STILL LOOKING "Im old, overweight, have no male goods to speak of so I make myself feel better picking on others thread"

fun2come's Avatar
Lol @f2c baaaabe did it go to ur head when I told u that u look like he-man? Originally Posted by NikkiWhite
Queen of Kegels and Ping Pong Balls: You know I just want to stay He-Man ... So I thought it was a legit question, sort of preventive care you know ...
tarangtarang's Avatar
In one of replies of the original poster, the poster claims that the hobbyists enjoy the person's assets, so why give a fuck about the Y chromosome, which is something that no one can even see.

I would like to argue against it. Imagine a hobbyist being told that a person of a particular gender would suck the hobbyist's genitals through the glory hole. However, the person doing the sucking is of the opposite gender than what was expected. It is not justified to claim that the sensual experience (visual and auditory being zero) was enjoyable, thus one should not give a fuck about which chromosome is behind the wall.

The original poster is free to identify with a particular gender, claim to be whatever they want, but cannot demand others look beyond the chromosome. Most/some may look beyond it, but this cannot be demanded.
harkontume's Avatar
Brandy, just be sure you realize that feeding the trolls only encourages them.

You are feeding the trolls here. Originally Posted by GneissGuy
Who is the troll here. Longtime members? Or apparently spoiled mixed up Post op Transsexual from out of state who Demands acceptance of his spoiled mixed up lifestyle and "Medical Condition"?

Who is the troll? Who needs attention? Why is it when a person is losing a online argument and having his/her views challenged they are then victims of TROLLS?

Who is the troll here?
Maybe the one who used such terms as old , fat, with little penis?
Made vague threats about his Glock?

He has the right to think of himself as a woman .
He does NOT have the right to DEMAND anyone else think of him as a woman.
He does have the right to argue and defend his position .
He does not have the right to DEMAND we agree with him.
Mr.Crowley's Avatar
I'm thinking the guy who's only post lately are only concerned with feeding trolls.
You know, the whole Who smelt it dealt it syndrome?
Has anyone else seen any of these so called trolls?