So guys, what do you mean when you say "not a clock watcher"?

With all due respect, the time to ask a guy if he wants to extend his time IS NOT when he is standing there with a hard on. The old saying "a hard dick has no conscience" always rings true.

He may not be as big of an ass hole as many are making him out to be, and you are certainly no clock watcher.

Sometimes it is best to leave a situation as best you can, he was a cad for taking your time with no compensation, but you could have taken the high ground and just let it slide, especially if he was due to be a repeat customer, who by all accounts, would not let this happen again.

The fact that he did finally make good is a plus, but a real Gentleman would have done that without, as you said, all of the extra haggling.

Just remember, even though this is the 'hobby', and the Ladies are strictly business, men tend to be really stupid when it comes to thinking while in the heat of passion.
I have never had a refund asked of me, bc I'm super low volume and only make a clock visible if THEY have to leave at a certain time. However, I have had a friend see me over several visits and always leave 20-35 mins early by HIS choice. He always booked an hour, even though for him I offered 1/2 hr rate bc he never took the full time. After several appts, he sent me an email describing exactly how early he left each appointment and how that calculated into a FREE appt. I'm not trying to hijack the thread bc I know it's about female clock watchers, however, I would consider any hobbyist asking for a refund due to leftover time (when the provider makes it well known they can stay) to be poor etiquette.
Originally Posted by atxdream
Ha! I would have replied to that email with a lovely picture of my ass he can kiss for free for having the nerve to ask for a free appointment. I bet he thought he was so clever. As soon as you walk out of the door satisfied all hopes of any refunds go out the door with you.