearly indicated that he was doing a one shot wonder post.

So there was no room to debate. He post (sic) a few links which I did not open because he always runs circles around me and I am tired of looking stupid all the time. Originally Posted by WTF
It's ok, we understand.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-08-2020, 05:32 PM
It's ok, we understand. Originally Posted by lustylad
You understand that you have to change my posts....which is basically like you having a stupid conversation with your stupid self.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You understand that you have to change my posts....which is basically like you having a stupid conversation with your stupid self. Originally Posted by WTF

yet you did post you didn't read any of tiny's links to his posts. here is your actual post ..

No dickweed....were to read Tiny's response, he clearly indicated that he was doing a one shot wonder post.

So there was no room to debate. He post a few links which I did not open because he was not going to be around to even debate them.

Did you ever honor your bet with me on 3% GDP growth? Originally Posted by WTF

that's a nice cop out. too lazy to educate yourself or at least consider the info presented by another poster? too bad .. you might have learned something .. for once.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
No dickweed....were to read Tiny's response, he clearly indicated that he was doing a one shot wonder post.

So there was no room to debate. He post a few links which I did not open because he was not going to be around to even debate them. Originally Posted by WTF

I'd say you're a yellow bellied coward for not taking up Tiny's challenge.

I'd say you're afraid that Tiny would one up you when and if he returns.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I'd say you're a yellow bellied coward for not taking up Tiny's challenge.

I'd say you're afraid that Tiny would one up you when and if he returns. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

To Tiny, (when and if he returns)

Love the billionaire bucks flooding the 2020 elections? Thank Charles Koch

Archives show that Koch funding for the Libertarian party helped subsidize the legal effort that resulted in the infamous Buckley v Valeo decision, which equated spending money with free speech.

Buckley also created a loophole that allowed David Koch to self-fund his campaign for vice-president in 1980, establishing perhaps one of the most extreme examples of privilege in politics today: most Americans can’t afford to max out in campaign contributions, but a couple of billionaire white guys have what amounts to a supreme court-divined right to spend an unlimited amount on their own elections.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
To Tiny, (when and if he returns)

Love the billionaire bucks flooding the 2020 elections? Thank Charles Koch

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

as usual you go off on a tangent .. and a unrelated one at that. but that's the way you roll yeah?

so "woke"poster .. let's see your tangent on this

so hipkat .. is the black community "woke" to the unlimited potential of capitalism or content to remain enslaved by the social welfare of Bernie? you do know .. that Bernie CANNOT EVER lift anyone, minority or not .. into true prosperity yeah? why? because socialism by design lowers everyone to the least common economic denominator of success while capitalism offers all but infinite economic success for all. even you "woke" hipkat.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
as usual you go off on a tangent ..

The topic of the thread is about income inequality. So . . .
suck it. And, should I feel so lucky that you troll me?

and a [sic] unrelated one at that. but that's the way you roll yeah?

so "woke"poster .. let's see your tangent on this

so hipkat .. is the black community "woke" to the unlimited potential of capitalism

Exploitation is not home to one race or creed. If you value money and success over overall existence, you are not in it for the long run. Short momey.

or content to remain enslaved by the social welfare of Bernie?

Social services serve more than just the short term. Eventually, less needy citizens become the norm. The more there are people willing to step on the throat of those just barely getting by, the more there will be people just getting by.

you do know .. that Bernie CANNOT EVER lift anyone, minority or not .. into true prosperity yeah? why? because socialism by design lowers everyone to the least common economic denominator of success while capitalism offers all but infinite economic success for all.

You're stupid. Oops. Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. The rules don't allow it.

How can a system that "lowers everyone to the least common economic denominator" work? That's not what happens. Those at the bottom do not sink lower with everyone. You say a rising tide lifts all ships. I say, let's level the playing field.

even you "woke" hipkat. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Those at the crest of the tide further separate themselves. In our view, the waves are less treacherous. More level and calm.

P.S. Getting drunk waiting for UFC.

So, bina, have your say.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
as usual you go off on a tangent ..

The topic of the thread is about income inequality. So . . .
suck it. And, should I feel so lucky that you troll me?

so you deride the Koch brothers for using their wealth to promote conservative views but say nothing about wealthy liberals like Georgie Soros for doing the same for uber liberal/socialist views. there's a word for that ..


and a [sic] unrelated one at that. but that's the way you roll yeah?

so "woke"poster .. let's see your tangent on this

so hipkat .. is the black community "woke" to the unlimited potential of capitalism

Exploitation is not home to one race or creed. If you value money and success over overall existence, you are not in it for the long run. Short momey.

overall existence of whom? welfare bums or those who value success in the long run? do you dislike the concept of generational wealth? does it NOT promote success in future generations??

or content to remain enslaved by the social welfare of Bernie?

Social services serve more than just the short term. Eventually, less needy citizens become the norm. The more there are people willing to step on the throat of those just barely getting by, the more there will be people just getting by.

the more you steal from those who succeed to prop up those who will not try to succeed the more you drag down everyone. is this equality or slavery?

you do know .. that Bernie CANNOT EVER lift anyone, minority or not .. into true prosperity yeah? why? because socialism by design lowers everyone to the least common economic denominator of success while capitalism offers all but infinite economic success for all.

You're stupid. Oops. Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. The rules don't allow it.

How can a system that "lowers everyone to the least common economic denominator" work? That's not what happens. Those at the bottom do not sink lower with everyone. You say a rising tide lifts all ships. I say, let's level the playing field.

proof you know not what you speak of. the very definition of socialism precludes individual success in favor of marginalizing everyone. that is not a level playing field to succeed. it is an imposed handicap on all. no one succeeds in socialism.

even you "woke" hipkat.

Those at the crest of the tide further separate themselves. In our view, the waves are less treacherous. More level and calm.

i dare yous to take the TWK challenge. the next time you see some panhandler, instead of ENABLING their marginal existence by giving them a few schillings for a bottle of ripple .. offer them $50 to do some yard work for a few hours. see how many really want to be uplifted .. or not. you'll lose that bet 9 out of 10 times. i know .. i've tried it and not out of any compassion for those who aren't as successful as me .. to prove why i'm successful and they aren't.
bambino's Avatar
I'm not the one burying my head in the sand with these trillion dollar deficits fueled by tax breaks for the wealthy.

I'm not the one with white nationalists tendencies... Originally Posted by WTF
Aren’t you an “old white guy”? Your words, not mine. And aren’t you incredibly rich? So why do you denigrate yourself? It doesn’t make sense. But, we know you’re a liar. A troll. You’re old and white. But broke, fat, limp and stupid. You’re the senior version of Flounder.